
Registration of a branch in Kazakhstan opens doors to a world of new opportunities for entrepreneurs. After all, Kazakhstan is not just a country, it is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which provides some advantages for doing business. Imagine the free movement of goods, services, capital and labor in a huge market with a population of over 180 million people. Such prospects for growth and increased profits are difficult to overestimate.

Yet that is not the entirety. Kazakhstan can allure with its sophisticated infrastructure, which occupies a pivotal role for overseas investors. Contemplate this: global railways and thoroughfares linking Europe and Asia will enable you to streamline logistics procedures and diminish conveyance expenditures. For enterprises engaged in commerce and manufacturing, this is one of the quintessential elements for triumph.

Kazakhstan likewise proffers overseas enterprises alluring fiscal stipulations. The revenue levy proportion is 20% - this is a contending numeral in the vicinity. And in special economic zones (SEZs) asupplementary tax incentives are conferred, encompassing absolution from revenue levy for up to a decade and diminished VAT quotas. This is not merely a prospect to alleviate your fiscal encumbrance, it is a veritable method to amplify the lucrativeness of your commerce.

Therefore, establishment of a satellite in Kazakhstan - this is your tactical maneuver towards the continued advancement of the entity. You will obtain entry to novel arenas, be capable of economizing levies, enhance conveyance, and fabricate enduring circumstances for the expansion and progression of your enterprise.

Legal aspects of opening a branch

Branch registration: basic requirements and procedures

Inception of a firm offshoot in Kazakhstan – this is not merely a formality, but a crucial strategic maneuver. The offshoot will execute roles akin to the progenitor company, encompassing mercantile endeavors and revenue generation. In contrast to an offshoot, a liaison bureau is confined solely to representative duties and lacks the authorization to partake in mercantile undertakings.

The enrolment protocol commences with tendering a dossier of manuscripts to the Department of Jurisprudence of Kazakhstan. Subsequent to scrutinizing the parchments, the offshoot is allocated a mercantile identification cipher (MIC), which is indispensable for executing any enterprise within the nation.

Documents required for branch registration

To ensure the outpost in Kazakhstan functions impeccably, you will require an assortment of particular documents. Here’s what is necessary:

  • Sanctioned duplicates of the charter of the progenitor corporation, rendered into Kazakh or Russian. These manuscripts are your business card, which you cannot do without.
  • Sanctioned duplicates of the attestation of sovereign enlistment of the progenitor corporation (OGRN) and the attestation of enrollment with the fiscal authority (TIN).
  • An excerpt from the Monolithic State Ledger of Juridical Entities (USRLE), corroborating the present standing of the corporation.
  • Sanctioned delegations of proxy for a subsidiary envoy empowered to endorse manuscripts and represent the prerogatives of the progenitor corporation in Kazakhstan.
  • Sanctioned duplicates of travel documents of the chiefs of the progenitor corporation and the designated chief of the subsidiary, authenticate the persona of those who will administer your enterprise.

Do not disregard that for all juridical entities and offshoots functioning in Kazakhstan, a business identification number (BIN) is mandated. This numeral is your beacon in the realm of fiscal and pecuniary affiliations.

Conditions for the legal address of the division

To your bough in Kazakhstan obtained sanctioned "abode", it is requisite to enlist a juridical locus. This locus can be either a leased bureau or your personal quarters - the paramount matter is that it conforms to all statutory stipulations and is inscribed with the fiscal authorities.

The lawful domicile plays a pivotal role in official correspondence and notifications, as well as when enrolling with tax authorities and other governmental agencies. Envision this as the sanctioned letterbox of your branch, through which all momentous documents and messages transit.

If you lease a locale, you will necessitate presenting an attested lease accord - a documentation affirming your entitlement to utilize this domicile. If the locale is your possession, you will require documents verifying ownership.

Timing and cost of branch registration

Enrollment of a corporation branch in Kazakhstan is an expedition in which every manuscript counts. The timing of enrollment hinges on the precision and entirety of the manuscripts furnished, as well as on consummation of all requisite protocols. On average, this stirring procedure consumes from 12 to 18 workdays.

The expenditure of enrolling a branch is a fusion of diverse constituents. It encompasses remuneration of state levies and notary amenities for authentication of manuscripts. Estimated expenditure of initiating a branch in Kazakhstan fluctuates from 650 to 1100 USD, contingent on the intricacy of manuscript formulation and the obligation for their conversion and validation. Don't disregard that supplementary expenses may encompass leasing a lawful domicile and jurisprudential advisors.

Taxation and accounting of the branch

Inauguration of a firm outpost in Kazakhstan is not merely a pivotal determination, but also a weighty pecuniary examination. In order for the outpost to operate suitably, it is imperative to adhere to all fiscal and bookkeeping stipulations prescribed by the jurisprudence of the land. In this milieu, one of the foremost prerequisites is to enroll with the fiscal functionaries and procure a business identification number (BIN) - a species of credential for enterprise. One cannot subsist sans it to legally transact commerce in Kazakhstan.

The principal tributes that a limb headquarters will have to compensate encompass diverse pivotal constituents. Revenue duty, at a usual degree of 20%, is imperative to verify you're abiding by the regulations. Added worth duty (VAT) at a degree of 12% is a sort of admittance fee to the economic club of Kazakhstan. If the deal's scale outstrips the established boundary, the limb is mandated to enlist as a VAT remitter. Civic duty at a degree of 9.5%, which is disbursed on the wage bill of limb workers, is a stake in social prosperity.

The limb's bookkeeping must adhere to international financial reporting standards (IFRS) or native standards endorsed in Kazakhstan. The limb is mandated to proffer quarterly and annual tariff comebacks, along with reports on communal dues and retirement outlays.

Enrollment of a offshoot in Kazakhstan – this is your trajectory to novel opportunities. With the rectitude approach and heed to particulars, conformity with all formalities and stipulations will enable you to efficiently administer your enterprise and streamline fiscal outlays, unlatching the portal to triumphant enlarging your enterprise in Kazakhstan.

Organizational aspects

Appointment of the head of the branch and his powers

Inauguration of a branch in Kazakhstan - this is not merely a bureaucratic ritual, but a strategic move that demands the designation of a proficient leader. This individual will assume the helm of your "vessel", overseeing the branch and guaranteeing all undertakings are executed. The executive is nominated by the parent corporation and operates under the authority of the mandate bestowed upon them.

The manager's powers are extensive and include:

  • Executing contracts and other juridical manuscripts on behalf of the branch: Whether sizable transactions or diminutive accords, each manuscript necessitates a distinct autograph of the accountable individual.
  • Supervision of pecuniary and personnel affairs: from the accurate allocation of the budget to adjudicating concerns with personnel - all this is within his jurisdiction.
  • Advocating the concerns of the division in government bodies and courts: when you need to safeguard the privileges of the division or engage with the authorities, the overseer is your advocate and your countenance.
  • Ensuring that the division adheres to the mandates of the law and internal decrees of the parent company: supervise conformity with all statutes and directives to evade penalties and other adversities.

The chief of the branch must not only be a seasoned administrator, but also possess adequate prerogative to enact operational determinations. The designation of an administrator is formalized by a decree from the progenitor enterprise and an authorization endorsed by a notary public.

Hence, selecting a branch overseer is not merely an administrative action, but a pivotal determination that can ascertain the triumph of your enterprise in Kazakhstan. Ensure this individual possesses all the requisite attributes and erudition to proficiently administer and accomplish your objectives.

The main functions of the branch and their correspondence to the activities of the parent company

Establishment of a corporation limb in Kazakhstan enables the progenitor corporation to execute a diverse array of roles akin to those executed at the principal domicile. The primary roles of a limb may encompass:

  • Manufacture and vendition of commodities or amenities;
  • Finalization of compacts and parleys with counterparts;
  • Monetary stewardship and bookkeeping;
  • Arrangement of merchandising and publicizing crusades;
  • Staffing administration and upkeep of toil affiliations.

The limb functions within the framework of authorities delegated by the progenitor corporation and is obligated to adhere to all internal decrees and norms. His labor must be congruous with the aims and stratagem of the progenitor corporation, ensuring efficacious oversight and attainment of commercial objectives.

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Financial aspects

Estimating the costs of opening and maintaining a branch

Inauguration of a corporate annex in Kazakhstan necessitates meticulous evaluation of expenditures at diverse junctures, starting from the enrollment procedure to the sustenance of annex activities. Principal expenditures encompass:

Registration costs

Expense of enrolling a firm limb in Kazakhstan is approximately 800 - 1,300 US dollars. This sum covers state charges, notarial works for attestation of writings and expenses for rendition of writings. For instance, notarization of duplicates of the fundamental law, OGRN, TIN and other writings can be priced from 130 to 400 US dollars, depending on the bulk of documents and the necessity to interpret them into Kazakh or Russian.

Legal address

Acquiring a lawful domicile for enrolling a division is a prerequisite. Bureau lease expenditures can vary from $115 to $460 monthly contingent on site and lease stipulations. Occasionally, a singular domicile might suffice for enrollment objectives, thereby curbing expenses.

Operating expenses

The expenditures of upholding a limb encompass remunerating laborers, domicile rental, utilities, levies, and sundry accustomed outlays. Mean laborer compensations may diverge contingent on status and credentials, but normally fluctuate from $345 to $1,150 per lunar cycle.

Budgeting and planning of financial activities of the branch

Efficient pecuniary allocation and projection of the fiscal undertakings of a subdivision are pivotal elements for triumphant commerce. Pivotal measures encompass:

  • Drafting a commercial blueprint

Prior to enrolling a corporate offshoot in Kazakhstan, it is imperative to craft an intricate commercial blueprint encompassing a market delineation, rival scrutiny, revenue and outlay prognostications, and an expansion scheme.

  • Identifying origins of funding

It is essential to identify how the operations of the offshoot will be funded - from the progenitor company’s proprietary funds, banking advances, luring stakeholders or alternative reservoirs.

  • Budgeting

The economizing must encompass all conjectural proceeds and outlays of the section, encompassing running and asset outlays. It is pivotal to possess a reservoir capital for unforeseen outlays.

  • Direction and computation

Routine supervision of economizing achievement and registering of all pecuniary transactions are indispensable necessities for efficient fiscal guidance. To execute this, you ought to employ computation and announcement mechanization platforms.

Opening a bank account for a branch

For conducting financial transactions in Kazakhstan your branch will need a bank account that will become the center of all cash flows. Opening an account is a multi-stage process that requires the preparation of a certain set of documents, but the result justifies all the formalities.

Documents for opening an account for a business in Kazakhstan

To create a bank account, you must provide the following documents:

  • Certified constituent documents of the parent company (charter, state registration certificate, TIN, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities).
  • A certified power of attorney for a branch representative authorized to create an account and sign bank documents.
  • Certified copies of passports of the head of the branch and representatives with the right of first signature.

Procedure for certifying a sample signature

Certification of a sample signature is a mandatory step for legitimate opening of a corporate account in Kazakhstan and ensuring the security of financial transactions. This procedure includes several steps:

  • Preparation of documents: the branch representative collects all necessary documents, including powers of attorney and passports.
  • Visit to a notary: A branch representative visits a notary to verify the authenticity of documents and certify sample signatures to be used for banking transactions.
  • Submitting documents to the bank: after certification, all documents are transferred to the bank. The bank conducts a check and, if all documents meet the requirements, opens an account.

Opening of a branch in Kazakhstan requires careful preparation and attention to financial details. With a properly designed bank account, you will provide your business with a reliable financial foundation, which will allow you to minimize risks and focus on development and achieving new heights.

Potential risks when opening a branch in Kazakhstan

Opening of a company branch in Kazakhstan may be accompanied by various risks that must be taken into account for successful business. One of the key risks is legal regulation. The laws of Kazakhstan may differ significantly from the laws of your country, so it is important to carefully review local laws and regulations. Non-compliance with or ignorance of these laws can result in fines, administrative sanctions or even suspension of the branch's activities.

Bureaucracy is an inevitable accompaniment of the registration process. Collection and submission of documents, their certification and translation can become a significant administrative barrier. Errors in documentation, delays in processing, or changes in requirements may increase registration times and incur additional costs.

The economic situation in the country can also affect your business. Exchange rate fluctuations, inflation and other economic uncertainties can create financial difficulties when registration of a business branch in Kazakhstan. Currency risks associated with changes in the exchange rate between the tenge and the currency of the parent company can become an additional headache for companies operating in international markets.

The political situation is another factor that cannot be ignored. Changes in country policies, new legislation or changes in taxation can make it difficult to do business. Political instability may introduce new regulatory requirements or restrictions, affecting your branch's financial performance.

Socio-cultural differences can be a challenge. Ignorance of local traditions, customs and business ethics can lead to misunderstandings with partners and clients, which will negatively affect the company's reputation and complicate the establishment of business relationships. It is important to consider cultural considerations when hiring local staff and managing employees.

Infrastructure and logistics can also bring surprises. Although Kazakhstan is actively developing infrastructure, some regions may face difficulties with logistics, transport and access to resources. This can cause delivery delays, increase costs and reduce branch efficiency.

Environmental regulations are another aspect that requires attention. Failure to comply with environmental requirements, when functioning of the company's branch in Kazakhstan, may result in fines and other sanctions, as well as negatively impact the company's reputation. It is important to take into account environmental aspects when planning the activities of a branch and ensure compliance with all regulations.

Human resource management also involves certain risks. Difficulties in recruiting qualified personnel and complying with labor laws can create additional problems. Ignorance of local requirements for employment contracts, wages and social guarantees can lead to conflicts with employees and regulatory authorities. It is important to correctly draw up employment contracts and provide decent working conditions for employees.

Thus, opening of a company branch in Kazakhstan is associated with various risks that can significantly affect the success of the business. To minimize these risks, it is necessary to carefully prepare, study local legislation, economic and political conditions, take into account cultural characteristics and establish effective branch management. This will allow you to successfully conduct business in Kazakhstan and minimize possible negative consequences.


Opening of a company branch in Kazakhstan is a strategic decision that can significantly expand business horizons and provide new opportunities for growth. Registering a branch requires careful preparation and consideration of many aspects, including legal, financial and organizational issues.

Kazakhstan offers many benefits to foreign companies, but it is also important to consider potential risks. For example, legal and economic risks may include changes in legislation and currency fluctuations. Political and socio-cultural risks are associated with the local political situation and characteristics of personnel management. Regional and infrastructural factors also play an important role in successful business.

Despite these risks, Kazakhstan offers investors favorable conditions, such as tax benefits, strategic location and developing infrastructure. With proper preparation and a competent approach opening a branch in Kazakhstan can be a key step towards international success and sustainable development of your business.

Our organization’s specialists are ready to provide all the necessary information and full support during registration of a branch in Kazakhstan. Contact us in a convenient way for you from the "Contacts" section.