
Thanks to its vibrant economy, extensive market, and diverse opportunities, India is an enticing region for global investments. By registering a company in India, entrepreneurs gain access to a massive consumer market and new prospects for their businesses.

Impact of non-residents on India's economic dynamics

Non-residents have made a significant contribution to the economic progress of India, actively participating in various sectors of the country's economy. Their investments contribute to the creation of new jobs, technological progress, innovation, and the improvement of the local population's quality of life. The contribution of non-residents to India's development extends far beyond purely financial aspects; they correspondingly contribute to enriching the country's social and cultural diversity.

The Indian government recognizes the importance of attracting external investments and is committed to creating a favorable entrepreneur environment for non-residents. In this context, measures have been taken to simplify the procedures for starting a business in India, improve the business system, and reduce administrative obstacles. These include the implementation of electronic records filing systems, speeding up and simplifying procedures for achieving permits and licenses

Additionally, the Indian government offers foreign investors a range of benefits, including tax incentives, favorable conditions for repatriating capital, and guaranteed protection of intellectual property. These actions aim to attract long-term investments and enhance the growth of priority sectors in the country's economy.

Non-residents can invest in various sectors of India's economy, including IT, the pharmaceutical industry, manufacturing, energy, and tourism. This contributes to stimulating economic growth, creating jobs, and transferring advanced technologies. In turn, non-residents have the opportunity to expand their business globally and access a large consumer market.

Overall, the contribution of non-residents to India's economic development should not be underestimated. The authority continues to work on improving the process of firm establishment in India and granting upsides for foreign investors to attract more investments and support stable economic growth.

India's position in global business environment rankings

Ease of doing business ranking in India

In the Ease of Doing Business ranking published by the World Bank, India is placed 63rd. This ranking is based on an analysis of various indicators related to company enrollment procedures, obtaining permits, property rights protection, taxation, and other aspects affecting the business environment.

The ranking suggests the presence of some challenges and difficulties that entrepreneurs face while doing business in India. However, it is essential to note that in recent years, India has implemented reforms aimed at reducing bureaucratic burdens and improving the investment climate. The Indian government recognizes the importance of enhancing the business environment and attracting foreign investments. As a result, measures have been taken to simplify company registration stages, reduce the time necessary for obtaining permits and licenses, and enhance interaction with government authorities.

One of the key initiatives is the "Make in India" program, which aims to attract investments in the country's manufacturing sectors. As part of this program, reforms have been proposed to improve the business environment, including simplifying business incorporation procedures in India, reducing administrative processes, and improving access to credit and financing.

Despite challenges that may arise in the entrepreneur environment, India continues to be attractive for investments due to its extensive domestic market, sustained economic growth, and potential for further development.

Analysis of reasons foreign businessmen require assistance in opening a company in India

Despite improvements in the business environment, the process of company registration in India can be challenging, especially for non-residents. Cultural, linguistic, and legal differences can be obstacles to successfully completing the procedure. This is why foreign businessmen seek assistance from expert consultants and companies with experience in organizing businesses in India.

Reasons why you need assistance in registering a company in India:

  • Legal complexity: the legal system in India may appear intricate and convoluted for non-residents. Numerous business registration rules require specialized knowledge and experience. Our consultants, specializing in company registration in India, will help you understand legal requirements and ensure compliance.
  • Acceleration of the registration process: registering a company in India takes time and involves numerous documents and formalities. Consultation on company registration can simplify and expedite this process, helping you prepare the right documents in the shortest possible time, allowing for a prompt submission to the registrar and approval of the application.
  • Access to additional services: our company can also provide access to additional services such as opening bank accounts, tax consulting, and juristical support. This allows entrepreneurs to obtain all necessary services in one place and streamline the process of launching a company in India.

Seeking assistance from specialized consultants enables foreign entrepreneurs to overcome complexities and adds the likelihood of successful company registration in India.

Types of business structures in India

Description of the different forms of companies available for registration in India

In India, several types of companies are available for registration by non-residents. Below is a detailed description of each type of company:

  1. Private Limited Company.
    • Number of founders: at least two founders are required to establish a company in India.
    • Maximum number of shareholders: a Private Limited Company can include up to 50 shareholders.
    • Company shares cannot be registered on the stock market.
  2. Public Limited Company.
    • Quantity of shareholders: a minimum of seven shareholders is required to establish a public company in India.
    • Public offering of shares: a public company has the right to list its shares on the stock market to attract investors.
    • Additional requirements: publicly traded companies are subject to more stringent rules and stipulations than Private Limited Companies.
  3. One Person Company: allows the creation of a legitimate entity with only one person as the founder. This allows not only the establishment of a company but also limits the liability of its sole owner.
  4. Unlimited Company: such structure of company involves unlimited responsibility for founders and is utilized in specific business areas.
  5. Partnerships. There are two forms of partnerships: General Partnership and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). In these partnerships, there are general partners who are personally liable for the partnership's debts. However, in the case of LLP, there are also partners who do not bear personal liability beyond their capital contribution. They do not have the right to participate in the management of the partnership.
  6. Branches and Representative Offices: non-residents also have the option to register a branch or representative office of a foreign company in India. Features of branches and representative offices include:
    • Connection to the foreign company: branches and representative offices serve as extensions of the foreign company and operate under its management.
    • Limitation of liability: branches and representative offices do not have the status of independent legal entities, and the liability lies with their parent company.
    • Registration requirements: to establish a branch or representative office, documents confirming the status of the foreign company and its powers need to be submitted.

Each type of legal organizational form has its own strengths and weaknesses, which should be taken into account when choosing the most suitable form for company registration in India.

By consulting with specialists, foreign businessmen can receive comprehensive advice and support in choosing the utmost suitable organizational structure for their business goals.

Outline of the upsides and disadvantages of certain structures of enterprises

Enterprise form



Private joint stock company

Limited liability of CEOs

Limited quantity of shareholders (up to 50)

Attractive tax incentives

Greater reporting and compliance stipulations

Public joint stock company

Wide access to the capital market

Complex and expensive procedures for enrolling a company in India

Public offering of shares

Greater reporting and transparency

Branches and representative offices

Communication with a foreign company

Fewer reporting and documentation standards

Constrained action within the powers of the foreign enterprise

Taking into account such upsides plus downsides, entrepreneurs can make an informed solution on choosing the most suitable form of enterprise for enrollment in India, depending on their needs, commercial model, and development strategy.

Overview of services provided by our company to support company registration and bank account opening

We present a comprehensive range of services to support company registration in India, providing professional assistance at every stage of the process.

  1. Consultations on choosing a business structure: our team of consultants will conduct a detailed discussion with clients to understand their needs and goals. We will assist in selecting the most suitable form of organization, taking into account factors such as the business model, legitimate requirements, and taxation.
  2. Document collection and submission: we provide clients with a list of documents required for opening a company in India and assist in their preparation and collection. Our team of enterprises enrollment lawyers ensures the correct completion and submission of all required forms and documents.
  3. Interaction with Indian authorities: we will handle interactions with Indian authorities and supervising bodies during the company enrollment process. Our team will monitor the progress of the application, respond to inquiries, and ensure conformity to legal stipulations.
  4. Opening a bank account: We also provide services for opening a bank account for the registered company in India. Our team will help clients choose a suitable bank, gather the necessary documents, and guide them through the account opening process.
  5. Continued support: after successful company registration, we offer ongoing support and consultations. Our team will be ready to answer clients' questions and provide information on further requirements and obligations for the company in India.

With extensive experience in company registration in India, our company is ready to provide professional assistance at every stage of the process. We aim to ensure the efficient completion of the company registration procedure in India.

Documentation necessary for enterprise enrollment

List of documents required for company registration in India

  1. Founding papers:
    • Bylaws: a document containing the fundamental provisions and rules of the company, including its name, objectives, structure, and the rights and responsibilities of founders and directors.
    • Memorandum of Understanding: a document contains the agreement of all establishers to establish the company and the conditions of its operation.
  2. Identification documents for directors and founders:
    • Copies of passports or identity documents of executives and founders are required for those wishing to start a business in India.
    • Copies of address documents for directors and founders: Documents confirming the residence or registration address of directors and founders.
  3. Proof of the company's address:
    • A paper confirming the actual address where the firm will be registered.
  4. Enrollment application:
    • Applications should be accomplished and delivered along with other documents to initiate the firm registration process in India.

Note that specific requirements and documents may vary depending on the type of company and the conditions set in India. Our team is ready to provide detailed information and assist you in gathering all the necessary documents for registering your company in India.

Description of the process of collecting and submitting documents, including timing and features of the procedure

Process stage

Features of the procedure


Preparation of paperwork

All necessary documents for registration of a company in India are collected, including articles of incorporation, identity cards of directors and promoters, proof of company address and other details.

Depends on the speed of preparation of the necessary documents.

Verification and signing of documents

Submitted documents are subject to verification and authentication. All documents must be correctly signed and certified by the company members.

It usually takes several days, depending on the number of documents and the complexity of the verification.

Submission of documents

Prepared and verified documents are submitted to the relevant registration authorities.

Submitting documents takes a day.

Processing and registration

Submitted documents are reviewed by registration authorities, who carry out verification and analysis. After successful verification and satisfaction of all requirements, the company is registered and receives a certificate of registration.

Typically takes a few days, depending on the workload of the registration authorities and the complexity of the process.

The registration time may vary depending on the chosen company structure, local factors, etc. In some states and territories of India, the registration process can be quick, while in others, it may be slow. You should also consider possible delays related to the need for amendments or additions to the submitted documents.

You can avail our services to receive detailed consultation and assistance at all stages of the company registration process in India. We have experience working with Indian registration authorities and can provide professional support, reducing the time required for company registration.

Tax system in India

Overview of main tax rates: income tax and dividend tax


Rate (%)

Income tax

Up to 10,000,000 rupees: 31.2%

Income tax

From 10,000,000 rupees: 33.38%

Income tax

Over Rp 10,000,000: 34.94%

Tax on dividends

From the company: 15%

It should be noted that in India, in addition to the common corporate income tax rate (30%), there is also a 4% tax on health and education, which is calculated on the income tax (included in the MAT in the table). Additionally, in case the taxable income exceeds 10 million Indian Rupees, an additional 10% of the taxable income is added to the tax rate.

The mentioned rates offer a general overview of income and dividend tax rates and may be subject to changes according to Indian legislation. When planning to establish a business in India, it is recommended to seek advice from professional tax specialists for accurate information on taxation.

Minimum authorized capital for opening a company in India

Currently, the minimum authorized capital for opening a company in India is approximately $1,500 (for a Private Limited Company). The authorized capital is the amount of money that a company must have as initial capital for its operations.

This minimum level of authorized capital allows entrepreneurs to start a company with modest initial investments, which is particularly crucial for startups and small businesses with limited financial resources.

However, it is important to note that the requirements for authorized capital may vary depending on the type of company and industry. Some specific industries or types of activities may require a higher authorized capital for company registration in India. For example, there is no minimum authorized capital requirement for a partnership, and in the case of an LLP, this amount is determined by the partners.

When registering a company in India, entrepreneurs should consider the authorized capital requirements and ensure its availability in compliance with the country's rules and legislation. Consulting with professionals can help entrepreneurs understand the requirements and develop a financing plan to meet the company's authorized capital.


The phase of launching a company in India has its unique aspects that foreign investors should take into account. Some key points include:

  1. Vast market and opportunities: India is among the fastest-growing economies globally, with its enormous market and diverse population bestowing countless opportunities for business development and expansion.
  2. Commercial-friendly environment: in recent years, India has implemented measures to improve the business environment and streamline the company registration routine. This includes the introduction of an electronic registration system and the reduction of timelines for various permits and licenses.
  3. Diverse company types: India supplies a variety of business formations for registration, allowing entrepreneurs to choose the most suitable structure for their business.
  4. Consulting services: for a successful business registration process in India, it's crucial to work with professionals who have knowledge and experience in Indian business and legislation. Consulting services can provide expert support at every stage of the registration process.

Enrolling a company in India is a significant step for foreign investors looking to leverage the prospects of the Indian market.

We understand that the process of company registration in India can be complex and requires professional assistance. Therefore, our company offers consultation and assistance services for opening a company in India.

Our specialists are well-acquainted with local laws, registration procedures, and intricacies of the Indian market. They are ready to provide the necessary advice and support.

To get in touch with our company and receive additional information, please fill out the feedback form on our website. Our team will reach out to you promptly and address all your queries.