
Vanuatu develops an increasingly attractive jurisdiction for companies seeking to conduct Security Token Offerings (STOs). Its liberal approach to financial regulation combined with a stringent adherence to international AML/CTF standards has positioned the nation as a preferred destination for innovative startups looking to leverage blockchain technology to raise capital.

The key Vanuatu regulator —

the Financial Services Commission, serves as the sole body overseeing all STO issuances in the country. The VFSC is highly responsive to new approaches within the fintech space and espouses a transparent framework to vet prospective token issuers. The relative ease of attaining approval for an STO issuance allows companies to dedicate resources to bolstering operational capacity rather than navigating bureaucratic obstacles.

Beyond accommodative regulators, Vanuatu offers extremely favourable tax conditions to further incentivise STO issuers. The jurisdiction implements no taxes on capital gains or foreign-sourced income, ensuring companies can maximise fundraising potential. Strict KYC and AML requirements additionally provide comfort to international investors around the legitimacy of STO issuance.

What is an STO licence in Vanuatu?

STOs have emerged as an innovative intersection of blockchain technology and traditional finance. At its core, a STO involves the issuance of cryptographic tokens classified as digital securities. These tokens digitally represent ownership interests in an underlying asset, conferring rights akin to those enjoyed by shareholders, bondholders or derivative holders.

STOs integrate heightened investor protections reflective of conventional securities. Stringent legal requirements around disclosure, compliance, eligibility, and distribution provide a structured pathway for companies to leverage blockchain efficiencies in capital raising.

Vanuatu has cultivated a regulatory environment conducive to STO issuances. Rather than applying conservative interpretations of existing financial legislation, Vanuatu regulators have adopted responsive frameworks attuned to blockchain innovation. This facilitates straightforward navigations for companies leveraging STOs as an alternative fundraising mechanism.

However, while STO regulations in Vanuatu remain business-friendly, stringent adherence to international AML and KYC standards persists. Rigorous investor checks and transaction monitoring requirements aim to balance facilitation of STO innovation with commitments to global compliance.

Ultimately, Vanuatu provides an optimal launchpad for reputable companies seeking to explore the possibilities of asset tokenization. The nation’s balance of permissiveness and oversight situates it as a leading jurisdiction for the confluence of blockchain efficiencies and securities law. Armed with expertise around STO mechanics and compliance nuances, companies can capitalize on an incentivised ecosystem.

STOs vs. ICOs

Companies seeking to leverage blockchain efficiencies in capital raising can choose between two predominant models – Initial Coin or Security Token offerings. While superficially similar, salient distinctions in legal classifications, investor eligibility, rights conferment and disclosure obligations warrant consideration.

From a compliance perspective, STOs are legally categorized as securities. Stringent regulatory frameworks around issuance, distribution and reporting subsequently apply. In contrast, most ICOs involve the generation of utility tokens not subject to securities legislation. This enables greater structural flexibility but exposes investors to heightened risk.

Investor eligibility also diverges between STOs and ICOs. Mirroring conventional securities, STOs limit participation to accredited or sophisticated investors. However, ICOs permit token acquisition by the wider public absent financial prerequisites. While more accessible, retail investors may struggle to conduct adequate due diligence around unfamiliar blockchain projects.

Additionally, the nature of rights attached to tokens differs substantially. STOs digitally represent ownership interests, entitling holders to potential dividends, profit shares and governance influence. ICO tokens instead usually provide utility functions like platform access without ownership privileges.

Finally, securities classifications mandate rigorous transparency and disclosures from STO issuers throughout the capital raising process. Investor protections are far less stringent for most ICOs, requiring investors to undertake independent due diligence.

Companies contemplating fundraising avenues in Vanuatu must weigh up these trade-offs in determining the suitability of STO issuance. While more operationally demanding than ICOs, STOs provide verified investors with more meaningful asset exposure under formal regulatory purview.

Financial licence classifications under Vanuatu’s regulatory framework

Vanuatu operates a tiered licensing framework for financial services providers under the Finance Dealers Licensing Act. Entities seeking to offer capital raising, asset trading or other financial services must obtain authorization from the VFSC in one of four licence categories:

Class A

Enables dealing and advising services related to securities including debentures, bonds, and certificates of deposit. Foreign exchange trading activities also fall under this licence class.

Class B

Provides for services involving futures, derivatives, and other leveraged products such as options and warrants. Enables licensed providers to structure, sell and advise on these instruments.

Class C

Covers equities trading, commodities broking, and services related to share and debenture rights issuances. Allows licence holders to raise capital through equity and debt securities.

Class D

Introduced for providers of digital asset and blockchain-related financial services. In addition to Classes A, B and C permissions, enables activities linked to intangible or blockchain-based asset dealings, exchanges and custodial functions.

The multi-class framework provides flexibility for providers to obtain licences corresponding to intended activities and offerings. As one of the pioneers of blockchain regulation globally, Vanuatu’s adoption of the Class D licence consolidates its position as a preferred destination for innovative crypto-financial services.

Vanuatu's STO licence application

Companies seeking to licence STO in Vanuatu must first obtain approval from the VFSC. The following outlines the core application steps:

  1. Company incorporation in Vanuatu
    • The first requirement involves formally registering a Vanuatu entity to serve as the STO issuer. Applicants should ensure robust operating capacity to responsibly administer the offering.
  2. Personnel appointments
    • Designated senior executives must be nominated per governance and anti-money laundering regulations. These normally include Board Directors, a Chief Executive and dedicated Money Laundering Reporting Officers (MLROs).
  3. Preparing documentation
    • The company must prepare all documentation required under legal, regulatory and prudential standards. This includes proof of compliance frameworks, capitalization commitments and risk management provisions.
  4. Licence application submission
    • With prerequisite steps completed, companies can then apply for the required class licence permitting STO issuances and associated blockchain activities. The VFSC rigorously vets all submissions.

Throughout the process, stringent KYC/AML obligations apply. Ensuring exemplary compliance and reporting mechanisms are implemented remains imperative. Obtaining external legal counsel also proves beneficial when navigating nuanced regulatory approvals.

Available Vanuatu entity structures for STO issuance

Vanuatu provides a range of legal entity options for companies seeking to conduct STO issuances within its regulated framework. Determining appropriate corporate structuring constitutes an early strategic choice based on intended activities and jurisdictional considerations.

I. International Companies

They benefit from tax-exempt status on extraterritorial activities and flexible governance provisions. As such, they commonly serve as holding structures for global digital securities offerings without geographical restrictions. However, International Companies cannot operate in the territory of this jurisdiction.

II. Local Companies

They offer greater scope for in-country operations like stock exchanges under full legal purview. However, they face domestic tax liabilities and regulatory obligations. Local Companies suit STO issuers looking to predominantly target Vanuatu-based investors.

III. Partnerships

Such the frameworks allow joint ventures between individuals and corporate entities through contractual arrangements. Partnerships negotiate customized equity splits, capital commitments and distributions via binding agreements rather than articles of incorporation.

Overall, Vanuatu’s range of legal structures provides room to manoeuvre based on intended STO focus areas. Weighing up activity scopes and tax implications allows companies to determine appropriate legal forms specialized for bespoke token offering requirements.

Teams that steer Vanuatu STO ventures

Obtaining STO licences in Vanuatu mandates appointments of qualified directors and officers to govern issuer operations. Strategic structuring of executive teams proves critical in navigating nuanced compliance, fundraising, and blockchain integrations.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Leads setting and implementing strategic vision, responsible for holistic performance. CEO leverages industry networks and governance expertise to spur growth. Success hinges on adaptability to dynamic regulatory environments and market conditions.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Owns financial planning and reporting functions. CFO structuring of budgets, risk profiles and funding avenues underpins stable corporate stewardship. For STO issuers, robust modelling around crypto-economic designs and tokenomics adds significant value.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Heads adoption of technological infrastructure, including blockchain architecture and token platforms. CTOs lead security design, smart contract coding and integrations with external protocols/exchanges. Implementation of robust cybersecurity standards also falls under this remit.

Anti-Money Laundering Officer (AML Officer)

Leads execution of Know-Your-Customer (KYC) policies and transaction monitoring mechanisms as per international Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counterterrorism Financing (CTF) principles. Robust compliance deters illicit funding pathways.

Curating multidisciplinary leadership teams to inform strategic growth and governance crystallizes as a prerequisite to viable Vanuatu STO launches.

Vanuatu's STO licence documentation

Companies seeking STO licensure under Vanuatu jurisdiction must submit comprehensive documentation to the VFSC for review. Meticulous applications aligning with all evidentiary requirements prove imperative.

Mandatory inclusions incorporate:

  • Corporate info covering certification, governance structures, ownership particulars.
  • Business plans articulating operational scope, fundraising targets, growth strategies, projections.
  • Compliance manuals detailing integrated AML, CTF and KYC policies per international best practices.
  • Team credentials profiling the key personnel demonstrating requisite qualifications and industry expertise.
  • Financial statements auditing accounts substantiating adequate capitalization, liquidity and resourcing.

Upon lodgement, applications undergo rigorous evaluation across:

  • Documentary completeness – assessing fulfilment of all information prerequisites.
  • Compliance review – vetting KYC, AML and governance provisions.
  • Evaluating strength of operational capacity, capabilities, and credibility.

Dependent on submission quality, decision timeframes typically range from weeks to months. Consultative legal guidance proves beneficial when compiling materials.

Capitalization rules for STO licensees

Authorized capital

As of 2024, the VFSC mandates min. authorized capital of 500,000 USD for STO licence holders. This threshold substantiates the financial standing of issuers. Confirming capitalization also mitigates excessive leverage risks that could undermine tokens’ integrity.

Security deposit

Additionally, broad professional indemnity coverage must be held to insure against operational liabilities. As per VFSC Guidance Note 36, the protection levels are set at 40,000 USD per claim with total coverage 400,000 USD and maximum deductible at 4,000 USD.

By demonstrating adequate resourcing and risk protections, STO issuers bolster credibility according to VFSC regulators and prospective token holders.

Vanuatu’s competitive advantages as an STO jurisdiction

Vanuatu differentiates itself through systemic tax efficiencies, privacy safeguards and responsive bureaucratic processes to cement status as a preferred launchpad jurisdiction.

Tax regime

The zero-rate corporate tax structure conferring permanent exemptions on extraterritorial earnings provides major incentives for global digital securities offerings. This contrasts with tax rates across comparable European hubs like Switzerland (17-18%) and Malta (35%).

Regulatory posture

Vanuatu treads a prudent middle ground in crafting fluid yet rigorous STO governance to enable innovation. Rules privileging flexibility for businesses carry equal weight alongside investor protection and anti-illicit financing mechanisms mandated by global standard setters.

Privacy protection

Robust confidentiality provisions guard sensitive investor information as well as issuer data like ownership identities, unmatched outside offshore havens. However, reporting still facilitates compliance, contrasting with outright secrecy jurisdictions.

Administrative ease

Streamlined bureaus like the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission compress licensing approval timeframes through responsive digital processes and specializations in novel models like STO fundraising. This outperforms relatively convoluted bureaucracies commonplace across onshore jurisdictions.

In sum, marrying administrative convenience with business-friendly STO rules, privacy preservation and tax optimizing structures cements Vanuatu’s cost-effectiveness for global security token launches.

Risks in Vanuatu’s STO ecosystem

Despite Vanuatu’s initiatives cultivating a welcoming environment for STOs, some risks rooted primarily in its nascent regulatory posture warrant evaluation. Issuers should gauge associated risks in relation to prospective rewards.

As pioneering jurisdictions in crypto finance steer regulatory evolution, ambiguity around acceptable digital securities practices may precipitate framework pivots.

Perceptions of Vanuatu as an opaque offshore tax haven also persist in certain onshore jurisdictions. Preemptively embracing enhanced transparency measures could assist engaging external stakeholders and tempering lingering scepticism.

Equally, while privacy preservation offers benefits, STO operators must implement rigorous cybersecurity controls to satisfy growing data protection obligations as well as fortify against criminal infiltration. Aligning with global best practices would help overcome lingering industry distrust.

Lastly, while potentially furnishing gains for issuers and investors, emergent crypto-markets tied to STO also cultivate volatility risks. Risk management capabilities against sectoral unpredictability remains vital.

By proactively addressing areas of ambiguity, scepticism, cyber risk and market fluctuations, STO ventures in Vanuatu can capitalize on the jurisdiction’s strengths whilst safeguarding against structural uncertainties in a breeding ecosystem.


On balance, Vanuatu commands significant strategic potential as a launchpad for global STOs furnishing efficient pathways to issue blockchain-based digital securities.

Tax optimizing possibilities, privacy safeguarding, and streamlined licence approvals offer major savings for issuers seeking conventional crypto-related business routes. Positioning within a broader regulated environment also upholds investor protections.

However, as with trailblazing new domains, risks related to emergent legislation, data vulnerabilities, worldwide perceptions and crypto-market swings require minimization. Prioritizing flexibility, transparency, cybersecurity, and risk management provides vital risk insulation against these risks.

By embracing comprehensive preparations around regulation parsing, infrastructure security, reputation management and operational governance, the possibilities of STOs in Vanuatu become abundantly accessible.

Our specialized counsellors stand ready to illuminate the nuanced route towards compliant and value-accretive STO launches in Vanuatu. Please reach out to schedule an advisory session on the strategic, technical, and legal considerations for your prospective issuance.