Albania represents a promising jurisdiction for conducting business due to its strategic location in Southeastern Europe and favorable economic conditions. As a country with a developing economy, it attracts numerous entrepreneurs and investors seeking to establish and expand their businesses within the European market.

This article will provide a comprehensive analysis of the key aspects of registering and managing a company in Albania, encompassing legal, economic, and financial factors to consider. The primary focus is on the business advantages offered by the jurisdiction, including its tax system and opportunities for international trade.

Overview of the economic situation and business climate in Albania

The economic situation in Albania is characterized by stable growth and integration into international economic systems. In 2020, the country ranked 82nd in the world for ease of doing business, making it an attractive destination for establishing firms. Particularly notable is Albania's improved standing in categories such as business registration and access to credit, where it ranks 50th and 44th respectively. These indicators attest to a favorable business environment and efficient administrative support for enterprise formation.

The development of business infrastructure in Albania is supported by the introduction of modern technologies and the enhancement of transportation accessibility. For instance, consistent improvement of the transportation network streamlines logistical processes and enhances the country's attractiveness for establishing enterprises in the trading and manufacturing sectors.

From the perspective of the tax system, Albania offers some of the most competitive rates in the region. The standard corporate income tax rate stands at 15%, while companies with revenues exceeding 60,000 EUR benefit from a reduced rate of 5%. This fosters favorable conditions for launching business ventures in Albania, particularly within high-turnover sectors.

The World Bank estimates that Albania's economy grew at a 3.3% annual pace in 2023, driven by increases in private consumption, exports, and investments despite rising oil and food costs. The government's focus has been on the tourism, agricultural, and digitalization sectors in order to facilitate a thorough recovery from the COVID-19 epidemic and the 2019 earthquake. The expansion in employment and salaries is expected to contribute to the ongoing fall in the poverty rate.

Advantages of registering a company in Albania

  • Geographic location and its impact on business

Albania, situated in Southeastern Europe on the Balkan Peninsula, shares borders with Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Greece, and also boasts access to the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. This location offers strategic advantages for trade and goods distribution, rendering establishment of a legal entity in Albania appealing to companies engaged in import and export activities. Such positioning facilitates forging ties with markets in Southern and Central Europe, fostering commercial relations with other states in the Mediterranean region.

  • Stability of the economic and political situation

Albania's economy is characterized by sustained economic growth, driven by reforms in business regulation and investment activities. Government bodies actively seek to improve conditions for doing business, contributing to the country's rise in international rankings for ease of doing business. Albania's enduring political stability and its deepening economic integration with the European Union create a favorable environment for long-term capital deployment through company establishment.

  • Tax system and fiscal benefits

Albania offers a competitive tax environment with some of the lowest income tax rates in Europe - 15%. Small businesses with incomes below 60,000 euros are eligible for a preferential rate of 5%. Additionally, significant fiscal incentives are in place for capital investors in special economic zones, including exemptions from income tax and VAT. These conditions render the establishment of an Albanian firm particularly advantageous for startups and burgeoning enterprises.

  • Convenience of the enterprise incorporation procedure

The Albanian government has streamlined the company formation process by reducing the required documentation package and processing time for applications. Such enhancements enable entrepreneurs to expedite commencement of operations and reduce initial administrative costs. The availability of online registration for enterprises also facilitates procedural simplification and renders company establishment in Albania accessible to businessmen from other countries.

  • Access to the global market through membership in international organizations

Albania has intensified its engagement with various global associations, including the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the Council of Europe. Additionally, the country has embarked on the process of assimilation into the structures of the European Union. Accession to these frameworks provides advantages for firms registered in Albania, facilitating their access to extensive trading platforms and international partnership opportunities. This streamlines exports, participation in international auctions, and attraction of foreign investments.

Promising sectors for starting a business in Albania

Albania offers diverse opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to establish enterprises across various economic sectors. The selection of the most suitable sphere depends on a myriad of factors, including local economic conditions, resource availability, and governmental support. Here are several key industries offering significant prospects for company establishment within the territory of Albania.


Tourism is considered one of the fastest-growing sectors in the Albanian economy, thanks to its picturesque landscapes, rich history, and mild Mediterranean climate. Establishing a company in Albania in the hospitality sector, such as hotels, restaurants, or tour organizing agencies, may prove to be a lucrative venture. The government supports the development of this industry through incentives and streamlining administrative procedures.


The agricultural sector traditionally plays a pivotal role in the country's economy. Albania possesses fertile soils and favorable climatic conditions for cultivating olives, citrus fruits, grapes, and other agricultural produce. Establishing a venture in agribusiness, encompassing production, processing, and exportation of organic products, represents a promising avenue in Albania.


Albania offers extensive opportunities for the development of the hydroelectric industry and other forms of renewable energy. Establishing an energy firm in Albania, particularly in the renewable sources segment, may prove highly profitable due to governmental support measures and incentives for environmentally friendly technologies.

Manufacturing and export

The Albanian industrial sector is advancing in areas such as textiles, engineering, and the production of construction materials. Establishing a manufacturing enterprise in this sector with subsequent exportation of goods could prove advantageous due to reduced production costs and access to European markets.

Information Technology

The sphere of information technology in Albania is on a trajectory of development, with the government actively incentivizing its expansion by creating favorable conditions for innovation and attracting foreign investments. Initiating an IT business, encompassing software development, cloud services, or cybersecurity, holds substantial growth prospects in the Albanian market.

Entrepreneurs in each of these industries can leverage the unique opportunities offered by Albania. Registering a company in one of the promising sectors within the territory of Albania will not only yield profits but also contribute significantly to the development of the state's economy.

Main centers of entrepreneurship in Albania: where is the best place to open a company

Albania presents a range of cities and regions distinguished by a favorable business climate and developed infrastructural sector, rendering them ideal locales for firm establishment. Depending on the business type and target market, certain locations may offer more substantial advantages than others. Let us consider several key cities and regions of Albania for company registration.


The capital and largest city of Albania, Tirana, serves as the economic and political epicenter of the nation. Boasting a developed transportation network, accessibility to skilled labor resources, and a thriving business environment, the city entices entrepreneurs. Establishing a company in Tirana presents particular advantages for the IT, telecommunications, financial services, and retail sectors.


Durrës, the second-largest city in Albania, is a pivotal port and trading hub with access to the Adriatic Sea. It presents excellent prospects for companies engaged in logistics, export, and import activities. Establishing a company in Durrës would be an optimal solution for enterprises involved in maritime transportation, warehousing, and distribution.


The city of Vlorë is renowned for its port and as a tourist hub boasting a well-developed infrastructure for leisure and entertainment. Launching a business in Vlorë, particularly in the hospitality sector, restaurant industry, and entertainment, has the potential to yield substantial benefits due to the high influx of tourists and access to beautiful beaches and cultural landmarks.


The city of Shkodër, one of Albania's oldest cities, renowned for its cultural heritage and proximity to Lake Shkodër. The region is conducive to the establishment of enterprises in the ecotourism, cultural tourism, and local agricultural product manufacturing sectors.


The incorporation of a business in Korçë, a prominent economic center in southeastern Albania celebrated for its robust textile and agri-processing industries, presents a compelling opportunity for entrepreneurs in the manufacturing and value-added sectors. This is due to the ready availability of raw materials and a well-established industrial infrastructure.


The city located in the central part of the country, Fier, proves to be an enticing hub for entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector, owing to its fertile lands and burgeoning agricultural infrastructure. Additionally, Fier demonstrates proactive industrial development, rendering it a prime location for establishing enterprises within the manufacturing sphere.The selection of a location for registering a company in Albania should be based on a thorough analysis of market opportunities, infrastructure, and the specifics of the chosen industry. Each of the listed cities and regions offers unique advantages that can assist entrepreneurs in realizing their business potential.

Economic zones and special regimes in Albania

Albania also offers a range of attractive conditions for investors, particularly within its Free/Special Economic Zones (FEZ/SEZ), designed to stimulate economic development through attracting foreign and local investments. Establishing a firm within one of these zones can offer significant advantages, including tax incentives and streamlined administrative procedures.

An overview of the five free economic zones in Albania and the incentives available to investors



Main benefits

SEZ Koplik

Industry and processing

Exemption from income tax for the first 10 years, reduced property tax rates

SEZ Spitallë

Light industry and electronics

Full exemption from import taxes on equipment and raw materials

SEZ Shkodër

Agro-industrial complex and technology

No VAT, simplified customs clearance procedures

SEZ Durrës

Transport and logistic

Low corporate tax rates, possibility of VAT refund for export transactions

SEZ Vlorë

Heavy industry and petrochemical industry

A maximum 15-year income tax exemption, as well as lower tax rates for the purchase of real estate and land

Benefits for businessmen in free zones

Investors who decide to establish a company in one of the Albanian SEZ are entitled to a number of general and specialized benefits:

  • Exemption from corporate tax. Depending on the zone and type of activity, companies can be completely excluded from paying income tax for up to 10–15 years.
  • Simplification of customs procedures. Many zones offer simplified customs clearance, which speeds up the process of importing and exporting goods.
  • Benefits for VAT and import taxes. Imports of equipment and raw materials into these zones are often exempt from VAT and import duties.
  • Infrastructure support. The government is actively investing in the development of the infrastructure sector in the free zones, facilitating access to roads, ports and energy resources.

FEZs in Albania offer a unique environment for commercial activity development with minimal barriers and maximum state support. Investors opting to establish enterprises within these zones gain significant competitive advantage at the outset of their projects.

Description of the legal system and regulation of commercial activities in Albania

The legal system of Albania is grounded on the principles of continental (civil) law. The Constitution serves as the primary legislative instrument, delineating the fundamental rights, freedoms, and responsibilities of citizens and the state. Following the Constitution are ratified international agreements, succeeded by laws enacted by Parliament. Subsidiary acts, including those of the Council of Ministers, also play a significant role within the country's legal framework.

The legislative framework of Albania encompasses a broad spectrum of socio-economic aspects, including the regulation of enterprise activities. Specifically, the Civil Code of the Republic of Albania governs contractual relationships and the conduct of parties in contracts. It incorporates general principles such as good faith in negotiations, which are pivotal for upholding order and fairness in commercial and personal legal relations.

In practice, for registering and conducting business in Albania, companies may choose from various legal forms, each with its own characteristics regarding management, capital, and founders' liability. Details on each type of company, including requirements for the size of the registered capital and the governance process, are regulated by the Law on Entrepreneurs and Commercial Companies, as well as other relevant regulatory acts.

Consequently, Albania's legal system offers a transparent and well-defined framework for the incorporation and functioning of businesses, while simultaneously safeguarding the rights and entitlements of all stakeholders within commercial transactions.

Role and functions of the National Business Center in Albania

The National Business Center (Qendra Kombëtare e Biznesit, QKB) in Albania serves as a cornerstone institution in the cultivation and optimization of the country's business landscape. It achieves this by providing a comprehensive suite of services and resources specifically designed to empower domestic entrepreneurs and enterprises.

The National Business Center serves as a hub where entrepreneurs can access information on various facets of business, such as legal matters, taxation, financial planning, marketing, and more. The center provides consultations and advice regarding the initiation, management, and growth of businesses.

The QKB supports entrepreneurship and innovation by fostering the establishment of new enterprises within the territory of Albania, as well as the growth of existing ones. The center provides assistance to entrepreneurs in their endeavors, furnishing information regarding available financial and non-financial resources, grant and funding programs, and organizing events and training sessions to enhance skills and knowledge development.

This department organizes seminars, training, and master classes on various aspects of business with the aim of enhancing the qualifications of entrepreneurs and promoting the development of their companies. These events may encompass topics such as personnel management, strategic planning, digital marketing, etc.

It is also worth mentioning that the National Business Center actively collaborates with governmental bodies, the business community, and international organizations to establish a conducive and supportive framework for entrepreneurship in Albania. This may entail engagement in policy formulation, conducting research and analytics, as well as organizing forums and events for the exchange of experiences and best practices.

Features of the Albanian Commercial Register

The Albanian Commercial Registry (Regjistri i Biznesit të Shqipërisë) stands as the paramount governmental body entrusted with the registration and administration of information pertaining to commercial entities within Albania. It assumes a pivotal role in fostering a conducive business environment, ensuring transparency, legitimacy, and safeguarding the rights of commercial entities within the nation.

Main features of the Albanian Commercial Register:

  • Registration of companies and entrepreneurs

The Albanian Commercial Registry oversees the registration process of various forms of commercial entities, including legal entities, branches and representations of foreign companies, as well as individual entrepreneurs. It ensures transparency in this process and provides access to registration data for interested parties.

  • Accounting for information about companies

The registry maintains records and archives information regarding registered companies within the territory of Albania, encompassing their principal particulars, ownership structures, organizational forms, as well as alterations that may occur throughout the lifecycle of a company.

  • Ensuring the legal accuracy of data

One of the vital functions of the registry is to ensure the legal authenticity of the information contained in its records. This aids in preventing fraud, ensures the protection of property rights, and guarantees the reliability of business transactions.

  • Access to public information

The information contained in the Albanian Commercial Registry is publicly accessible, enabling interested parties such as investors, partners, competitors, and governmental bodies to access company data and conduct requisite due diligence.

  • Online services and digitalization

For the convenience of users and streamlining bureaucratic procedures, the registry provides online services facilitating the submission of applications for company registration in Albania and conducting other administrative procedures via the internet. This fosters the digitization of business processes and enhances efficiency in interaction with the registry.

  • Information update and reporting

Registered companies in Albania are obliged to regularly provide updated information to the registry, including changes in their organizational structure, articles of association, composition of founders and directors, and other significant alterations. This ensures the currency of data and preserves their relevance for users.

  • Entrepreneurship support

The Albanian Commercial Registry also fulfills vital functions in fostering the entrepreneurial environment by ensuring access to information and resources requisite for initiating and advancing business activities within the country.

These features make the Albanian Commercial Registry an integral part of Albania's business infrastructure and a significant tool for entrepreneurs and investors wishing to conduct business in this jurisdiction.

Types of legal entities in Albania

In Albania, there are several legal forms available for establishing enterprises. The choice of a specific form determines the requirements for its registration, including management structure and the required amount of authorized capital.

Limited Liability Company (LLC)


Can be founded by 1 or several individuals or legal entities.


The management of the enterprise is carried out by managers appointed at the general meeting of shareholders.

Authorized fund

The minimum fund is symbolic and amounts to approximately 100 ALL (less than 1 EUR).

This legal entity model is ideally suited for small-scale enterprises, as it offers limited liability for finances and requires only a nominal share capital, making it an accessible choice for startups and family businesses in Albania.

Joint stock company (JSC)


It can be created by both individuals and legal entities who are exempt from personal liability for the company’s debts.


Management can be carried out through a one-level or two-level management system, including a board of directors and a supervisory board.

Authorized fund

For a JSC with a private offer, the size of the authorized capital is about 3.5 million ALL (about 28,455 EUR). For a JSC with a public offering, the minimum capital is much higher - about 10 million ALL (about 81,300 EUR).

For larger enterprises or those aspiring to attract external investments, a JSC may prove preferable, as it enables financing acquisition through share sales and ensures limited liability to shareholders. This form is also suitable for entities in Albania contemplating public stock offerings, owing to the ease of shareholder composition alteration.

Partnerships (general and limited)


In a general partnership, the partners have unlimited liability; in a limited partnership, at least one of the partners has limited liability.


Partners who manage the business, depending on the form of partnership.

Authorized fund

There is no required minimum capital.

Enterprises, including general and limited partnerships, are typically chosen by entrepreneurs seeking to conduct business in Albania jointly with partners and having the capability to actively engage in management. These structures are suited for family enterprises and those preferring flexibility in managerial decision-making, wherein partners may possess varying levels of responsibility and participation.

Branches and representative offices


Must be registered as extensions of foreign companies.


Managed by appointed representatives.

Authorized fund

Not required.

Foreign companies often leverage branches and representative offices to initiate operations within the Albanian market. This strategy allows parent companies to evaluate the local business environment without the need to establish a fully independent legal entity. It serves as a strategic option for managing local activities or conducting market research before committing to more substantial investments.

The most suitable corporate structure for operating a business in Albania is contingent upon a variety of considerations, encompassing the enterprise's scale, financial composition, preferred extent of managerial involvement, and the entrepreneur's long-term objectives.

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Procedure for registering a company in Albania and registration deadlines

The process of registering a company in Albania consists of several stages and usually takes from 24 to 48 hours:

Stage 1. Selecting the legal structure of the enterprise

Prior to the initiation of the business registration process, the selection of an optimal legal entity structure aligned with your strategic objectives is paramount.

Stage 2. Checking the uniqueness of the name

Before registering, it is essential to ensure that the chosen company name is unique and not utilized by other legal entities in Albania. This serves to prevent legal disputes and confusion in the future.

Stage 3. Preparation of necessary documents

Before you begin registration, you need to prepare all the required documentation, including the charter of the enterprise, papers that confirm the identity of the founders, and, if necessary, proof of payment of the state fee.

Stage 4. Submitting an application to the National Registration Center

An application for company registration in Albania is submitted to the National Registration Center. This center carries out registration of the company and at the same time registration with other government bodies, including the tax service.

Stage 5. Payment of state duty

The state fee for registering a company is about 1 EUR. Payment of this fee is mandatory to complete the registration procedure.

Stage 6. Obtaining a legal identity

The company officially receives the status of a legal entity on the day of its registration with the National Registration Center. This allows the company to begin to act as a full participant in economic relations.After registering an Albanian company, it must be registered with the tax office to issue a taxpayer identification number and with the statistical office to obtain a statistical code. This is necessary for maintaining accounting and tax records.

List and documentation requirements for establishing a company in Albania

To establish a company in Albania, you need to provide a number of documents:

  1. Constituent documentation. Businesses need to prepare constituent documents, including articles of association and articles of association, which must be registered in the commercial register.
  2. Proof of payment of the registration fee. The registration fee depends on the type of legal structure of the enterprise. This fee must be paid to complete the registration procedure.
  3. Documents confirming the identity of the founders. It is necessary to provide identification documents of each of the founders of the company.
  4. Confirmation of the uniqueness of the name. Before submitting documents for registration, you must ensure that the chosen company name is unique and different from those already registered in the trade register.
  5. Registration form. A completed registration form, which includes all the necessary information about the company, its founders and types of activities.

These documents must be submitted to the National Registration Center. After verifying the information and documents provided, the company receives the status of a legal entity in Albania, which allows it to begin commercial activities.

Administrative issues of company management in Albania

In Albania, administrative aspects of enterprise management are governed by legislation on entrepreneurship and commercial entities, delineating pivotal elements of operational governance and mechanisms for decision-making within the organizational milieu.

Corporate management

Control over an enterprise in Albania depends on its status and organizational form:

Management of an LLC is carried out by one or more managers appointed at a meeting of shareholders. These managers have the right to make all management decisions within the framework prescribed by law and approved by the organization’s charter.

In a JSC with a single-level structure, the management of the company is carried out by the board of administration as the only management body that exercises both management and control over the company’s activities.

In a JSC with a two-tier structure, the management of the Albanian company is entrusted to one or more administrators, while the supervisory board monitors the implementation of enterprise policies in accordance with the law and the charter. The Supervisory Board is not authorized to issue mandatory instructions to administrators.

Decision making processes in organizations

The general meeting of founders serves as the supreme managerial body both in LLCs and JSCs. It makes decisions either by a qualified majority (three-quarters of the votes) or by a simple majority, depending on the nature of the matter under consideration. The law requires that at least 30% of the founders be present at the meeting for a simple majority and at least 50% for a qualified majority.These administrative and managerial structures ensure clarity and consistency in enterprise management, as well as uphold compliance with corporate discipline and accountability to shareholders and other stakeholders.

Corporate tax regime in Albania

The Albanian corporate tax system is intricately crafted to facilitate corporate operations while ensuring compliance with local fiscal regulations. Here's a comprehensive overview of various facets of this system:

Income tax

All resident legal entities and other entities operating within Albania are liable to corporate income taxation.x if their yearly revenue over 8 million ALL (about 63,000 EUR). Companies that are residents pay taxes on their worldwide revenue, whereas non-residents only pay taxes on money earned within Albania. The average corporate income tax rate fluctuates:

  • Taxpayers earning up to 14 million ALL (approximately 110,000 EUR) annually will pay 0%.
  • 15% for those whose income exceeds this threshold.
  • Certain types of businesses may qualify for a lower tax rate of 5% if they meet certain criteria.


Albania provides for a standard VAT rate of 20%, applicable to the majority of services and commodity items. Enterprises are mandated to remit it to the tax authority, ensuring stability for entities operating domestically and internationally.

Taxation of foreign enterprises

Foreign businesses operating in Albania are responsible for taxation exclusively on earnings produced within Albania. Additionally, they have the option to designate a tax agent in Albania to oversee their tax obligations, especially for VAT compliance when mandated by law. This appointment becomes critical when a foreign legal entity renders services within Albania to unregistered VAT entities.

Avoidance of double taxation and ways to reduce the tax burden

In Albania, there exist legislative measures against double taxation, allowing enterprises to avail tax incentives as per norms sanctioned by the Ministry of Finance. These credits are pivotal for both foreign entities and Albanian nationals conducting business abroad, ensuring that income is not taxed in Albania and another jurisdiction concurrently. Moreover, certain sectors enjoy special tax privileges, such as the technological industrial development zone, where eligible businesses can benefit from a 50% reduced corporate tax rate for a specified period.

Special tax regimes

  • Tech zone firms: 50% corporate tax cut for 5 years.
  • 4–5 star hotels: 10 year income tax exempt for "special status".
  • Agritourism sites: 10 year 5% corporate tax if criteria met.

Capital gains

Dispositions of business assets generate capital gains that are taxed at a rate of 15%, mirroring the prevailing corporate tax rate applicable to taxable income exceeding the established threshold. Businesses are afforded some latitude in managing their tax burden across various financial reporting periods through the ability to carry forward net operating losses for a period of three years.

Sector-specific taxes

Some types of activities, such as oil extraction, are subject to higher rates (for instance, 50% for profits from oil drilling operations), reflecting their potential environmental impact and economic value.These detailed aspects of the Albanian corporate tax system demonstrate a framework designed to support economic activity while ensuring financial accountability. The system is tailored to various types of businesses and activities, offering incentives that promote investment and growth in key sectors.

Criteria for yearly monetary reports and examinations for businesses in Albania

The requirements for annual financial reporting and auditing for companies in Albania are established in accordance with national legislation, and compliance with them is crucial to ensure transparency of corporate operations and financial activities of companies.

Preparation and submission of annual financial statements

Companies are required to prepare annual statutory financial statements at the end of each financial year. The statements must be signed by the legal representative of the company and the individual responsible for the preparation of financial statements, and approved by the decision-making body of the company, such as the general meeting of shareholders.

By no later than March 31 of the subsequent fiscal year, companies are required to submit their statutory financial statements, audit report (if applicable), and other requisite documents to the competent tax authority. Additionally, by July 31, companies must lodge these documents with the relevant registering authority (e.g., the National Business Center) for the publication of annual financial statements and audit reports, if mandated by law.

Audit of financial statements

The "Statutory Audit, Legal Auditor, and Approved Accountant Profession Organization Act" governs the statutory audit of annual individual and consolidated financial statements. This legislation also regulates the activities of professional organizations in the field of accounting.

Publication obligations

Medium-sized, large, and entities of public interest, as well as non-profit organizations in Albania, with assets or revenues exceeding 30 million ALL, are mandated to disclose annual financial statements and other documents on their official websites no later than 7 months after the reporting date.These requirements ensure that financial activities of companies in Albania are conducted in accordance with high standards of transparency and accountability to shareholders, tax authorities, and the broader public.

Banking services for companies in Albania

Banking services for companies in Albania are represented by a diverse range of offerings provided by the country's leading banks. Albania boasts several major financial institutions offering services to both corporate and private clients.

Leading banks in Albania:

  • Banka e Shqipërisë. The Central Bank of Albania, which not only manages the country's monetary policy, but also plays the role of regulator of the banking system.
  • Raiffeisen Bank Albania. One of the largest banks in the country, providing a wide range of services for corporate clients.
  • Alpha Bank Albania. Another of the large banks in Albania, specializing in servicing corporate clients.
  • Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania. A branch of the international banking group Intesa Sanpaolo, providing services for companies and entrepreneurs.
  • Credins Bank. One of the nation's most dynamically evolving financial establishments, providing a plethora of services tailored for corporate customers.

Banking services for corporate clients in Albania encompass a broad spectrum of offerings provided by the country's leading banks. They include services for the opening and maintenance of corporate accounts, credit and financing facilities, liquidity and investment management, export-import operations, as well as innovative digital solutions for corporate financial management.

Corporate clients are also provided with consultancy and support services on all matters of banking services. These services aid enterprises in Albania in managing their finances, conducting international trade operations, accessing financial support for business development, and leveraging modern technologies for optimizing banking processes.

Opening a corporate bank account in Albania usually requires the following steps:

  1. Document Preparation: company provides constituent documents, company register extracts, founder and director identity documents, and other requested paperwork to the bank.
  2. Application Completion: company fills out a corporate account opening application, detailing company, founder, and intended banking activity information.
  3. Contract Signing: upon document verification, the company signs an agreement with the bank, outlining account opening and maintenance terms.
  4. Account ID Allocation: upon completion of procedures, the company receives a unique account identification number for banking transactions.


Entering the Albanian market presents a significant opportunity for enterprising individuals. This is driven by the nation's burgeoning economy, a conducive environment for business activities, and its strategic proximity to lucrative markets.

The company TK DEAL is prepared to offer comprehensive support and expert guidance throughout the establishment of an enterprise in Albania. We possess a profound understanding of local market conditions and legislative norms, enabling us to assist our clients in achieving their objectives in this country. Our team of specialists is ready to provide professional consultation, assistance in documentation, and ensure full support at all stages of the business process in Albania.