Company registration in Turkey can become one of the lucrative commercial stratagems for investors due to the singular geostrategic stance of the nation and vast investment prospects. The polity is situated at the juncture of Europe and Asia, rendering it a pivotal actor in the domain with geopolitical and fiscal benefits. Its advantageous positioning is one of the principal motives why the polity entices international financiers. Numerous transnational conglomerates have already inaugurated their headquarters in principal metropolises of the Republic of Turkey, which underscores the worldwide significance of the polity.

Establishing a corporation in Turkey affords a fairly broad array of disparate advantages. The administration is vigorously engaged in the execution of global investment protocols. This endeavor aspires to cultivate a more lucid and consistent investment milieu. The nation is also instituting strategies to enhance jurisprudence, safeguard the entitlements of investors, curtail bureaucratic processes, and mitigate hazards for investments. All these measures facilitate the allure of external capital and foster the regional economy. In this treatise, we shall discourse on the prerequisites, legal formalities, and phases of the registration procedure.

Company registration in Turkey: description of the investment profile of the jurisdiction

Turkey is a strategically important country with global significance for a number of reasons:

  • Geographical location. Turkey serves as a bridge between east and west, north and south. Its geostrategic location makes it a reliable investment destination with reasonable costs. The country's major cities (Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, etc.) are key centers of business activity. They offer advanced infrastructure, highly qualified personnel and favorable business conditions.
  • Large economy. The Republic is an economically developed power, a member of the G20 and influences global economic markets. The country is also a major importer and exporter of goods and services. According to the ranking by gross domestic product, the Republic became the 19th economy in the world in 2022 with a GDP of 905 million USD.
  • A thriving business system. Turkey has a vibrant entrepreneurial community that fosters innovation and creativity. The country was ranked 41st out of 137 countries in the Global Entrepreneurship Index 2020, highlighting its favorable environment for entrepreneurship.
  • Infrastructure: The government is actively investing in infrastructure development, which supports further economic development. The construction of new airports, roads, ports and railway lines opens up new opportunities for launching investment projects in Turkey in various industries.
  • Political environment. The country's political system is one of the most developed and stable in the region. Turkey is a member of the North Atlantic Alliance and has important relations with the European Union and the United States.
  • Legal system. The legal system has similar principles to the EU countries. It ensures the protection of property rights and privacy of investors.
  • Labor market. Turkey has relatively low labor costs and a fairly high number of highly skilled workers. This attracts investment in manufacturing and service sectors.
  • Developed financial sector. The country has a developed financial services system, including banking and capital markets, which provides access to finance for new startups in Turkey.
  • Cultural heritage. Turkey has a rich historical and cultural heritage. This makes Turkey an important tourist destination and source of intercultural dialogue.

Contemplating all these variables, it is prudent to assert that Turkey holds substantial global import. It serves as a conduit between Europe and Asia and assumes a crucial role in transnational commerce and communications, as well as transit corridors between continents. The distinctive geostrategic position and avant-garde business milieu render the Republic of Turkey a precious ally for numerous states and entities. This endows the nation with abundant prospects for economic advancement and diplomatic engagement.

Turkey has persistently enticed a notable deluge of external capital. Per the Central Bank of the Republic, net FDI ingress attained USD 12.3 billion in 2022, denoting the sustained fascination of global financiers with the nation's prospects.

Foreign investment in Turkey has metamorphosed into an alluring and lucrative panacea for overseas financiers, not solely because of the perpetually ameliorating commercial ambiance, but also due to the enactment of diverse governmental stratagems and undertakings. This encompasses fiscal and non-fiscal advantages:

  • Competitive CIT rate of 25%.
  • DTA agreements with at least 70 countries.
  • The normal VAT rate is 20%, and certain goods/services are subject to reduced rates of 1% and 10%.
  • Exemption from levies and personal earnings tax (complete or fractional), contingent on the enclave and sector.
  • Dispensation from vehicular levy and ingress tariffs on the ingress of apparatus for nascent enterprises.
  • Bilateral investment treaties with 82 countries.
  • Energy subsidies in selected priority regions, assistance in market research.
  • The government provides financial guarantees, subsidies and soft loans for various sectors of the economy, such as research and development, exports, etc.

Before enroll a corporation in Turkey, please be aware that the administration has instituted numerous measures to forge a favorable commercial milieu for industrial capital infusion, including the creation of industrial districts throughout the nation.

The entitlements of alien financiers are governed by the Statute on Extraneous Direct Capital. Its principal aim is to advance and safeguard the concerns of global financiers. In accordance with the statute, unless otherwise delineated by transnational accords and domestic juridical standards, non-resident financiers:

  • sanctioned to render capital into Turkey in the guise of foreign direct investment;
  • regarded in an identical fashion as any other indigenous investor;
  • are granted the liberty to transmit currency beyond the borders of the nation through commercial banking institutions or any other fiscal intermediaries devoid of constraints.

Commerce in Turkey: electing the juridical configuration of the enterprise

At the inception, we observe that the administration has enacted provisions to render commercial activities less cumbersome, enhance the investment milieu by eradicating administrative impediments in Turkish corporate registration and cost abatement. The FDI Statute permits global investors to institute any enterprise enumerated in the Commercial Code (TCC).

The main provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code include:

  • Definition of commercial enterprises and their registration.
  • Types of commercial activities.
  • Obligations of business enterprises for accounting and preparation of annual reports.
  • Regulation of trade transactions and contracts.
  • Rules on the creation and functioning of JSC, LLC and other forms of enterprises.
  • Determination of the rights and obligations of commercial agents and representatives.
  • Regulation of competition and consumer protection.

The Commercial Code is pivotal and furnishes the juridical scaffolding for executing commerce in Turkey. The TCC stipulates that enterprises are categorized into two classes: incorporated and unincorporated. Incorporated classes encompass:

  • Joint Stock Company (JSC).
  • Limited liability company (LLC, similar to LLC).

Non-corporate forms include:

  • Full and limited partnerships.
  • Cooperative.

Establishment of a joint stock company in Turkey

JSC is one of the most prevalent configurations of juridical personages, utilized by sizable establishments. This represents a commercial schema wherein funds are apportioned into commensurate portions (equities). The accountability of stakeholders for the corporation's liabilities is confined to their contributions in funds. JSCs can be constituted to undertake any form of endeavor not proscribed by statute. Enroll a joint-stock enterprise in Turkey feasible with the involvement of both natural persons and juridical entities.

Such an OPF may have no fewer than 1 stakeholder. Although there is no stipulation that stakeholders be Turkish nationals, the enterprise must have a perennial emissary in the nation to liaise with governmental bodies. Should the tally of stakeholders surpass 250, then the establishment is liable to the Capital Markets Statute. A Joint Stock Company is administered by a council of overseers, which comprises 1 or more overseers. They may be nationals of that nation or expatriates.

JSCs must be established with a static equity of 50 thousand TRY* (for a cloistered entity), and 100 thousand TRY* (for an unveiled entity), unless otherwise delineated in specific statutes. Furthermore, no less than 25% of the sum must be lodged into a financial institution during inscription. A joint stock corporation is permitted to list shares on the securities exchange. A joint stock corporation must uphold a variety of obligatory fiscal records, such as ledgers and yearly disclosures.

*At the time of writing 1 TRY = 0,037 USD

Registration of LLC in Turkey

This archetype of juridical construct affords a particular level of safeguarding and adaptability for proprietors. A Limited Liability Company (LLC) can be instituted by a sole entity or juridical personages. The minimal count of initiators is 1, and the utmost cannot surpass 50.

The originators are accountable to the degree of their contribution in capital. Contributors may invest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary resources. The least quantum of investment capital for LLC establishment in Turkey — 10 thousand TRY* (Turkish lira). LLC in Turkey overseen by one or more overseers (can be nationals of a specified realm or aliens). The LLC may additionally designate an auditor to preserve financial records. LLCs registered in the Republic are mandated to remit income levies, irrespective of the source of earnings.

Unincorporated forms of companies

Establishing a partnership in Turkey. Universal alliances are constituted by a minimum of two associates who collectively engage in administration. In instances where there is consensus and ratification of the preponderance of associates, governance may be delegated to one of them. The accountability of all associates for the obligations of the alliance is boundless. There are no minimal capital stipulations for such commercial configurations.

Limited partnerships must be constituted by no fewer than two collaborators: an operative associate and a reticent associate. Operative associates are accountable for the firm's liabilities with their personal assets and make executive determinations; reticent associates have circumscribed accountability and abstain from involvement in the quotidian administration of the firm.

Cooperatives. These are fundamentally alliances established by individuals and juridical entities to fulfill their pecuniary interests through fiscal and labor inputs in collaboration. Except for certain particular kinds, cooperatives are instituted with a minimum of 7 collaborators.

Entry of foreign companies into the Turkish market

Foreign enterprises possess various alternatives for transacting commerce in the Republic: via a branch/representative bureau, or through the establishment of an ancillary firm in Turkey. An ancillary entity may assume the guise of a limited liability company (LLC) or joint-stock company (JSC) and is a distinct commercial configuration from the parent entity. Thus, the subsidiary unit can autonomously execute managerial determinations.

The division can engender in mercantile activities in the purposes of the principal organization. In other parlance, the division cannot operate independently in the juridical sense. The fiscal conditions for the inception of a subsidiary company are analogous to those that apply for the preferred type of juristic entity. Visages. While enrolling a branch office in Turkey, there are no minimal share capital stipulations, which is among the paramount boons of this commercial form. A representational office is an exemplar of organizational structure that is not regarded as a discrete legal entity, whose principal role is to examine the market and conduct marketing activities.




Separate legal entity:



Responsibility extends to the parent company:



The name must match the name of the parent company:


May be the same or different.

Activities that the company can engage in:

May only engage in promotion, marketing, research and other non-commercial activities.

Taxed as a Domestic Entity:



Submission of annual reports to the Registrar of Companies:



Filing an income tax return:



Appointment of officials:

1 authorized representative (local resident).

1 manager/chief representative to be transferred from the parent company.

1 company secretary (local), 1 director (local or foreigner), 1 founder (local or foreigner).

How to open a company in Turkey?

Basic registration steps:

  1. Electing a firm’s fiscal establishment.
  2. Sanctioning an exceptional designation. The designation should denote the structure of the enterprise or its contraction (e.g., A.Ş.) and must not impinge upon the entitlements of other cataloged ventures.
  3. Gathering an assemblage of documents + their rendition into Turkish by an authorized linguist.
  4. Resolving the quandary with a juridical domicile (either executing a tenancy accord or acquiring immovable property).
  5. Tendering a petition and a thorough compendium of credentials (subject to the elected enterprise configuration) to the overseer.
  6. Inscribing the establishment into the MERSIS e-platform (at this juncture, the enterprise shall be endowed with a singular commercial identifier).
  7. Inaugurating a repository in a Turkish fiscal institution.
  8. Enrollment of certifications and supplementary sanctioning paperwork (if requisite).

The articles of incorporation are an imperative document for constituting a company, expounding founders' personae, domiciles, pecuniary contributions, equities, and executive responsibilities, whilst also elucidating the company's selection and excision methods.

The entity nomenclature, locale in Turkey, and commerce delineation must be precisely delineated. The Articles of Association should encompass amendments for corporate advancement and arbitration protocols. They must correspond with the Commercial Code's stipulations. Our consortium can facilitate with documentation during Turkey entity registration.

Auxiliary requisite manuscripts for the enlistment of a juridical body in Turkey:

  • Validation of enrollment of a distinctive designation;
  • Replicas of identification credentials of overseers;
  • Replicas of every UBO's travel document;
  • A duplicate of the tenancy covenant or contract attesting proprietorship;
  • An excerpt attesting the endowment of the sanctioned capital.

Principal considerations for foreign capitalists

Distinctive allocation territories captivate global financiers:

  • unrestricted enclaves (20 enclaves with complete nonexistence of customs impediments, corporate income tax for production establishments, value-added tax, remuneration tax on workforce wages for establishments that export no less than 85% of commodities fabricated here);
  • manufacturing precincts (276 precincts supplying comprehensive infrastructure for diverse industries, including electricity, aqueducts, gaseous fuels, telecommunications, and thoroughfares);
  • technological advancement districts (districts with advantages until 2024 for CIT and revenue tax on earnings from software innovation, VAT on the execution of software applications, remuneration of scholarly staff, but not exceeding 10% of the total number of workers).

Note. Currently, only 34 technology development zones are operational.

Trading in a flexible business environment

Enlistment of a corporation in a liberated enclave in Turkey may confer particular privileges. Liberated economic zones (LEZ) are distinct domains within the nation that are established with the intent of enticing capital in specific sectors, fostering exports, and generating new employment opportunities.

Enlistment of a corporation in the Free Economic Zone of Turkey confers upon entrepreneurs advantages and inducements, such as unobstructed ingress to provincial and global markets, exemption from tariff levies and certain fiscal obligations, streamlined customs formalities, and adaptable commercial regulations. A plethora of enterprises can be executed in the Special Economic Zone, encompassing fabrication, logistics, commerce, financial operations, scholarly investigation, and innovation, among others.

Entrepreneurs are typically granted autonomy to select collaborators and streamlined stipulations for the importation and exportation of commodities/services. A few of the most renowned Special Economic Zones in the nation:

  • Izmir Atatürk: Located in the city of Izmir, this SEZ is one of the largest in Turkey. It specializes in automotive, electronics, textiles and logistics.
  • Istanbul Ataşehir: Granted in Istanbul, this SEZ focuses on the development of information technology and telecommunications. Istanbul is recognized as one of the most developed cities in Turkey, so this SEZ provides investors with direct access to a large consumer market and talented professionals.
  • Aegean Free Zone: specializes in the production of light industrial goods, textiles, food products and furniture. It is located close to the international airport, making it a popular destination for foreign companies specializing in exports.
  • Mersin FZ: Located in the port of Mersin on the Mediterranean coast, this SEZ is known for its strategic location and wide range of industrial sectors. It attracts foreign investment in agriculture, chemical production, logistics, construction and mechanical engineering.
  • Gaziantep FZ: Located in the city of Gaziantep in eastern Turkey, this SEZ is one of the most successful and dynamically developing in the country. It specializes in the textile and food industries.

Which areas of activity attract the most investment?

The capital milieu within the jurisdiction presents numerous prospects for external financiers. The principal domains enticing the utmost capital infusion are delineated beneath.

Information Technology: The IT domain is advancing expeditiously and holds a pivotal function in the nation's fiscal system. Recent years have witnessed notable capital influx in telecommunication infrastructure, wireless networks, cloud computing, digital frameworks, and software. Turkey aspires to emerge as a technological vanguard in the locale and allocates resources towards the enhancement of IT infrastructure and avant-garde initiatives.

Some examples of the development of the IT sector:

  • System initiation. The authorities facilitated the inception and operation of information technology-based enterprises in Turkey. Consequently, incubators and accelerators have been established in locales such as Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir to assist nascent and burgeoning technology-oriented firms in their development.
  • Investments in FoF (Fund of Funds). The authorities inaugurated a scheme whose aim is to lure capital into the IT domain. Fund of Funds furnishes financiers with technological ventures in Turkey entrée to a plethora of investment methodologies and holdings requisite to attain their monetary objectives.
  • Investigative institutes. Academies and investigative institutes have been instituted in Turkey that are vigorously advancing novel technologies and augmenting the echelon of erudition in the IT domain.
  • Digitalization of public services. The country is actively introducing the concept of e-government and digitalizing public services. This includes e-filing, online payments, e-passports and other digital innovations.
  • Infrastructure and communications. Large-scale work is being carried out in Turkey to develop IT infrastructure and communication networks. The authorities are striving to create broadband access in all regions, which will contribute to the growth of the IT sector.

Thus, the IT domain persists in fortifying owing to governmental endorsement and the advancement of technological infrastructure.

Financial Technology. In Turkey, the Financial Technology sector persists in evolving at an expeditious rate. In recent epochs, the nation has metamorphosed into a domicile for numerous nascent enterprises and avant-garde financial technology firms. The advent of electronic payment mechanisms has precipitated the expansion of online commerce and digital fiscal services. Financial technology startups garner patronage from governmental and regulatory bodies. One of the principal determinants propelling the advancement of Financial Technology in Turkey is the existence of a youthful and technically adept human capital reservoir.

Incubators have been established in the Republic for fintech nascent ventures and esoteric financial technology research institutions. Prominent financial establishments in the nation are fervently integrating digital advancements, devising their own research facilities and pioneering subdivisions. Consequently, the initiation of a fintech nascent venture in Turkey will present prospects for protracted expansion. The fintech sector is flourishing, presenting auspicious prospects for pioneering progress.

Voyage. The advancement of the voyage sector is one of the administration's foremost concerns. Turkey is situated at the junction of Europe and Asia, endowing it with a splendid cultural legacy, varied terrains, and allurements. This engenders a propitious ambiance for the advancement of voyage. In recent epochs, the administration has been fervently enhancing infrastructure and tourist amenities. Overseas patrons perceive here a chance to allocate their capital in the erection of lodgings, tourist conglomerates, and other establishments. The administration offers an array of privileges and aid schemes for patrons.

Additionally, undertakings associated with healthcare and athletics are ardently championed by the powers that be. This enables the amplification of provisions proffered for disparate classes of voyagers and engenders fresh prospects for advancement in the domain. These various determinants render the Republic's tourism industry alluring to external financiers who, on one side, discern herein a prospect for reaping substantial remunerations, and on the other, are keen on fostering an emergent enterprise.

Naval architecture. Naval architecture is among the crucial professions of the country. Turkey is geographically in a favorable position hence makes a good place for a registration for a vessel ownership company. The country is an important crossroads for cargo transportation occurring between the European and the Asian continents. Due to the vast size of aquatic trade, many different types of boats must be manufactured to carry the products. Additionally, the government offers non-repayable financial support, including tax incentives, for the promotion of naval architecture. In general, the ship design industry of the Republic is conspicuous on the world naval design market and is developing further as it attracts investors from all parts of the world.

Energy. The advancement of the vitality sector is one of the paramount concerns for the Turkish administration. Diverse undertakings are being executed in the nation to ameliorate and diversify the vitality infrastructure. Here are some of the principal tendencies and actions that have been undertaken in recent epochs:

  • Advancement of perennial power. Perennial power sources (aerothermal force, heliothermal energy, hydroelectricity, and geothermic power) are vigorously advancing in the nation. The administration provides inducements to allure capital infusion in this domain.
  • Power conservation and energy efficacy enhancement. The officials are zealously championing the incorporation of power-conserving innovations and schemes, as well as amplifying energy efficacy in diverse strata of the commerce. The objective is to diminish reliance on power imports and mitigate the adverse ramifications on the milieu.
  • Energetic security. Turkey endeavors to ensure the dependability and steadiness of the energetic framework to assure the provision of energy for the nation's economic progress. To accomplish this, efforts are being undertaken to refurbish extant power stations, construct new establishments, and enhance the energy conveyance and allocation network.

The power sector advancement in Turkey intends to ensure a steady and pure power supply, enhance power efficacy, and diminish reliance on power imports.

These are merely a handful of the sectors that are drawing capital in Turkey. The nation possesses various prospects for cultivating business undertakings, which fosters overall economic advancement.

Support programs for specific areas business in Turkey

There exist myriad support schemes for specific commercial sectors that facilitate the enticement of external capital in Turkey. A few instances of such schemes are delineated below.

Technological enclaves and incubators. These are pivotal components of inventive infrastructure that facilitate the evolution of nascent ventures in Turkey, foster synergy between innovators and scholarly inquiry. They grant access to contemporary infrastructure, advisory services, and fiscal backing. Numerous technological enclaves and incubators exist in Turkey. A few examples encompass:

  • Izmir Institute of Technology Technopark: located in Izmir and is one of the largest technology parks in the country. This technology park offers infrastructure and services for the development and commercialization of technology products.
  • TEKNOKENT: Based in Istanbul, it provides space for research centers as well as startups in various industries.
  • Koç Incubation Center: located in Istanbul and focused on IT startups, offers assistance with business planning, financing and training.
  • Bilim Teknopark: Based in Ankara, it specializes in high technology development, providing useful resources and services to help startups achieve commercial success.

Assistance schemes for diminutive and intermediate-sized commercial entities. In Turkey, there exist a plethora of schemes and endeavors designed to bolster diminutive and intermediate-sized undertakings (SMEs), encompassing:

  • Small Business Loans Program (KOSGEB): providing financial assistance and loans to SMEs in Turkey. Companies can receive funding for various purposes, such as expanding production, purchasing equipment or innovative projects.
  • Young Entrepreneurs Program: designed to support young entrepreneurs (18-29 years old) who want to create your own business in Turkey. Young entrepreneurs are provided with financial assistance, advice and entrepreneurship training.
  • Regional Enterprise Development Program (BITAP): proffers fiscal support and advisory services for diminutive to moderate-sized enterprises situated within impoverished locales of Turkey. The aim of the initiative is to foster the economic advancement in those regions.

Export facilitation. Officials aid export enterprises by assisting them in entering novel markets. This initiative encompasses fiscal aid to invigorate exports, such as credits and assurances for export transactions, inducements and grants for firms functioning in specific areas, counsel and instruction on diverse facets of export endeavors to assist enterprises aspiring to commence or enhance export activities, resources for augmenting the competitiveness of exporters, and streamlined border inspection procedures.

Assistance for the tourism industry. As tourism is a significant sector for Turkey, the administration has devised schemes for the advancement of tourism ventures. A few of the schemes in this domain:

  • Government Tourism Support Program: provides financial support to tourism enterprises through grants, subsidies and soft loans.
  • Tourism Development Program: The Ministry of Culture and Tourism provides financial assistance and assistance in the development of tourism projects, including the construction and modernization of hotels, infrastructure and tourist facilities.
  • Tax incentives: Tourism enterprises are provided with tax incentives, including exemption from certain tax payments or reductions in CIT rates.
  • International promotion: The government is actively conducting international promotion activities for the tourism business to attract more tourists. This includes participation in exhibitions, exchange of experience and cooperation with foreign partners.
  • Education and Training: Various educational programs are offered to train tourism industry workers to improve service quality and professional skills.

Such schemes and aid interventions are designed to cultivate and fortify the nation’s tourism domain.

Agricultural-industrial domain. The advancement of agrarian establishments is a precedence of administrative policy. One of the schemes is the National Agricultural-Industrial Domain Enhancement Scheme (TARIM), which was inaugurated in 2018. This scheme fosters efficacy, caliber, and worth in agriculture. Some of the occurrences that transpired as part of TARIM2023 include:

  • Financial support for agricultural enterprises through subsidies, loans and grants.
  • Providing technical support and association of agricultural producers.
  • Development and modernization of production sectors.
  • Promotion of environmentally friendly production and environmental protection.

These are merely a handful of instances of auxiliary schemes in particular realms of commerce. It ought to be remarked that schemes and methodologies for bolstering entrepreneurship might evolve with time. Should you be intrigued by a particular domain of commerce, then engage our firm's experts directly to procure supplementary details within advisements on the oversight of investment ventures in Turkey.

Taxation and reporting of companies

Imposition and enumeration of corporations are regulated by Turkish fiscal statutes. Principal fiscal and enumeration deliberations encompass:

  • Corporate excise: This impost is assessed on the net earnings of corporations. Presently, the corporate excise rate is 25%.
  • Value augmented levy: This impost is assessed on the disposition of merchandise and amenities. The impost rate may fluctuate contingent on the category of commodity or service. Currently, the normative VAT rate is 20%, but there are intermediary and advantageous rates.
  • Impost levy: The tariff of taxation may fluctuate contingent upon the geographical locale and the appraisal of the estate in the marketplace.
  • Impost declaration: It is imperative for enterprises to tender impost declarations in compliance with the stipulations established by the fiscal authorities. This encompasses the presentation of uncomplicated revenue and VAT returns, alongside ancillary filings, contingent upon the essence of the commercial undertakings.

Residence permit in Turkey

The nation possesses domicile authorization schemes for capitalists and experts. Several of them are enumerated beneath:

  1. Authorization to Reside for Patrons (Authorization for Patrons): external patrons who have allocated a specified sum of capital into the economic sphere may be eligible for acquiring an authorization to reside in Turkey. This might entail procuring immovable property, investing in Turkish financial institutions, or initiating a commercial enterprise within this domain.
  2. Domicile authorization for exalted adept practitioners (Domicile Authorization for Eminent Proficients): To be eligible for such a domicile authorization, it is requisite to possess esoteric acumen and proficiency in specific domains that are designated as preeminent by the Administration of the Sovereign State.
  3. Turkish-European Commercial Council Initiative: devised for foreign entrepreneurs who aspire to establish or augment their ventures in Turkey. Upon triumphant conclusion of the initiative, entrepreneurs are granted a domicile authorization.

These are merely a few of the potentialities for acquiring a Turkish domicile authorization for financiers and professionals. Nonetheless, stipulations may fluctuate, thus domain authorities should be consulted for the most contemporary data. The chart beneath succinctly elucidates the principal attributes of domicile authorization for investment.

Resident card


Long term


Owning real estate or opening a business in Turkey.

Continuous residence in the country for 8 years.

Validity period

Maximum 2 years.


Turkish Citizenship by Investment

The stipulations for acquiring Turkish nationality have been eased for international investors through revisions to the extant Citizenship Statute. Novel regulations were revised in 2018. Individuals who satisfy any of the ensuing criteria will be entitled to procure Turkish nationality:

  1. Verification from the Ministry of Economic Affairs that investments in the corporation’s immovable assets total 500 thousand USD.
  2. Verification from the Ministry of Ecological Protection regarding the acquisition of property in the sum of 250/400 thousand USD (contingent upon the locality) or greater, with a limitation on the right of ownership for transfer for a minimum of 3 years.
  3. Verification from the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare that employments have been established for no fewer than 100 indigenous inhabitants.
  4. Verification from the Banking Supervisory Authority that the financier has contributed a minimum of 500 thousand USD into financial institutions functioning in Turkey, with the stipulation not to divest assets for no less than 3 years.
  5. Verification from the nation’s Exchequer regarding the acquisition of state. securities in the sum of 500 thousand USD, with the proviso that they remain unsold for a duration of 3 years.


Registration of a company in Turkey — one of the most auspicious alternatives for commencing an enterprise with modest pecuniary outlays. The jurisdiction's advantageous situs and vigorous economy engender the prerequisites for the evolution of a plethora of undertakings. The inauguration of offices by multinational conglomerates in the Republic accentuates its prominence on the global stage, contributes to augmenting the nation's competitive edge, and fosters extensive global economic amalgamation.

It must be borne in mind that throughout the enrollment course, it is crucial not solely to adhere to the statutes of the Turkish Republic, but likewise to honor indigenous cultural and societal mores. This facilitates the cultivation of enduring and reciprocally advantageous affiliations. Should you necessitate supplementary particulars regarding the enrollment protocols and stipulations enacted by the Turkish governance, do liaise with TK Deal's commercial advisers. We shall aid our patrons in assembling a dossier of enrollment papers, in addition to offering all-encompassing assistance during the procedure of enterprise enrollment within Turkey.