Establishing an enterprise in Montenegro


Getting to know Montenegro

Montenegro, located on the southern coast of the Adriatic Sea, represents a unique integration of diverse natural and cultural treasures. Its geography encompasses mountainous peaks, picturesque valleys, and stunning beaches, making it one of the most captivating tourist destinations in the region.

  • Mountain landscapes: impressive mountain ranges such as Durmitor and Prokletije attract outdoor enthusiasts, mountaineers, travelers. Pristine lakes and waterfalls create a unique landscape that appeals to tourists throughout the year.
  • Scenic beaches: the stretch of Montenegro's coastline is dotted with diverse beaches, ranging from sandy to pebbly. The Adriatic Sea, with its crystal-clear waters and incredible color palette, becomes a place of relaxation and inspiration.
  • Cultural heritage: the rich historical legacy, including ancient cities, fortresses, and monasteries, speaks to the centuries-old history of the region. Traditions, national cuisine, and artisanal crafts add to the formation of a unique cultural experience.

The attractiveness of Montenegro for business

This jurisdiction is not only rich in nature and history but also offers excellent opportunities for launching a business in Montenegro and investments:

  • Growing real estate market: thanks to impressive natural landscapes and active tourism, the property estate market in the domain is rapidly developing. Deposits in the construction of residential and commercial estate can be profitable.
  • Computer technology: the region is actively contributing into the growth of digital technology, creating a favorable environment for startups and launching IT enterprises in Montenegro.
  • Tourism and hospitality: steady growth in the tourism industry makes this sector attractive for investors, providing a wide range of opportunities in the hotel infrastructure, restaurants, and entertainment complexes.
  • Infrastructure projects and reforms: region is actively adding to the modernization of infrastructure, including transportation and energy systems. Reforms aim to improve the entrepreneur environment and facilitate processes for contributors.

A growing economy, modern infrastructure and rich cultural atmosphere make this country an attractive place to invest and launch an enterprise in Montenegro.

Commercial landscape in Montenegro

Economic diversification in Montenegro

Country demonstrates successful development across various industries, making its economy resilient and attractive to contributors. The diversity of key areas provides a wide range of opportunities for businessmen and investors, allowing for risk mitigation and securing stability.


It is one of Montenegro's most important economic sectors. With stunning landscapes, crystal-clear seas, and a rich cultural history, the country attracts millions of tourists every year. The hotel business, restaurants, entertainment complexes, and tourist agencies create numerous jobs and stimulate economic growth.

Real Estate Market

The real estate market in Montenegro is also actively expanding. Overseas investors are interested in purchasing residential and commercial properties along the coast and in cities. This forms opportunities for opening companies in Montenegro, real estate agencies, and property management services.


It plays a significant role in Montenegro's economy. Thanks to fertile soils and a moderate climate, the country produces a variety of agricultural products, including olives, grapes, fruits, and vegetables. This opens opportunities for the development of agricultural enterprises and the food industry.

IT Sector

The development of the IT sector is becoming increasingly noticeable in Montenegro. The country actively invests in information technology, creating a favorable environment for startups and innovative projects. This opens new prospects for those interested in establishing an IT business in Montenegro.

Economic diversification in Montenegro is a key strategy that ensures the reliability and resilience of the country's economy. The variety of industries, including tourism, real estate, agriculture, and information technology, offers a wide range of directions for business and investments, making this country attractive to entrepreneurs from around the world.

Features of the business environment

Innovation and Startups

The jurisdiction actively supports innovative projects and the development of the startup community. A straightforward company registration procedure in Montenegro and access to investment programs allow startups to quickly initiate their activities. This creates a favorable environment for those aiming to implement new ideas and technologies.

Competitive environment

Alongside business opportunities in Montenegro, there exists a competitive environment. Entrepreneurs need to be flexible and possess adaptation skills to successfully navigate the competition. This requires the development of unique products or services as well as effective marketing tactics.

Innovation support

Government and private programs supporting innovation and startups contribute to the development of new projects. Investors and accelerators also actively engage with local entrepreneurs, providing funding and expert guidance. This helps facilitate the process of launching an IT company in Montenegro.

Developed infrastructure

A well-developed transport and communication infrastructure facilitates business processes and enables efficient interaction with partners and clients. Fast access to the internet and technological resources contributes to the development of digital businesses and IT projects.

Adaptation to the market

Successful business operations in Montenegro require the ability to adapt to local nuances and evolving market demands. Effective communication with customers and partners, as well as flexibility in responding to changes, enables businesses to maintain competitiveness.

Talented personnel

Access to qualified professionals in various fields, including technology, tourism, and finance, makes Montenegro an attractive destination for companies. Educational programs and universities prepare highly skilled graduates, contributing to the formation of competitive teams.

The straightforward enterprise enrollment process in Montenegro, investor support, and the presence of developed infrastructure contribute to business development. However, the condition for adaptation to the competitive environment entails the ability to respond quickly to changes and develop unique strategies.

Choosing the optimal legal form

Current options for legitimate structures of enterprises in Montenegro


Description and benefits

Limited Liability Company (LLC/DOO)

This is the most popular structure of enterprise in Montenegro. Establishers bear responsibility just to the magnitude of their shares in the share funds. The registration phase for LLC/DOO in Montenegro is relatively simple, and it is fitting for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Joint Stock Company (AD)

AD is suitable for large corporations planning to list their shares on the stock exchange. The stock capital for AD is higher than for DOO. Stakeholders bear responsibility just within the limits of their shares. Registering an AD in Montenegro is a more complex procedure, but this structure allows enterprises to attract a wide range of contributors.

Partnership (full or limited liability)

Registering a partnership in Montenegro is applicable for enterprises where multiple initiators jointly participate in the business. Partnerships can be general, where participants bear unlimited responsibility, or limited, where responsibility is restricted to the participant's contribution.

Individual entrepreneur

The simplest structure of business, suitable for freelancers. When registering as a sole entrepreneur in Montenegro, you personally bear the responsibility for debts. This provides both greater flexibility and higher risks.

In Montenegro, a variety of legal forms for corporations are available, allowing entrepreneurs to choose the most suitable option based on the size and nature of the business, as well as anticipated risks and opportunities.

Company registration process

Legal environment

An important step in opening a company in Montenegro is familiarizing yourself with the basics of the legislation that regulates the registration and operation of enterprises. This will help you successfully navigate this stage and avoid legal complexities in the future. Here are a few key aspects to consider:

  • Ownership shares for foreigners: Montenegro's legislation allows foreigners to establish an enterprise with 100% ownership shares. This means you can be the sole founder of your company without the need for a local partner.
  • Foreign directors: non-residents can also become executives in enrolled organizations in Montenegro. This provides flexibility in running the enterprise and allows you to easily control business activities.
  • Restrictions and licenses: determined by the industry in which you plan to operate, specific licenses and permits may be required. Ensure that you fully understand the requirements and procedures for obtaining necessary licenses.
  • Employment laws: when hiring employees, it's essential to comply with Montenegro's labor laws. This includes rules on working hours, wage payments, and personnel rights.
  • Property rights protection: Montenegro's licit system ensures the protection of intellectual property rights. This is crucial to regard, especially if your business involves innovation or development.

Collaborating with licit consultants specializing in enterprises enrollment in Montenegro may succor you effectively address legal matters and ensure the successful enrollment and operation of your company.

Required documents



Founders' passports

Make sure that copies of all founders' passports are clear and readable, including all pages and visas.

Founding agreement

Check that the agreement comprises records about participants' shares, management rules and other arrangements.

Appointment documents

When enrolling an enterprise in Montenegro, provide info confirming the nomination of a CEO of the corporation, including relevant decisions.

Address confirmation

Ensure that the company's address proof documents are valid and up to date.

Application for admission

Check that all the necessary data in the application is filled out correctly, without errors or typos.


Make sure that all payments related to company registration in Montenegro are made in full and on time.

Documents on choosing an accountant

If necessary, provide all documents related to the selection of the company's accountant.

It is recommended to thoroughly study each document for errors, deficiencies, and incomplete information before submitting them for business registration in Montenegro. Additionally, ensure that the documents will remain valid at the time of company registration by checking their expiration dates.

Application Phase

The procedure for submitting an application for enterprises enrollment in Montenegro involves a sequence of crucial stages to ensure a successful completion of the routine.

  • Opting an entity name: selecting a unique company name is one of the first and crucial phases. The enterprise name should be distinctive and not match existing entities. It has to reflect the nature of your company and comply with registration rules.
  • Paperwork preparation: gather all necessary files, such as copies of founders' passports, the memorandum of association, files appointing executives, proof of the company's address, and others. It is imperative that the papers are complete, tidy, and accurate.
  • Application submission: prepare the entity registration application, including all necessary info about the company, founders, directors, share capital, etc.
  • Fee payment: typically, government fees for registration are required. Ensure that you have paid all necessary fees and obtain payment receipts.
  • Confirmation and processing: after submitting the application and paying the fees, your application will be processed by the registration authority. This may take some time, and they may request additional documents or information as needed.
  • Receipt of registration license: upon completion of the application review and meeting all requirements, you will receive official confirmation of your company's registration in Montenegro. This document verifies that your company is now registered and can commence its operations.

The process of submitting an application for company registration requires attention to detail, accuracy, and sequence. Errors or deficiencies in the documents can slow down the business registration process in Montenegro or even lead to rejection. Therefore, it is recommended to profoundly familiarize yourself with the requirements of the registration authority and seek guidance from professionals if needed.

Financial aspects and taxation in Montenegro

Tax rates and benefits




Corporate tax


Applies to enterprise profits.

Value added tax (VAT)

21% (conventional)

Applies to most goods and services.

7% (reduced)

Applies to certain goods and services, such as medical services, books, etc.


Applies to export operations and supplies of medicines and medical devices.

Tax on dividends


This rate applies only to funds withdrawn from circulation, and not to those left for the development of a company in Montenegro.

These tax rates make Montenegro appealing for business and investments. However, it is crucial to bear in mind that tax legislation may change, so it is always recommended to consult with specialists for up-to-date information.

Financial management

Proper financial management and accounting play a key role in maintaining the financial stability and successful operation of a company in Montenegro. Here are some tips on financial management:

  • Professional accounting: working with experienced accountants or an accounting company will help ensure accurate and timely recording of all financial transactions of the company. This also guarantees compliance with tax norms and regulations.
  • Separate business and personal finances: it is important to clearly separate business and personal finances to avoid confusion and facilitate accounting.
  • Financial planning: when preparing to establish a company in Montenegro, financial planning is crucial. It helps determine a budget, forecast cash flows, and plan expenses.
  • Expense control: monitor the company's expenses. Effective expense management allows for budget optimization and resource savings.
  • Management of accounts receivable and accounts payable: keep track of customer and vendor payment deadlines. Efficient debt management helps maintain the company's liquidity.
  • Financial reports: regularly prepare financial reports, such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. This helps assess the company's financial position.
  • Investment: explore opportunities to invest surplus company funds to ensure their growth.
  • Data analysis: analyzing financial data helps identify trends, determine successful strategies, and adjust plans if necessary.
  • Keep an eye on changes in tax legislation: after opening a company in Montenegro, remember that tax rules may change. It is important to stay informed about changes and adapt financial strategies accordingly.
  • Consultation with financial experts: seek advice from experts if required to make sound financial decisions.

Professional financial management and accounting facilitate to the efficient use of resources and ensure the long-term progress of the enterprise.

Rules for hiring foreign personnel

Employment overseas staff in Montenegro may require going through several stages and adhering to specific rules

Work Visa

To initiate the routine of hiring a foreign employee, it is necessary to obtain a work visa. A work visa allows a foreign citizen to enter Montenegro for employment purposes. To obtain a work visa, the entrepreneur must provide documents confirming the necessity of hiring a foreign worker.

Work Permit

After obtaining a work visa, the foreign employee must apply for a work permit. Work permits are granted when a foreign worker has a job offer from a Montenegrin employer. Work permits in Montenegro are typically issued for a specified period.

Necessary Paperwork

To process a work visa and work permit, the next files may be required:

  • Application from the employer.
  • Copy of the employment contract or job offer.
  • Documents verifying the education and work experience of the foreign worker.
  • Health insurance.
  • Passport of the foreign worker and other personal documents.

Processing Time and Wait

The processing of a work visa and work permit in Montenegro may take some time. The duration can vary depending on the type of visa and other factors.

Legal Consultation

To ensure a successful process of obtaining a work visa and work permit, it is recommended to counsel with experienced lawyers or specialists in immigration and labor law. They can advise in gathering all necessary documents and ensure compliance with the legislation.

It is fundamental to adhere to all requirements and procedures when hiring foreign employees in Montenegro to avoid unpleasant situations and ensure rightful, successful recruitment.

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We recommend contacting our specialists for more detailed information. To schedule a consultation, click the button below.

Post-registration requirements

After successfully enrolling an enterprise in Montenegro, several important steps should be taken to ensure the proper functioning of your business and comply with local legislation.

Residence Permit Application:

  • If you are the CEO of the enterprise in Montenegro, obtaining a residence permit can be crucial, especially if you plan to reside in the country permanently.
  • The procedure for obtaining a residence permit in Montenegro includes submitting necessary documents such as an application, passport, health insurance, and others.
  • For detailed information on the process and requirements, it is recommended to contact local immigration authorities or specialists.

Opening a Corporate Bank Account:

  • For effective business operations in Montenegro, it is essential to open a corporate bank account with one of the Montenegrin banks.
  • The account opening process may require the physical presence of the company director at the bank.
  • If you are unable to personally visit Montenegro, you can appoint a local director to represent you at the bank.

Obtaining Licenses:

  • For certain types of activities such as educational institutions, banks, insurance, travel agencies, and others, obtaining specific licenses may be required.
  • This step involves applying for licenses and providing the necessary documentation.
  • It is important to familiarize yourself with industry requirements in a timely manner and initiate the license application process.

VAT Registration:

  • If your business's annual income exceeds 30,000 EUR, you must enroll for Value Added Tax (VAT).
  • This is a significant commitment, and VAT payment is an integral part of the company's financial activities.
  • Registering for VAT in Montenegro should be done in accordance with domestic tax authorities.

Adhering to all the steps mentioned above will help ensure the licit performance of the enterprise in Montenegro and provide you with access to the necessary resources and services for the progress of your business.

Opening a bank account for a company in Montenegro

The essential papers required for the establishment of a corporate bank account



Special application form of the Bank of Montenegro

The bank will provide you with the necessary forms or a special application that you need to fill out to open a corporate account.

Company Charter

Provide a copy of the company charter

Registration certificate

Provide an official certificate of company registration in Montenegro

Personal information of the company representative who will be the contact person for the authorities

Provide personal details and contact information for your company representative who will communicate with the bank and authorities.

Sample signature of the person responsible for maintaining the account

The bank may request a sample signature of the person who will be responsible for maintaining the corporate account for subsequent verification.

Registering a corporate bank account is a crucial phase of your business, ensuring financial management and facilitating business operations. Ensure that you have provided all the necessary documents according to the bank's requirements for a successful account opening. On average, it may take about 2 weeks to open an account.

Popular banks in Montenegro.

Here is a more detailed overview of some of the most sought-after banks in Montenegro and the options they offer:

Hipotekarna Banka:

  • One of the oldest and most stable banks in Montenegro.
  • Provides a wide range of banking services, including corporate accounts, loans, and financial consultations.

NLB banka:

  • Belongs to the NLB Group, which has a strong presence in the Balkans.
  • Offers services for corporate clients, including bank accounts, investment products, and loans.

CKB banka:

  • A significant player in the Montenegrin banking market.
  • Specializes in providing financial services, including account management, electronic payments, and loans.

ERSTE Banka:

  • Part of the ERSTE Group, a major financial group in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • Offers diverse banking and investment services for registering corporate accounts in Montenegro.

Prva Banka:

  • Provides a wide range of banking products and services for corporate clients.
  • Emphasizes innovation and technological solutions.

Podgorička Banka AD:

  • Established in 1901, offering classic banking services.
  • Provides financing, investment, and asset management services.

Considering recommendations from our company's specialists, you may also consider requesting the opening of accounts in the following banks in Montenegro:

Addiko Bank:

  • Specializes in retail and corporate banking services.
  • Focuses on meeting clients' needs with innovative banking solutions.

Nova Banka:

  • A relatively new participant in the financial market.
  • Offers a wide range of financial products and services for corporate clients.

Universal Capital Bank:

  • Focuses on providing high-quality services for corporate clients.
  • Offers a wide range of banking operations and investment products.

The choice of a bank to open a corporate account in Montenegro depends on your needs, preferences, and business strategy. It is essential to conduct additional research to make an optimal decision.

Initiating and expanding an enterprise

Establishing an enterprise

Launching a corporation in Montenegro is a crucial stage that requires careful planning and active efforts to attract customers, establish a recognizable brand, and successfully enter the market. Here are a few key steps for a successful company launch:

  • Developing a commercial plan:

A detailed business plan will help clearly define goals, strategies, and tactics for the improvement of your company.

Specify the target audience, unique value proposition, marketing strategies, forecast financial indicators, and the action plan for the coming months

  • Creating a brand:

When initiating an enterprise in Montenegro, develop a unique name, logo, and brand style that reflects the values and uniqueness of your company.

Branding will help create recognition among potential customers and stand out in the market.

  • Marketing and promotion:

Develop a marketing strategy that includes online and offline channels.

Create a website and social media pages for online presence.

Use content marketing to share information about your company and services in the relevant industry.

Consider participating in events, exhibitions, or conferences to expand your network and attract customers.

  • Customer focus:

Establish a high standard of customer service to retain existing customers and attract new ones.

Responsively and promptly address customer inquiries to create a positive impression of your company's operations in Montenegro.

  • Monitoring and analysis:

Evaluate the results of your marketing and advertising campaigns.

Use analytics to identify the most effective promotion channels and adjust the strategy according to the results.

  • Professional assistance:

If necessary, seek help from marketing specialists or business consultants to receive expert support and advice.

It's important to remember that launching a business in Montenegro is a dynamic process that requires adaptation to market reactions and constant improvement of strategies. With an active approach to marketing, high-quality services and products, and attention to customer needs, you can achieve a successful launch and long-term growth of your business in Montenegro.

Growth Strategies



1. Analysis of the current situation

Assess the current position of your company in the Montenegrin market. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the business, and identify opportunities for further growth.

2. Define growth goals

Develop specific and measurable goals that you want to achieve in the immediate and long term. Determine how much growth you plan for.

3. Market and competitor research

When planning to open a company in Montenegro, study the local market, as well as competitors in your niche. Identify which niches or segments may provide you with new opportunities for growth.

4. Development of new products and services

Consider developing new products or services that will be in demand in the market. Consider the needs and requests of your customers.

5. Expansion of the market and customer base

Consider attracting new clients in Montenegro. This may include both expanding geography and attracting new segments.

6. Investing in marketing and advertising

Increase your marketing and advertising budget to increase brand awareness, attract new customers and market your products.

7. Development of partnerships and networks

When establishing an enterprise in Montenegro, mull the possibility of cooperation with partners, distributors and other businesses. This can expand your influence in the market.

8. Diversification and expansion beyond Montenegro

Ponder the possibility of expanding your business beyond Montenegro. Consider neighboring regions or countries where there may be demand for your products.

9. Personnel training and development

Invest in training and development of your staff. Skilled employees can be the engine of innovation and growth for a company.

10. Analysis of results and correction of strategy

Regularly evaluate the results of your growth strategies. Use analytics to determine effectiveness and make adjustments to your development plan.

Defining a growth strategy is a crucial stage that will help your company scale and reach new heights. When establishing a firm in Montenegro, consider various options and choose those that best align with your business model, goals, and ambitions.

Final recommendations

Starting an enterprise in Montenegro is an important and responsible step that demands thorough preparation and an expert approach. Collaborating with experts and legal consultants can provide significant support in this process. Here are several key aspects highlighting the importance of quality preparation:

  1. Legal support: Montenegrin laws and stipulations can be complex, especially for foreign entrepreneurs. Qualified lawyers will help you understand all the details and adhere to procedures correctly.
  2. Risk mitigation: experts will assist you in assessing the risks related to your business and provide recommendations on managing them. This may include tax, legal, and financial aspects.
  3. Process optimization: the process of registering and launching a company in Montenegro can be complex and time-consuming. Professional consultants will help you optimize each stage, avoiding mistakes and speeding up the process.
  4. Choosing the best solutions: qualified experts will help you choose the best strategies and options that align with your business goals and needs.
  5. Compliance with legislation: it is crucial to comply with all Montenegro's legislative requirements. Professional consultants will help you avoid violations and fines.
  6. Time and resource savings: collaborating with experts allows you to focus on the strategic aspects of your business, while they handle detailed legal and administrative matters.
  7. Continuous support: consultants will monitor legislative changes and provide up-to-date advice, crucial for successful long-term operations.

In summary, working with experienced specialists from our company will make the stage of establishing an enterprise in Montenegro smoother. We will support you avoiding mistakes, optimizing resources, and focusing on business development. Fill out the feedback form, and our experts will contact you at a convenient time to provide detailed consultation on your specific concerns.