The incorporation of an offshore company in the Seychelles has become a pivotal element of the strategic framework for numerous entrepreneurs. The allure of the Seychelles is primarily due to its liberal regulatory environment and attractive fiscal incentives, which foster an advantageous business landscape.

It is crucial to recognize that the Seychelles is committed to enhancing its legislative structure to align with global standards for reporting and economic substance. This article aims to delineate the essential procedural steps required for effective company registration in the Seychelles, exploring the benefits of this enticing jurisdiction for realizing entrepreneurial aspirations within the Seychelles archipelago.

Benefits of establishing an offshore company in the Seychelles

Seychelles offers a multitude of compelling reasons for registering an offshore company, making it an appealing choice for business owners seeking to expand globally:

  • Favorable business environment: the regulatory climate in the Seychelles is conducive to business operations, promoting ease and efficiency.
  • Expedited incorporation process: the procedure for setting up a company in the Seychelles is streamlined, allowing for quick and hassle-free registration.
  • Enhanced confidentiality measures: the Seychelles ensures a high degree of privacy for business owners, shielding their identity and operations.
  • Reduced operational costs: the cost of conducting business in the Seychelles is comparatively low, adding to its attractiveness.
  • Low taxation framework: the jurisdiction provides favorable tax rates along with various tax exemptions and incentives.
  • Remote registration capability: entrepreneurs can establish their businesses in the Seychelles from anywhere in the world, thanks to the provision for remote registration.
  • There are no exchange control regulations: there are no restrictions on the exchange of currency, facilitating financial management.
  • Minimal reporting obligations: the Seychelles requires minimal reporting from companies, reducing administrative burdens.
  • Tax exemption for IBCs: IBCs registered in the Seychelles benefit from a complete tax exemption on foreign-earned income.
  • Unrestricted capital repatriation: there is no hindrance to the movement of capital from the Seychelles to other countries, ensuring financial flexibility.
  • No annual reporting for IBCs: IBCs are not required to file annual company reports, simplifying compliance and operational processes.

Registering an offshore company in the Seychelles offers substantial strategic benefits, from significant tax advantages and operational cost reductions to enhanced confidentiality and minimal regulatory compliance. For entrepreneurs and businesses aiming to tap into the potential of an international market while enjoying a relaxed fiscal and regulatory environment, the Seychelles presents an ideal jurisdiction. Entrepreneurs considering this move should be aware of the ongoing reforms aimed at ensuring compliance with international standards, which reinforce the jurisdiction’s commitment to maintaining a reputable and sustainable business hub.

Corporate structure options

When it comes to setting up a company in the Seychelles, entrepreneurs have a wide choice of corporate forms to suit their needs and goals. There are various types of corporate forms available in the Seychelles, including offshore companies, limited liability companies and joint stock companies. Each of these forms has its characteristics and advantages, and choosing the right one depends on the specific needs and business strategy. In this article, we will look at the main types of corporate forms in Seychelles and help you decide on the one that is most suitable for you. Open the door to a successful business in the Seychelles by deciding the optimal corporate form for your company.

Foreign investors wishing to open a company in the Seychelles can choose from two main types of legal entities:

  • an offshore company (known as an IBC, which is the most popular choice);
  • onshore company.

Deciding the optimal corporate form in the Seychelles hinges on your specific business needs, financial goals, and the level of engagement you wish to have with the local market. Whether you aim for the flexibility and tax benefits of an IBC, the asset protection of an LLC, the capital-raising capabilities of a JSC, or the local integration of an onshore company, Seychelles offers a conducive environment for your business aspirations.

Registration of an international business company in Seychelles

A peculiarity of such business entities is that they can conduct operations and sign contracts only with organizations located outside the country. To register an IBC in the Seychelles, you must fulfill the following simple conditions:

  • 1 shareholder;
  • one director;
  • open an account in the Seychelles and deposit a minimum capital of 1 USD;
  • register an address in the country;
  • appoint a local agent.
  • The director and shareholder may be the same person.

Registration of a company with a special license in the Seychelles (CSL)

Such enterprises are used to conduct offshore activities in the Seychelles, subject to obtaining the appropriate license from the Financial Services Authority. To register a CSL in the Seychelles, you need:

  • minimum capital: 1 USD;
  • 2 shareholders (can be non-residents and legal entities);
  • 2 directors;
  • 1 resident secretary.

Such a legal entity is considered a resident for tax purposes. However, it can enjoy a corporate tax rate of 1.5% on profits earned outside the country. Unlike IBCs, CSLs are required to file annual reports and audited financial statements.

LLC registration in Seychelles

Foreigners can also register a limited liability company in the Seychelles. To create an LLC in the Seychelles, you require:

  • open a corporate account in a Seychelles bank and deposit capital (minimum 1 USD);
  • 2 shareholders (of any residence);
  • 2 local directors;
  • 1 resident secretary.

An LLC can carry out transactions with both residents and foreign clients and partners, subject to obtaining a license in regulated industries. Such an enterprise is subject to the standard corporate tax rate (33%).

Registration of a branch in Seychelles

You can also open a branch in the Seychelles, subject to the appointment of two local agents. The scope of the activities of such a legal entity is determined by the parent company, which bears unlimited liability for the obligations of the branch.

Opening an offshore company in the Seychelles: Taxation

An IBC can receive tax exemption for 20 years from the date of opening a business in the Seychelles, provided that the company does not conduct business with residents of the country.

The following tax rates apply in the country:

  • Corporate Tax:
    • profit less than 1 million SCR – 1.5% per turnover;
    • profit over 1 million SCR – a 25% rate is applied to the first million SCR of taxable income; and 30% on other income (if the company does not operate in the Seychelles, payment of taxes is not mandatory).
  • VAT: 15% if turnover exceeds 2 million SCR;
  • Other mandatory payments: annual license cost in the amount of 100 USD;
  • Taxation of dividends: 15%.

Seychelles is a party to more than 25 DTA agreements.


Registration of a company in the Seychelles represents an attractive opportunity for entrepreneurs who seek to establish their business in a favorable and exotic environment. The Seychelles, with their liberal legislation, tax advantages, and stable political situation, provide ideal conditions for the development of various business sectors. Whether you are a small start-up or a large corporation, Seychelles has the right corporate form and legal structure for your business. Registering a company in the Seychelles opens the door to international opportunities, expands your client base, and provides access to global markets. Take advantage of the benefits that the Seychelles jurisdiction has to offer and realize your business ambitions in this beautiful archipelago. Our article provides you with all the necessary knowledge and instructions for successfully registering a company in the Seychelles.

If you are interested in registering an offshore company in the Seychelles, it is worth considering that amendments have been made to the Law on International Companies to require confirmation of economic presence. The updated legislation came into force on January 1, 2019. To find out more information regarding regulating activities in the Seychelles, contact TKDeal by filling out the special form below.