If you intend to broaden the operations of your forex firm or investment fund, with the aim of reaching European markets and increasing your client base, acquiring a forex licence in Georgia could be a significant step. This strategic decision allows you to operate legally in European jurisdictions while enjoying a range of business benefits. Below is a detailed guide to understanding the advantages and requirements for obtaining a forex licence in Georgia.

Key licensing advantages

  1. Access to European markets
    • Georgia, as an associate member of the European Union, provides a pathway to a considerable market with approximately 450 million potential clients. This access opens up substantial business opportunities for growth and expansion.
  2. Stable and transparent jurisdiction
    • Georgia is recognised for its stable and transparent legal system. The regulatory framework is designed to be straightforward and reliable, minimising potential risks often associated with complex bureaucratic processes.
  3. Expedited licensing process
    • The process to obtain a forex licence in Georgia typically requires about 60 days. However, in certain circumstances, it can take up to six months. The average timeframe is between three and six months, which is relatively swift compared to other jurisdictions.


For companies registered in Georgia, including LLCs with non-resident founders, the following tax obligations apply:

  • The CIT rate is 15%. This is calculated on the difference between the company's income and its expenses. If you choose to reinvest profits rather than distributing dividends, income tax is not applicable. However, if you distribute dividends, a 15% corporate tax applies, along with a 5% tax on dividends, resulting in a total tax burden of 20%.
  • The standard VAT rate is 18%. However, VAT is required only when the company's annual turnover exceeds GEL 100K.
  • Employees' salaries are subject to a 20% income tax.

Obtaining a forex licence in Georgia can be an excellent strategic move for businesses seeking to expand into European markets. The relatively quick licensing process, coupled with the stability and transparency of the jurisdiction, make Georgia an attractive destination for business ventures. It is essential, however, to carefully consider the corporate tax implications and ensure compliance with local regulations to operate legally and efficiently.

Business structures

In Georgia, the two primary business structures for companies are JSCs and LLCs. Each has unique characteristics and suits different business needs. To make an informed decision, consider the fundamental differences between them, from the minimum authorised capital to governance structure and transparency requirements.





Minimum authorised capital is 1 GEL

Minimum authorised capital is 10K GEL

Capital structure

Capital is divided into shares as determined by the founding charter or partnership agreement

Capital is divided into shares, which can be either ordinary or preferred

Governance structure

Managed by a general meeting of members/shareholders, who appoint an executive body (e.g., director or general director)

Governed by a general meeting of shareholders, with a board of directors that elects an executive body (e.g., management board or general director)

Disclosure and transparency

Fewer disclosure requirements; minimal financial and operational data required

More extensive disclosure, including financial statements, share issuances, and other information

Complexity and oversight

Simple structure, fewer regulatory requirements

More complex governance with additional layers of oversight; greater regulatory compliance

While LLCs are the more common choice for businesses in Georgia due to their simplicity and lower maintenance costs, JSCs offer benefits in terms of liquidity and transparency. JSCs are generally suitable for larger enterprises seeking significant investment and public visibility, while LLCs are ideal for smaller businesses focused on flexibility and reduced regulatory burden.

Business activities

A dealer acts as an intermediary between clients and the international interbank forex market. The dealer provides clients with access to a trading platform for buying and selling currencies and sets its own exchange rate quotes. Revenue is typically generated through the spread between the dealer's quotes and the interbank market rates.

A broker acts as a liaison between clients and other forex dealers or brokers. Unlike a dealer, a broker does not set its own exchange rates, relying on the rates provided by other market participants. Brokers earn revenue through commissions on transactions and may offer additional services such as research and consultancy.

When choosing between these business activities, consider your company's capabilities, goals, and compliance requirements. The selection should align with your strategic business objectives and regulatory compliance.

Understanding the benefits of a forex licence in Georgia

A Forex licence in Georgia provides companies with the legal authority to conduct a variety of brokerage activities. Here's what a Forex licence allows you to do:

  1. With this licence, you can engage in a broad range of financial operations, including currency and securities trading, providing investment advice, and processing client orders for buying and selling financial assets.
  2. The licence enables you to offer consulting services, such as providing clients with information on Forex market trends, pricing policies, and transaction procedures. It also permits in-depth research into financial instruments and market analysis.
  3. Companies with a Forex licence can store and manage cash, securities, and other assets on behalf of clients, including conducting transactions for the purchase and sale of various financial assets.
  4. A licensed company can offer a variety of investment services, from portfolio management to advising clients on stocks, bonds, and other investment vehicles.
  5. With a Georgian Forex licence, you can operate within the country and internationally, allowing your company to work with a wide range of financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, and currencies.
  6. The licence grants you the ability to manage your clients' investment portfolios, providing comprehensive financial services.
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How to obtain a forex licence in Georgia

Acquiring a Forex licence in Georgia is relatively straightforward if you understand the requirements and steps involved. Here's a summary of the process:

  1. Register your Forex company as either an LLC or a JSC. Each has its advantages, as described earlier.
  2. Compile the necessary documents, including a notarized application containing your company's name, objectives, legal address, board and shareholder information, and authorised capital. Additionally, prepare the company's charter and confirm that your directors or board members have no prior convictions for property-related crimes.
  3. File your application with the National Service for Regulation of Financial Markets of Georgia. Include all supporting documents and pay the state fee to process your application.
  4. Ensure that your business meets the following criteria:
    • Min authorised capital for brokerage activities is 500K GEL (approximately $203K).
    • At least one member of your company's management team must be a Georgian resident.
    • Your directors and key employees must have clean criminal records.
    • Your company must maintain a physical office in Georgia.
    • Keep accurate accounting records and file tax returns on time.
    • Notify the National Bank of any significant business changes, such as liquidation, reorganization, or bankruptcy.
    • Ensure members of your firm's management team meet educational requirements.

By following these steps, you can successfully obtain a Forex licence in Georgia and establish a compliant and successful brokerage business. Legal assistance is recommended to ensure all requirements are met and the application process runs smoothly.

Legal framework for securities operations in Georgia

The Law "On the Securities Market" outlines the permissions granted by a licence to conduct a broad range of financial activities. Licensed firms can legally engage in the following operations:

  • offering guidance to investors on market trends, financial analysis, and strategic recommendations to aid in investment decisions;
  • managing a range of securities, including bonds, certificates, and other financial instruments;
  • providing storage, accounting, and management services for various securities;
  • conducting comprehensive research on issuers, financial instruments, and preparing detailed analytical reports;
  • assisting companies with capital raising and the issuance of securities;
  • processing client orders for securities trading, including stock exchange transactions;
  • managing different types of portfolios, such as investment or pension portfolios;
  • facilitating the organisation of primary and secondary markets;
  • conducting currency exchanges, including buying and selling currency;
  • providing secure storage and accounting services for funds and securities;
  • engaging in transactions related to shares in companies and various financial instruments as permitted by Georgian law.

TK Deal: a leading firm for forex licensing services

TK Deal is a prominent company specialising in providing comprehensive services for obtaining forex licences. The firm is distinguished by its extensive experience, professional expertise, and commitment to confidentiality and security.

Why choose TK Deal?

  • Expertise and experience: the team at TK Deal has significant experience in securing licences across various jurisdictions and possesses in-depth knowledge of Georgian legislation.
  • Professionalism: TK Deal's specialists are highly trained and competent, ensuring reliable and effective assistance throughout the licensing process.
  • Confidentiality and security: the firm prioritises the confidentiality and security of client information, ensuring a trustworthy service.

Services provided

TK Deal offers a complete suite of services for obtaining forex licences in Georgia:

  • Consultation services: TK Deal provides expert advice on all matters related to acquiring a Forex licence in Georgia.
  • Document preparation: the firm assists in preparing the necessary documentation required for a successful licence application.
  • Assistance throughout the licensing process: TK Deal offers support at every stage of obtaining a Forex licence, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

Are you ready to explore new business opportunities in the Georgian market? Get in touch with TK Deal, and our team will guide you through the process of obtaining a Forex licence and expanding your business operations.

Georgia is an ideal jurisdiction for Forex companies and investment funds looking to operate in Europe. Its favourable business climate and simplified licensing process make it a prime destination for companies seeking to grow and diversify their activities.