Setting up a company in Argentina is a process that requires attention to detail and an understanding of local requirements and procedures. Launching a business in Argentina can be attractive for entrepreneurs as it provides an opportunity to expand operations in the promising Latin American market.

Before embarking on the registration of a company in Argentina, it is necessary to carefully study the procedures and requirements established by local authorities. Operating a business in the country requires compliance with specific rules and regulations, so it is important to be aware of all the required aspects.

In this article, we will delve into the key steps that need to be taken and the required documentation for registering a company in Argentina. This will help entrepreneurs and prospective business owners gain a comprehensive understanding of the process and prepare in advance for the necessary actions.

We will consider the choice of a suitable company type, which will determine the structure and legal status of your organization. Then, we will discuss key steps, including drafting the company's bylaws, depositing initial capital in the National Bank of Argentina, and paying for the company registration. Additionally, we will review the process of obtaining the taxpayer identification number (CUIT). Opening a corporate bank account, which facilitates the financial operations of the company, will also be an important step.

Finally, we will touch upon the tax obligations that companies in Argentina face and discuss their key aspects. Understanding the tax system and requirements will help entrepreneurs effectively plan their activities and comply with tax norms.

Setting up a company in Argentina is a responsible and important process, but with proper preparation and compliance with requirements, you can successfully launch your business and take advantage of the opportunities offered by this dynamic market.

Some types of enterprises available for registration in Argentina

The first and crucial phase in enrolling an entity in Argentina is choosing the appropriate company type, which will determine its legal status and organizational structure. In Argentina, there are several options, but the most common ones are a joint-stock company (Sociedad Anónima - S.A.) and a limited liability company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada - S.R.L.). You can inquire about the registration charges for a company in Argentina from our specialists. Our company can assist in selecting the relevant legal entity type for conducting business activities in this country.

  • A joint-stock company (S.A.) is suitable for large enterprises planning to attract investments from the public. It can have numerous shareholders and publicly sell its shares to investors on the stock market. S.A. provides greater flexibility in management and transfer of shares but requires strict adherence to rules and financial reporting requirements.
  • A limited liability company (S.R.L.) is a more popular choice for small and medium-sized enterprises looking to start a business in Argentina. It is limited to a specific number of founders (usually up to 50) and cannot publicly sell corporate rights. S.R.L. has a simpler decision-making process and less complex reporting requirements.

Action plan for registering a company in Argentina

  • Obtain a unique company name: when registering a company in Argentina, it is necessary to choose a unique name that will be used for its identification. Checking the availability and reserving the name is done in the Trade Registry.
  • Draft the company's bylaws: the company's bylaws define its legal status, organizational structure, goals, and conditions of operation. The bylaws must be prepared in conformity with Argentine legislation.
  • Contribute the initial capital of the company: to register a company in Argentina, you must deposit the initial capital into the National Bank of Argentina. The amount of initial capital depends on the chosen type of company and Argentine legislation.
  • Submit documents for registration: after preparing all necessary documents and selecting the company name, you must submit the documents to the registrar for the actual registration of the company.
  • Enroll the enterprise with tax office: after formalizing the company, it is necessary to register it with tax authorities and obtain the taxpayer identification number or CUIT (Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria). This allows the company to comply with tax obligations and file tax returns.
  • Open a corporate bank account: the company should open a corporate bank account with one of the banks in Argentina. This enables the company to conduct financial transactions, maintain accounting records, and receive payments from clients.

Each of these stages plays a crucial role in the procedure of registering an enterprise in Argentina and requires careful attention and compliance with legal requirements. Therefore, it is recommended to seek the assistance of legal or accounting professionals to ensure the proper execution of all necessary procedures.

Required documentation for registering a company in Argentina

  • Enterprise Charter: the company's charter determines the legal status, organizational structure, goals and conditions of operation of the enterprise.
  • Copies of founders’ passports: copies of passports of all company founders must be provided for identification.
  • Documents of founders' addresses: to open a company in Argentina, you will need to provide documents confirming the founders' addresses, such as utility bills, bank statements or lease agreements may be required to confirm the founders' place of residence.
  • Other documents: depending on the specific requirements and type of company, other documents may be required, such as purchase/sale agreements, authorized documents, resolutions on the appointment of directors, etc.
  • Documents of origin of the company's capital: in some cases, to start a business in Argentina, it may be necessary to provide documents confirming the legal origin of the capital contributed to the company. This may include financial statements, accounting documents, bank statements and other supporting documents.

This documentation is necessary to confirm the legality and accuracy of the information provided during the company registration. Each document plays its role in the process and must be correctly formatted and prepared for submission to the relevant registration authorities.

What articles of association are required to start a business in Argentina?

The company's bylaws are a foundational document that defines the legal status and operational rules of the company in Argentina. The bylaws must clearly specify the following crucial aspects:

  • To open a company in Argentina, the bylaws must contain the chosen unique name of the company and comply with the requirements of local registration authorities.
  • The bylaws should describe the goals and scope of the company's activities. This section outlines the main types of activities the company will engage in.
  • The bylaws must provide information about individuals who are participants or shareholders in the company. This may include details about the number and percentage of participation of each participant, their rights, and obligations.
  • The bylaws determine the methods of distributing the company's capital among participants or shareholders. This may include information about the size and types of contributions, as well as the rules and conditions for their transfer.
  • The bylaws may contain information about the structure and management bodies of the company, such as the board of directors or managing director. This section specifies which individuals are responsible for making strategic decisions and managing the company.
  • The bylaws may also include other important provisions, such as rules for conducting participant meetings, decision-making procedures, the process of reorganization or liquidation of the company, and other essential aspects of its operation.

To open a business in Argentina, the company's bylaws must be properly formatted, prepared, and approved to ensure the legality and accuracy of the information contained in them.

National Bank of Argentina and the company's start-up capital

Contributing the initial capital of the company to the National Bank of Argentina is an integral step in the process of establishing a company in Argentina. This step confirms the financial capability of the company and its ability to fulfill its obligations. Here is more detailed information about this process:

  • The initial capital of the company can be specified in the company's bylaws or in accordance with local laws.
  • To deposit the initial capital of the company, it is necessary to open a special account at the National Bank of Argentina. You will need to provide the necessary documentation, such as copies of the company's bylaws, identification documents of the founders, and other required documents.
  • After opening the bank account, you must transfer the initial capital of the company to this account. To register the company in Argentina, the transfer amount must comply with the requirements and guidelines set by the National Bank of Argentina.
  • After transferring funds to the National Bank of Argentina, you will be provided with confirmation or a certificate of the contribution of the company's initial capital. This document may be required for further company registration and submission to registration authorities.

Contributing the starting capital to the National Bank of Argentina is a crucial step, confirming the financial readiness of the company to commence its operations. It also ensures compliance with the legislation regulating the establishment and functioning of companies in Argentina.

How to pay for enterprise enrollment in Argentina?

Making the payment for the registration of an enterprise in Argentina is another crucial step in the company organization process. This requirement involves paying a specific amount to the relevant government authorities liable for the registration and establishment of the company. Here are more detailed insights into this process:

  • The payment amount for registering a company in Argentina can vary based on factors such as the type of company, the size of the authorized capital, and additional conditions. Typically, this amount is determined in accordance with an official payment schedule set by competent authorities.
  • After determining the payment amount, you need to calculate and prepare the necessary funds for the payment. Consult with relevant advisors to get precise instructions and make the payment in accordance with requirements.
  • Various payment methods may be accepted for submitting the payment for company enrollment in Argentina. These may include bank transfers, online transactions, or payment through specialized systems. Inquire with the relevant authorities about accepted payment methods and any required documents or confirmations.
  • After making the payment, you will receive confirmation of the completed transaction. This confirmation may be required for further company registration procedures or interactions with government establishments.

Making the company registration fee in Argentina is an integral part of the organization process and ensures that your company will be legitimately registered and established in conformity with local legislation.

Accounting conditions for enterprises in Argentina

Maintaining the company's accounting records is an integral step in performing business in Argentina. This process involves several key stages:

  • The first condition is to register the company's accounting book. The accounting book is the primary tool for managing accounting and reflecting financial information about the company. This is usually done at the local tax office or another relevant government agency.
  • After opening the accounting book, the company should maintain fiscal reports in accordance with local requirements. This includes recording financial transactions, preparing reports on income, expenses, assets, and responsibilities of the entity, as well as preparing the annual financial statements.
  • Accounting reports are delivered to tax authorities for tax calculation and sticking to other tax obligations. It is important to stick to local tax rules and submission deadlines.
  • In some cases, it may be useful to counsel with experts in Argentina. They assist you understand local accounting requirements, correctly fill out documents, and ascertain adherence with all necessary norms.

Registered accounting paperwork plays a crucial role in ensuring financial transparency, adherence with taxation instructions, and allowing monitoring the financial position and enterprise performance in Argentina.

Establishing a bank account for an enterprise in Argentina

Enrolling an enterprise bank account is a crucial stair in the phase of establishing an enterprise in Argentina. This account provides the enterprise with the ability to administer its finances, conduct accounting activities, and carry out financial transactions within its business activities.

When choosing a bank to open a corporate account, it is recommended to pay attention to its reputation, service conditions, fees, and degree of customer service. Additionally, it is important to inquire about the required paperwork and the account opening procedure.

Usually, the following documentation is required to open a corporate bank account:

  • Company bylaws: to confirm the legality and existence of the company.
  • Identification documents: passports of the founders and directors of the company.
  • Company registration documents: after successful registration of the company in Argentina, founders will receive a registration certificate, which is an official document confirming the company's registration.
  • Appointment of executives and authorized personnel papers: if necessary, documents confirming the authority of the company's director and authorized personnel to manage the bank account.
  • Tax registration documents: including the taxpayer identification number (CUIT).

After providing the necessary documents and completing the bank forms, the process of opening a corporate bank account will be completed, and the company will gain access to banking services such as payments, fund receipts, financial management, and other operations.

Opening a corporate bank account in Argentina provides the company with convenience and transparency in financial transactions. Moreover, it helps in complying with tax obligations and maintaining accounting records according to the requirements.

Tax obligations for companies in Argentina

Tax obligations for companies in Argentina are an important aspect of conducting business and require proper understanding and compliance. Here is some more detailed information about tax obligations.

  • Value Added Tax (VAT): Argentina has a VAT rate of 21%. This tax is typically applied to the sale of commodities and services and is mandatory for enterprises engaged in such activities.
  • Income tax: enterprises are also mandated to pay income tax in Argentina. The rate of this tax ranges from 25% to 35% and is applied to the profit gained from commercial activities.
  • Dividend tax: in the case of dividend payments to shareholders, companies are obligated to pay dividend tax. The rate of this tax is 7% and is applied to the amount of dividends distributed.

It is important to note that tax rates and obligations may be subject to changes by the Argentine government. Therefore, those wishing to launch a company in Argentina are recommended to seek advice from professional consultants to stay informed about current tax requirements and obligations.

Compliance with tax obligations is a crucial part of successfully running a business in Argentina and can help avoid unforeseen issues with tax officials.


Adhering to these steps and fulfilling tax responsibilities is imperative for the successful operation of your business in Argentina. To navigate these complexities effectively, seeking guidance from experienced professional consultants is highly recommended. Their expertise can ensure comprehensive compliance with all regulatory conditions, enhancing the overall efficiency of your business.

For personalized consultation and assistance, we invite you to complete our feedback form. Our dedicated consultants will promptly reach out to you at your convenience, providing tailored advice and support to optimize your business endeavors in Argentina.