Registration of investment fund in Seychelles

The archipelago of Seychelles, nestled in the western Indian Ocean, is gradually becoming a desirable area for investment funds. Seychelles is a perfect combination of exotic beauty and high standards of finance. A stable economy, low tax rates and no capital controls make this territory attractive to investors from all over the world and one of the leading offshore centres.The goal of this dissertation is to delve extensively into the procedure of establishing an investment pool in Seychelles and furnish comprehensive intelligence to facilitate judicious choices in selecting a jurisdiction for your investment endeavors. The scrutiny will encompass the primary elements for establishing an investment pool in the domain, the obligatory paperwork, as well as the fiscal and regulatory particulars.

What is an investment fund?

A pecuniary consortium is a lawful entity that gathers pecuniary resources from patrons for subsequent investment in sundry monetary instruments in accordance with prearranged investment tactics.

The prime intent of the pecuniary consortium is to aggrandize the capital of the partakers through variegation of the investment folio and efficacious peril administration.

Capital accrual from benefactors

Pecuniary consortiums amass capital from partakers who procure portions or stakes of these consortiums. The amassed resources are utilized to procure an assortment of holdings, including immovable property, obligations, stakes, and other sorts of monetary instruments.

Investment tactics

Every pecuniary consortium formulates its individual investment tactics and goals. This might embrace both protracted and fleeting investments, dynamic holdings supervision, capital appreciation or earnings maneuvers, and investment allotment across diverse holdings and geographical regions.

Holding supervision and peril minimization

The consortium administration establishment is accountable for allotting the consortium's holdings in accordance with the entrenched investment tactics. This incorporates determinations to procure, vend, and retain holdings, along with measures to diminish peril and diversify the investment folio.

Transparency of procedures and disclosure

Pecuniary consortiums are mandated to recurrently apprise patrons about their revenue sources and pecuniary reserves, which ensures lucidity and authorizes partakers to oversee the effectiveness of the consortium administration tactic to make well-informed investment determinations.Consortiums tender partakers the occasion to diversify their investment folio, manage their resources adeptly, and access a variety of investment markets and openings.

Financial Sector Development in Seychelles

The history and evolution of the pecuniary sector in Seychelles harks back to its colonial legacy when it was under the sway of sundry European powers including France and the United Kingdom. This epoch was pivotal in moulding the fiscal infrastructure of the isles, with a stress on banking amenities, predominantly locally oriented.

Nevertheless, in the 1990s, the Seychelles administration commenced actively nurturing the offshore sector. This maneuver was impelled by the yearning to allure foreign investments and forge a propitious fiscal milieu in the isles. Tax privileges, negligible bureaucratic meddling, and other perquisites rendered Seychelles an appealing haven for international investors.

Across the decades, the Seychelles' pecuniary sector has become more heterogeneous and contemporary. Alongside banking amenities, asset administration amenities, investment funds, insurance, and other fiscal transactions commenced burgeoning. This progression has buttressed Seychelles' stance as a consequential offshore fiscal nucleus.

The part of international organisations in fortifying Seychelles' fiscal industry ought not to be disregarded. Vigorous collaboration with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank assumes a pivotal role in perpetuating the steadiness and lucidity of the archipelago's fiscal framework. Such collaboration heightens Seychelles' allure to global investors and augments the isles' stature as a noteworthy fiscal nexus in the Indian Ocean.

On the whole, the pecuniary sector in Seychelles persists in manifesting steadfast expansion and allure to depositors. The administration's strategies to further cultivate the offshore sector and broaden fiscal amenities might abet in augmenting capital inflows and bolstering Seychelles' stance as a pivotal fiscal centre in the region.

Significance of Seychelles as a locus for enrollment of investment funds

Seychelles is currently a beguiling jurisdiction for investment fund enrolment due to its steadfast economic, political milieu, and avant-garde legislation. The delineating import of Seychelles as a locale for the establishment of investment funds lies in the confluence of several seminal aspects:

  • Inconvenient topographical position
    • Positioned amidst Africa and Asia, Seychelles provides an unparalleled chance to reach two vibrant economies, acting as a nexus between capital investors and investment potentials in these regions.
  • Politico Socio Economic equilibrium
    • The Seychelles is distinguished by its steadfast economic and political milieu, guaranteeing a minimal degree of hazard for investment.
  • Adaptable governance
    • Seychelles' legal framework enables the establishment of investment funds of varied configurations, granting investors the liberty to arrange their setup to align with their particular aims.
  • Easy and accessible registration and licensing procedures
    • The procedure of establishing investment pools in Seychelles is distinguished by its efficacy and negligible duration as well as pecuniary expenditures.
  • Attractive pecuniary stratagem
    • The Seychelles pecuniary stratagem furnishes notable prerogatives for investment funds, comprising exemptions from revenue and capital accretion toll, rendering it propitious to cosmopolitan investors.
  • Augmented vigilance to the safeguarding of idiosyncratic erudition
    • Seychelles accords great stress on privacy safeguarding, affording robust juridical shelter for erudition concerning fund proprietors and investors.
  • Adherence to universal benchmarks
    • The nation zealously collaborates with international conglomerates and adheres to universal benchmarks in financial amenities adjudication, thereby buttressing its prestige as a dependable jurisdiction.
  • Availableness of adroit amenities
    • An extensive array of adroit amenities are accessible in Seychelles, encompassing juridical, pecuniary, scrutiny, and governance amenities, provisioning comprehensive succor for the functioning of investment funds.

The conjunction of the aforementioned facets renders Seychelles one of the most captivating jurisdictions for establishing investment funds. Fiscal predilections, pliant regulation, exalted degree of secrecy, constancy and worldwide acknowledgment, accessibility of adept services and strategic locality all allure international investors endeavoring to optimize their investments and safeguard them globally.

Statutory structure for the oversight of investment pools in Seychelles

In Seychelles, pecuniary pools are regulated by a multiplicity of enactments that furnish the statutory structure for their enrollment, functioning, and oversight.

Mutual Funds and Hedge Fund Act

The Mutual Funds and Hedge Funds Act governs communal assets, hedge coffers, and alternative sorts of collective investments in Seychelles. It delineates regulations for the registration, functioning, stewardship, and oversight of investment coffers, and institutes prerequisites for stewardship firms and trustees.

Securities Act

The Securities Act establishes decrees and ordinances for the governance of securities, investment pools, and sundry pecuniary implements in Seychelles. It delineates the prerequisites for the enrollment and functioning of investment pools and institutes protocols for the issuance and barter of securities.

Companies (Special Licences) Act

The Companies Act, which governs the dispensation of permits for particular sectors of commerce, encompassing the administration of investment pools in Seychelles, delineates the requisites for acquisition and upholding thereof, and prescribes sanctions for transgressions of the pertinent regulations.

International Business Companies Act

The International Business Companies Act governs transnational corporations, encompassing investment fund stewardship enterprises. The Statute delineates the enrollment methodologies and functioning of transnational enterprises, conferring upon them specific prerogatives and advantages.

These fragments of law afford the statutory structure for the oversight of investment pools in the archipelago, elucidating the regulations for their inception, stewardship, enrollment, and oversight. They add to the persistence, clarity, and efficacy of the monetary sector in Seychelles, and in the milieu of guaranteeing the lawfulness and safeguarding of the concerns of stakeholders in monetary dealings.

The role of local regulatory authorities

The predominant function in overseeing the investment sector in Seychelles is executed by the Financial Services Authority of Seychelles (FSA), which possesses extensive authorities to grant licenses, enroll, and oversee investment funds and management entities. To thoroughly comprehend the FSA's influence on the sector, it is imperative to scrutinize its aims, authorities, and modalities of operation.

Functions and powers of the FSA

  1. Licensing and registration documents
    • The Federal Security Agency (FSA) is accountable for the licensure and enrollment of investment pools and managerial firms in Seychelles, conducting inspections to ascertain that the inaugural manuscripts, commercial blueprints, and hazard mitigation methodologies fulfill the stipulated standards.
  2. Observation and superintendence
    • The Commission possesses perpetual surveillance of licensed funds, encompassing scrutiny of their pecuniary robustness, adherence to investment methodologies and protocols, and conformity with statutory regulations.
  3. Governance
    • The FSA develops and implements regulations governing investment funds in Seychelles, including accounting, reporting, auditing and transparency and disclosure requirements.
  4. Averting transgressions of investors' entitlements
    • Safeguarding the entitlements and concerns of investors is also amidst the Commission's obligations, encompassing taking measures against chicanery and inequitable maneuvers, as well as regulating contentions between investors and fund overseers.
  5. Involvement with global associations
    • The FSA energetically collaborates with international overseers and associations, disseminating information, refining regulatory methodologies, and aiding in combating transnational financial malfeasance.

FSA's methods of operation

  • Audits. Methodical perquisitions and unanticipated perquisitions of the fiscal proclamations, archives, and comportments of the investment funds are executed to ensure that they adhere to the prescribed ordinances and criteria.
  • Consultancy and instruction. Administering pedagogic endeavors such as colloquies, cyber-seminars, and advisements for market emissaries with the intention of fortifying their cognizance of regulatory advancements and superlative methodologies.
  • Stakeholder engagement. Elaboration of the regulatory edifice considering the viewpoints and recommendations of agents of the investment society, juridical and consulting firms, and transnational savants.
  • Application of sanctions. Enactment of penalties, cessation, or abrogation of charters of Seychelles investment funds and managerial establishments for contravention of regulatory requisites and statutes.

The function of the Seychelles Financial Commission in the administration of investment funds is unquestionably paramount and manifold. The efficacious operation of this regulatory entity not only fosters perspicuity and surety of investments in the archipelago but also entices extraneous investment, fortifying the portrayal of Seychelles as an alluring and dependable jurisdiction for worldwide investors..

Compliance with global regulations and FATF standards by Seychelles investment funds

In order to maintain a high profile on the global financial stage, Seychelles and its registered investment funds endeavour to strictly adhere to global standards and directives, including those developed by the Intergovernmental Working Group to Combat Financial Crime (FATF).

FATF is an ecumenical establishment consecrated to elaborating and advocating ecumenical maxims in the territories of anti-money laundering (AML) and the financing of terrorist activities (CFT). The FATF injunctions encompass 40 exhortations to be assimilated into indigenous statutes and methodologies of individuals implicated in pecuniary dealings, encompassing investment trusts. To harmonize with ecumenical requisites, Seychelles has embraced and tailored several juridical and regulatory edicts to reinforce stratagems to confront AML/CFT. These stratagems

In order to conform with intercontinental requisites, Seychelles has embraced and modified a plethora of juridical and regulatory enactments to bolster strategies to counteract AML/CFT. These strategies encompass:

  • Enhancing the statute regarding counteracting pecuniary malversation and terrorist financing.
  • Commencement of stringent prerequisites for patron identification and authentication (KYC).
  • Compulsory upkeep and retention of pecuniary manifestos and transaction chronicles.
  • Institution of intrinsic command, hazard evaluation, and conformance protocols.

Investment monies in Seychelles are compelled to execute a series of actions to adhere to FATF stipulations, comprising:

  • AML/CFT policies and methodologies. Advancement and instatement of intrinsic protocols, methodologies, and constraints to avert the utilization of the reserve for illicit money laundering and extremist financing intentions.
  • Peril Evaluation. Executing systematic money laundering and extremist financing peril evaluations, considering the kind of investment endeavor, wellsprings of finances, and client attributes.
  • KYC and Delegated Client Management. Employing methodologies to ascertain and validate the personality of patrons and overseeing their monetary undertakings for dubious dealings.
  • Intrinsic scrutiny and declaration. An individual is appointed who is accountable for fulfilling anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) requisites, executing intrinsic restraints, and reporting dubious transactions to supervisory bodies.

Active engagement of Seychelles and its registered investment funds with global regulators and international agencies in information sharing and joint efforts to combat AML/CFT. This includes sharing information on dubious financial transactions, persons and entities, as well as joint investigations.

Classification of investment funds in Seychelles

Seychelles proffers a heterogeneous configuration of investment funds enabling investors to elect the most apt option to actualize their investment tactics.

Private investment funds

Exclusive pecuniary coffers in Seychelles are customarily earmarked for a circumscribed assembly of stakeholders. They are secluded, with a finite array of contributors (typically not exceeding 50), and do not necessitate their fiscal declarations to be extensively disseminated. They are optimal for familial fortunes, secluded investment cohorts, or solitary investor capital administration.

Open-end investment funds

Communal, or unbounded, investment pools in Seychelles are approachable to a broad spectrum and are exceedingly fluid. Investors can procure or vend stakes in the pool at the present market price at any juncture. These pools are beholden to stringent regulations and are mandated to disseminate narratives on their undertakings.

Specialised investment funds

Specialised funds in Seychelles focus on investments in specific sectors, asset classes or geographical regions. Examples include real estate funds, venture capital funds, precious metals funds or funds focused on renewable energy, offering unique strategies to diversify investment portfolios.

Other types of investment funds

  • xpert Capital. Crafted for erudite or adept investors who can conduct an autonomous evaluation of the hazards correlated with investments. These investment mechanisms can proffer an elevated degree of peril and yield prospects.
  • Assorted genre funds. Merge the attributes of unbarred and sealed-end funds, granting investors with pliancy in overseeing their investments.
  • Hedging trusts. Endeavor to assure a steadfast revenue irrespective of market circumstances, employing an array of techniques, encompassing leverage, vending assets with the anticipation of a forthcoming decline in value, and transacting in derivatives.

Steps for registering an investment fund in Seychelles

The operation of enrolling an investment pool in Seychelles is a convoluted procedural scheme that demands exhaustive groundwork and scrupulous scrutiny of every stride. Here are the principal strides necessitated for a triumphant enrollment.

1 Determination of the fund's RPF

The inaugural stride is to ascertain the configuration of establishment that surpass accommodates the fund's investment aspirations and maneuver. In Seychelles, there are sundry juridical formations to elect from:

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC), which distinguishes itself for its functional adaptability in the administration and dispersion of gains, while circumscribing the obligation of the initiators.
  • Partnership, which captivates financiers by pursuing vigorous engagement in the administration of the reserve. Both universal and restrained collaboration choices are accessible.
  • Fiduciary is exemplary for those pursuing the safeguarding of seclusion and resources, with holdings supervised by a custodian for the advantage of the recipients.

2. Selecting a name and checking its uniqueness

It is imperative to designate an unparalleled appellation for the investment reservoir in Seychelles that is disparate or divergent from the extant appellations of juridical entities in the dominion. Appellation authentication is executed through the enrollment bureau or forthrightly with the Financial Services Authority of Seychelles (FSA).

3. Preparation of documentation

To establish an investment pool in Seychelles, a plethora of documents must be readied, comprising:

  • Constituent documents (Charter and/or Memorandum of Association);
  • Business plan and investment strategy;
  • Records certifying the identification of supervisors and recipients;
  • AML/CFT (Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism) policies.

4. Application

Having consummated the manuscripts, a petition for enrollment of the endowment should be tendered to the Financial Services Authority of Seychelles (FSA) via an endorsed delegate or promptly.

5. Remuneration of dues and amenity levies

Accompanied with this phase is the remuneration of sovereign and amenity levies, the quantum of which hinges on the genus of reserve and the intricacy of the enrollment procedure. Levies might encompass the enrollment levy, authorization levy, and juridical agent levies.

6. Petition handling

Upon the submission of the petition and pertinent manuscripts, the FSA will scrutinize them to ascertain they adhere to the stipulations. Supplementary details or elucidation may be solicited throughout this duration.

7. Bestowal of the authorization and enrollment of the reserve

If the supplication satisfies all the exigencies, the FSA bestows a permit to engage an investment treasury in Seychelles and formally enrolls the treasury. From this juncture onwards, the treasury can inaugurate operations under the ordinances of Seychelles.

The Seychelles investment muniment enrollment procedure can take from a scantling to several moons, contingent on the intricacy of the fund composition and the efficiency of documentation preparation. The expense of incorporation fluctuates based on the genus of fund and the dues demanded. It is pivotal to acknowledge that in augmentation to the inaugural expenditures, there will be yearly dues and conceivable operational expenditures.

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Appointment of a management company and custodian (asset custodian) for an investment fund in Seychelles

The two key elements to the successful operation of an investment fund in Seychelles are the management company and the custodian (asset custodian).

Directorship firm

The directorship firm is accountable for executing the fund's investment scheme, making determinations on procurement and disposition of assets, directing the portfolio, and ensuring adherence to the fund's investment aims and protocols. It is further accountable for overseeing jeopardy, surveilling market circumstances, and adjusting the scheme to address shifting circumstances.

Choosing a directorship firm commences with an assessment of prospective contenders, their background in asset direction, track record of achievement, standing in the market, and expense of provision.

It is crucial to verify that the directorship firm possesses the requisite licenses and adheres to local and global regulatory criteria, encompassing AML/CFT prerequisites.

Subsequent to the selection of a directorship firm, a pact is reached, laying out its prerogatives, commitments, remuneration, and conditions for cessation of collaboration.

Custodian (Property Keeper)

The custodian is accountable for safeguarding securities and other holdings of the investment fund in Seychelles, ensuring their safety and processing all asset transactions, including acquisition, disposition, and receipt of income. Moreover, the custodian may offer services to document assets, communicate their valuation, and supervise adherence to the investment strategy.

The choice of a custodian commences with an examination of proposals from various banks and financial establishments specializing in custodial services. Significant considerations include familiarity with analogous holdings, quality of service, and expenditure for services.

It is imperative to verify that the custodian conforms to all local and international regulations, encompassing licensing and financial disclosure prerequisites.

Upon selection of a custodian, a contract is executed delineating the terms and conditions of asset custody, the obligations of the parties involved, and accessibility to information regarding the state of the holdings.

Opening bank accounts for an investment fund in Seychelles

Opening bank accounts involves several stages and requires careful preparation to meet both local and global requirements. Here is a detailed guide to opening accounts:

1. Selecting a bank

The inaugural maneuver is to investigate depositories in Seychelles that specialize in accommodating commercial patrons and investment pools in particular. It is crucial to opt for a depository with a commendable standing, a sturdy safeguard infrastructure, and an extensive array of fiscal amenities.

Compare the terms and conditions of service, including account fees, available banking products, terms and speed of transgrenational payments, and the level of customer support.

2. Prepare documentation

Banks in Seychelles commonly necessitate a collection of records encompassing the fund's foundational records, evidence of enrollment and authorization, and records recognizing the beneficial proprietors, administrators, and endorsed individuals.

It is imperative to ascertain that the records provided adhere to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing stipulations.

3. Accomplishing the petition for inaugurating an account

Certain banks might necessitate the individual attendance of an endorsed individual of the fund to solicit for an account inauguration. Nevertheless, myriad banks permit for distant account inauguration.

If the bank authorizes online account inauguration, it is crucial to meticulously complete all sections in the petition, append scans of records and dispatch the petition through the impregnable banking vestibule.

4. Transiting the authentication procedure

he depository shall execute a proper scrutiny procedure to evaluate the hazards associated with initiating an account. This encompasses authentication of the documents proffered and scrutinizing for conformity with regulatory requisites. Throughout the authentication process, the depository may solicit supplementary enlightenment or elucidation of documents. It is imperative to furnish all solicited enlightenment promptly and thoroughly.

5. Account opening and activation of services

After successful completion of the verification process, the bank will provide documents for signing. This may require another personal visit to the bank or may be done through a notary.

Upon affixing the documents, the tally shall be enlivened and the investment concern in Seychelles shall possess the capacity to commence utilizing it for operational endeavors.

Commencing fiscal accounts for an investment pool in Seychelles necessitates meticulous preliminary effort and stringent adherence to all statutes. The choice of an appropriate bank and triumphant fulfillment of the scrutiny procedure are pivotal elements to guarantee efficacious pecuniary governance and asset safeguarding.

Development of an investment strategy and income distribution policy for investment funds in Seychelles

Instituting an efficacious investment stratagem and a perspicuous revenue allocation doctrine are pivotal facets of overseeing an investment pool. These constituents ascertain how the pool will yield revenue and how that revenue will be dispensed to participants.

Investment strategy

  • Determining of investment intents. The inaugural step is to ascertain the prolonged and momentary intents of establishing an investment reservoir in Seychelles, considering income genesis, capital accretion, conservation of funds or a amalgamation of these intents.
  • Deficit and gainfulness scrutiny. It is pivotal to evaluate the degree of jeopardy that investors are disposed to abide and correlate this to the latent yield on investment. This encompasses scrutinizing market contingencies, industry inclinations, and the particulars of investment utensils.
  • Resource selection and variety. The investment blueprint should specify which resources the reservoir will invest in, including equities, obligations, landed estates, unconventional investments, etc. Introducing variety to the cache across resources, sectors, and geographic markets aids diminish jeopardy.
  • Formulating a cache stewardship paradigm. Ascertain whether a reservoir will trail an active or inert stewardship paradigm depends on its intents and resources. It is furthermore crucial to establish methodologies for formulating investment determinations and overseeing the cache.

Income distribution policy

  • Determining the remittance system. A system needs to be formulated that delineates how and when revenue (dividends, interest, capital gains) will be disseminated to investors. This encompasses periodic disbursements or reinvestment of revenue.
  • Contemplation of pecuniary aspects. It is imperative to consider the pecuniary obligations of the fund and its investors when formulating the revenue dissemination system. In Seychelles, certain tax incentives may be applicable and ought to be optimized.
  • System pliancy. Systems should be pliable enough to accommodate changing market conditions and the pecuniary exigencies of investors, while upholding transparency and predictability for investment fund participants in the Seychelles jurisdiction.
  • Investor Correspondence. Engagement with investors is grounded on consistently and transparently updating them on profit apportionment strategies, current disbursements, and adaptations in investment methodologies. This correspondence strategy fosters trust and contentment levels among investors.

Crafting an investment scheme and gain allotment methodology encompasses meticulous acquaintance of market vicissitudes, the precise inauguration of investor intentions and predilections, and the adeptness to swiftly accommodate to vicissitudes in the market. These facets are pivotal to erecting a perennially flourishing and remunerative investment pool in Seychelles that can retort pliantly to economic oscillations.

On taxation of investment funds in Seychelles

The Seychelles tribute system furnishes propitious treatment for investment pools, yet encompasses declaration, scrutinization, and tribute knowledge interchange duties. In order to adhere to indigenous and worldwide statutes, pools necessitate to heed the ensuing particulars:


  • Privilege from revenue tariff. Capital reserves in Seychelles are typically absolved from revenue tariff. This renders the jurisdiction notably appealing to global investors pursuing to optimize gains on their investments.
  • Value-added tariff and alternative levies. It is imperative to remark that notwithstanding the privilege from revenue tariff, alternative levies such as value-added tariff may be applicable, contingent on the specific activities of the reserve.

Reporting and auditing requirements

  • Periodic recounting. In Seychelles, investment funds are obligated to submit yearly pecuniary chronicles. This obligation guarantees lucidity of the fund's pecuniary state to overseers and stakeholders.
  • Scrutiny. Funds must undergo an annual investigation conducted by an autonomous scrutinizer. The scrutiny aids in verifying that the fund's pecuniary chronicles are precise and in adherence to statutes and bookkeeping norms.
  • Document Preservation. It is imperative to ascertain that all pecuniary archives, comprising transaction substantiation, are conserved for potential examination by tax administrators or in the occurrence of a scrutiny.

Obligations to exchange tax information

  • OECD Standards. Seychelles hath acceded to the global tax enlightenment exchange initiatives ordained by the Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD). This encompasses the system of automatous reporting of pecuniary reckonings (AEOI) and the procedure for transferring datum on singular entreaties.
  • CRS. Under the Financial Institutions Reporting Standard (CRS) Accord, pecuniary reservoirs are necessitated to discern reckonings belonging to alien taxpayers and afford enlightenment concerning them to the Seychelles tax administrators. The enlightenment is then transmitted to the tax administrators of the commonwealths partaking in the CRS.
  • FATCA Compliance. For reservoirs dealing with US investors or investments in the US, it is furthermore paramount to conform to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) reporting requisites for reckonings held by US taxpayers.

In Seychelles, the impost regime and recounting standards proffer specific boons to investment pools, but they also levy stringent lawful and regulatory conformance requisites. The significance lies in the fund not merely relishing tax predilections, but also rigorously conforming to recounting, scrutinizing, and enlightenment interchange conditions, thereby ensuring that penalties are circumvented and a lofty degree of pellucidity and reliance is upheld with investors and regulatory bodies.

TK DEAL provides professional services to bolster the enrollment of an investment pool in Seychelles. Thanks to the extensive experience of our specialists, clients are provided with a comprehensive approach to the tasks related to legal registration, licensing, selection of a management company and a custodian, as well as opening bank accounts.

TK DEAL experts have professional knowledge of local tax legislation, reporting and auditing standards, as well as tax information exchange regulations, which ensures that all procedures comply with international regulations and criteria. Contacting TK DEAL will optimise the registration process of an investment fund in Seychelles, minimise possible adverse consequences and allow you to focus on achieving your strategic investment objectives.