Registering a company in the Tajikistan Free Economic Zone (FEZ) can prove to be a strategic maneuver for commencing international operations. Tajikistan, often dubbed the hub of Central Asia, owing to its central geographic location amidst the region, and its adjacency to five other Central Asian nations. Tajikistan serves as a pivotal nexus on the Great Silk Road, connecting China to Europe.

FEZs serve as a tool for attracting foreign capital, promoting exports, and generating employment. The specific benefits of registering companies in Tajikistan's free economic zones will depend on the nature of their activities, scale, and objectives. Overall, this may present a favorable option for companies contemplating international expansion.

For the successful establishment of a business in Tajikistan, it is crucial to accurately register the company, adhering to all current legislative norms of the country. This enables the company to acquire all necessary rights and obligations, as well as safeguard the interests of its founders. To achieve business efficiency in Tajikistan's free economic zones, it is important to consider that each FEZ is established for the development of specific sectors of the economy, thus selecting an FEZ should be done with regard to your business intentions and goals.

The publication talks about what legal formalities must be followed to register a company in the free economic zone of Tajikistan, and briefly outlines the main characteristics of each FEZ.

Registration of a company in Tajikistan: advantages of jurisdiction

Tajikistan is a relatively young nation with a dynamically evolving economy, possessing significant economic potential capable of attracting foreign investors. This pertains to its hydroelectric potential, abundant mineral deposits, and industrial capacity. In recent years, the government has undertaken measures to incentivize entrepreneurship and attract foreign investments into Tajikistan.

Advantages of starting a business in Tajikistan:

  • Proximity to major markets: Tajikistan is strategically positioned in immediate proximity to significant markets such as China, as well as bordering dynamically evolving markets of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, thereby presenting expansive opportunities for the export of goods and services.
  • Stable economic development: in recent years, the country's economy has demonstrated sustainable growth. In 2022, GDP growth reached 7.2%, and in 2023 it was already 8.3% driven by increases in exports and investments.
  • Cheap labor: the cost of labor in Tajikistan is significantly lower than in most other countries. This renders the country an attractive destination for the production of goods and services with high added value.
  • FEZs establishment: within the framework of the national Innovation Development Program, FEZs have been established, offering enterprises tax incentives and other benefits.

The role of FEZs in the development of Tajikistan

Free zones in Tajikistan are special economic zones created to attract investment from abroad and develop exports. The main advantages of registering a company in the free zone of Tajikistan:

  • Economic benefit. Companies registered in free zones can save on taxes and other expenses. Additionally, companies registered in FEZs can freely exchange currency without limitations.
  • Improving market access. FEZs strategically located in key areas facilitate entry into Central Asian markets.
  • The enhancement of business efficiency. FEZs offer a plethora of infrastructural advantages, including a developed transportation network, access to power grids and the Internet, as well as business incubators and other services to bolster entrepreneurial endeavors.

Currently, there are 4 FEZs in Tajikistan:

These zones specialize in various industries, including light industry, construction materials manufacturing, electronics, and IT. The establishment of free economic zones has already had a positive impact on the country's economy. In 2022, they attracted over $1 billion in investment and created more than 10,000 jobs.

Business entities in the following corporate forms can be created in the FEZ of Tajikistan:

  • LLC
  • Partnership
  • JSC

In addition, subsidiaries of foreign legal entities may be established in FEZs. The choice of legal form of the business entity in FEZ depends on various factors, such as:

  • Goals and objectives of the activity.
  • Investment size.
  • Number and responsibility of founders.

LLC registration in FEZs of Tajikistan stands as the prevalent mode of business initiation. LLC possesses a statutory capital divided into shares among its participants, who bear the risk of losses associated with the company's activities only within the limits of their contributions.

Creation of companies in free zones of Tajikistan: characteristics of FEZs

As we have previously stated, the government is advancing initiatives for economic diversification. Foreign investors can establish a company in Tajikistan's FEZs under favorable conditions. Below is a brief description of each of the SEZs provided in the table.

FEZs of Tajikistan

Name of the zone



The Sughd FEZ was inaugurated in 2009. Situated in the southwestern industrial precinct of Khujand city, Tajikistan, registration within the Sughd FEZ offers investors opportunities for development across diverse sectors including electronics manufacturing, construction materials, textiles, food production, logistics and warehousing, agricultural processing, and tourism.

Through the zone traverse automobile and railway routes, as well as the international airport in Khujand. The principal business development programs in the Sughd zone include:

  • Small and medium business support program.
  • Industry and Trade Development Program.

As part of these programs, the following business support measures are being implemented:

  • Financial support. Providing grants, microloans, preferential loans.
  • Consulting support. Providing services for business planning, marketing, management.
  • Organizational support. Creation of business incubators, technology parks, industrial zones.

In the Sughd zone, there are business incubators and technoparks that provide novice entrepreneurs with access to infrastructure, equipment, consulting, and educational support.


The Panj FEZ is situated in the city of Khorog. Established in 2013, its primary objective is to foster the development of export-oriented manufacturing. Endowed with abundant raw material resources, the Panj FEZ boasts well-established infrastructure.

Entrepreneurs intending to expand their business or establish a company in the Panj FEZ in Tajikistan are presented with business opportunities in sectors including construction materials manufacturing, textile industry, agricultural product processing, and tourism.

The Panj zone is a strategically significant region located on the border with Afghanistan. In the Panj zone, a series of programs for business development are being implemented.

  • The support of small and medium-sized enterprises encompasses grant provision, credit facilitation, as well as training and consultancy services for entrepreneurs. Specifically, within the Panj zone, the "Partnership for SME Development in Tajikistan" program is being implemented. Financed by the EU, this program operates in collaboration with the Government of Tajikistan and international organizations. Aimed at enhancing the SME potential in trade, agriculture, and tourism sectors.
  • Infrastructure development and investment opportunities enhancement programs aim at improving transportation, energy, and telecommunication infrastructure. Specifically, in the Panj zone, a new highway is being constructed to connect Dushanbe with the cities of Khorog and Kulob. This thoroughfare will foster trade and tourism development in the region.

Furthermore, within the Panj zone, the "Border Zone Development Program in Tajikistan" is being implemented. This program is aimed at fostering job creation and fostering economic growth in border areas.


This FEZ stands as one of the most developed within the Republic of Tajikistan. Situated in the southern region of the country, Dangara was established in 2009 with the aim of stimulating industrial production. Throughout its existence, Dangara has attracted investments totaling over 1 billion USD.

You can register a company in the Dangara FEZ, Tajikistan in the following industries:

  • Industry (mining, metallurgical, chemical and food industry enterprises.).
  • Agriculture.
  • Retail and wholesale trade in goods and services.
  • Providing transport, medical and other services.

The Dangara zone boasts a developed infrastructure requisite for the production and transportation of goods. The zone encompasses:

  • Dangara railway station, which is an important junction on the China–Europe international railway;
  • Dangara Airport, which accepts domestic and international flights.

In 2023, the following support programs was implemented in the Dangara zone:

  • An infrastructure development program that involves the construction of new roads, bridges, power lines and other infrastructure.
  • SMEs support programs, which are aimed at helping entrepreneurs obtain loans, training and business development.
  • A program to create new jobs, which provides wage subsidies for new workers.


The Kulob FEZ is an industrial and innovation hub situated in the city of Kulyab, within the Hatlon region of Tajikistan. It commenced operations in the year 2020.

It is located in close proximity to the Kulob railway station and the Kulob–Dangara–Kurgan-Tyube road, which provides good transport accessibility.

It is allowed to register companies in the Kulob FEZ, Tajikistan in the following areas:

  • Production of consumer goods and industrial goods.
  • Construction.
  • The service sector, including IT, tourism, transport, communications, trade and others.

Some business support programs in the Kulob FEZ:

  • "Entrepreneurship Factory" program. As part of this program, young people receive training in the basics of entrepreneurship and receive grants to start their own business.
  • Business incubator program. This program provides aspiring entrepreneurs with access to infrastructure, training and advice to grow their business.
  • Program "Industrial zone". As part of this program, enterprises located in the industrial zone of Kulob receive tax and rental benefits.

These programs have already exerted a positive impact on business development in the Kulob zone. As a result of their implementation, over 1000 new job opportunities have been created.

Preferential tax and customs regimes apply on the territory of these zones:

  • exemption from taxes on profits, property and land during the first 5 years of activity;
  • reducing the rate of customs duties to 0% on imports of equipment and raw materials;
  • accelerated VAT refund;
  • provision of preferential loans for construction and production development.

Opening a business in Tajikistan in one of the free zones: requirements and documents

The procedural steps during the registration of companies in the FEZ of Tajikistan are as follows:

  1. Selecting the optimal FEZ in accordance with the type of activity of your company.
  2. Choice of organizational legal form.
  3. Submitting an application for approval of the company name. Typically, the competent authority must submit at least 3 items for consideration in order of preference.
  4. Drawing up a package of constituent documents and submitting them (together with the application) to the authorized body of the zone.
  5. Payment of registration fees.

After successfully completing the basic registration steps and receiving a certificate confirming your status as a FEZ subject, you need to open an account for a company in Tajikistan.

Basic documents required for registering companies in free zones of Tajikistan:

  • Application for registration, which must indicate the name of the company, its legal address, type of activity, composition of founders and size of the authorized capital.
  • The founders' decision to create a company.
  • Company charter that contains basic provisions about the activities of the company, its structure and management bodies.
  • Certificate of no criminal record for the founders/managers of the company.
  • Certificate of availability of funds in a bank account.

In addition to the above documents, you may need:

  • Premises availability documentation.
  • Equipment and technology verification.


While Tajikistan is classified as an emerging economy, it presents diverse economic opportunities for international investors. The jurisdiction's geographic location affords access to markets in Central and South Asia, CIS countries, opening avenues for trans-Asian trade along the Silk Road route. The government is developing infrastructure, including roads, airports, and power grids, and offers a range of incentives and stimuli for foreign investors.

However, regardless of whether you are interested in registering a FEZ company in Tajikistan or you aim to conduct business on the mainland, for the stable and successful development of business in Tajikistan, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Choose the right niche and target audience.
  • Craft a comprehensive business plan.
  • Build a strong team.
  • Engage in active marketing.
  • Monitor and optimize business processes.

By consulting TK Deal business advisors, you can seek not only guidance on compliance with free zone legislation requirements but also assistance in registering a company within Tajikistan's free zones.