Enlistment of a digital wagering enterprise in the Philippines

With the contemporary augmentation in the expenditure of permits in Curacao, entrepreneurs have commenced seeking more propitious alternatives. Such alternatives encompass: acquiring gaming sublicenses in the Philippines under more advantageous stipulations. The Philippines is relatively a nascent economic contender who is diligently refining her protocols in an endeavor to allure external investments and evolve into a principal economic nexus in the vicinity.

The gambling industry in the Philippines is a significant aspect of the regional economy. This industry has a long history, and due to the rapid development of the digital infrastructure, many online businesses are becoming more advanced and easier to manage. The country still remains one of the top gaming destinations in Asia complete with a comprehensive and well-structured legal system that appreciates and regulates gaming activities, which attracts a lot of international operators to the country.

A gaming license in the Philippines encompasses an extensive array of gaming products/services aimed at final patrons (fruit machines, card tables, electronic poker, assorted forms of sports wagering, digital lotteries, games featuring live croupiers, card tournaments, both virtual and in competitive settings, online bingo and its myriad formats).

The Philippines presents an array of gaming venues dispersed throughout the archipelago, encompassing renowned locales such as Manila and Subic. Gaming constitutes a segment of the tourism repertoire that entices multitudes of sojourners annually. Gaming venues engender employment opportunities both directly within the casino milieu and in ancillary sectors, such as the hospitality trade and dining establishments.

The Philippine gaming authority CORR , is accountable for the wagering regulations in the nation and, as a result, possesses the authority to authorize, oversee, and regulate all gaming endeavors and establishments, as well as delineate the economic stipulations governing the activities sanctioned. In the Philippine context, a gaming concession permits both domestic and foreign legal entities to solicit for such endeavors. Herein, we aim to scrutinize the gaming concession in the Philippines and the legislative doctrines, the prerequisites for the operators, and the procedures for acquiring it.

Tasks PAGCOR в regulation of online gambling in the Philippines

A Philippine gaming concession permits operators to function on an international scale, in jurisdictions where there are no legal interdictions on gaming. PAGCOR is pivotal to the process oversight of virtual gaming in the Philippines, operates under the aegis of the Office of the President, and performs a dual role: it governs gaming and serves as a casino manager.

Under the Casino Filipino appellation, PAGCOR administers nine gaming establishments situated in pivotal metropolises across the nation’s three principal archipelagos. These establishments are judiciously sited in tourist precincts. As a state-controlled entity, PAGCOR adheres to the stipulations of the Dividend Act and disburses no less than 50% of its annual net revenue as dividends to the central government. The authorities of the overseer are delineated in detail below.

  • Licensing and regulation

Persons desiring to furnish services in virtual gaming in the Philippines must solicit PAGCOR decree first. PAGCOR is accountable for all terrestrial and digital gaming enterprises, as well as administering its own gaming establishments.

  • Establishing benchmarks

PAGCOR delineates technical facets such as stipulations for software, apparatus, and network infrastructure employed to deliver services, security protocols, and equity of games. PAGCOR collaborates with other governmental bodies such as the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the Anti-Monetary Laundering Council (AMLC).

  • Endorsement for advancement in the domain

PAGCOR has been unwavering in championing expansion in electronic pastimes in the Philippines, establishing a favorable milieu for capital infusion and attracting global enterprises to the nation. Within this entity’s jurisdiction, a segment of the proceeds acquired from the gaming endeavor is designated for communal and structural initiatives in the nation.

The Licensing and Regulatory Consortium (LRC) and the Cyber Gaming Licensing and Regulatory Consortium (CGLRC) were established as subdivisions of PAGCOR. For proprietors of gaming permits, PAGCOR The subsequent statutes are pertinent:

  • Law on interactive games.
  • Casino Implementation Rules and Regulations (CIRR).
  • Philippine Offshore Gaming Taxation Act.
  • Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA).

iGaming Regulation in the Philippines through PAGCOR underscores the significance of governmental bodies in guaranteeing a pellucid, secure, and equitable operational milieu for the gaming sector. Notably, PAGCOR is anticipated to amass US$12.5 billion from the gaming sector by 2028, affirming its preeminence as the foremost overseer in ASEAN.

In addition to PAGOR, there exist digital gaming licenses that pertain to The Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA), which is a distinct entity accountable for the administration of all commercial undertakings and for the enforcement of regulations and criteria. A CEZA license grants an operator the privilege to not merely proffer their services within the confines of the Philippines. The principal stipulation is that wagering services ought not to be proffered to denizens of the Philippines; hence, such endeavors should be directed towards those locales where such activities are not illicit.

Administration of operatives within the Cagayan enclave is executed in accordance with the novel stipulations of IGRR 2023. CEZA furnishes the requisite infrastructural amenities and succor for enterprises functioning within the economic zone, encompassing allocation of office quarters, internet connectivity, and additional provisions. CEZA proffers an alternative avenue for procuring gaming licenses, particularly when fresh licenses for offshore operators (POGO) have been deferred by PAGCOR. Presently, the resolution on the petitions filed is still in process, and the explicit date for the resumption of issuance of licenses remains nebulous.

Idiosyncrasies of Acquiring a Gaming Sub-License in the Philippines

This augmented prominence of Philippine gaming licenses when juxtaposed with others such as BVI and Isle of Man Gaming Control Commissions is attributable to Surveillance in the First Instance Execution and Adherence to Global Standards. The Philippines, in turn, endeavors diligently and with accentuation alongside other nations and entities to attain an elevated degree of compliance and amalgamation within the gaming sector beyond the nation. This endeavor serves not solely to preserve a lofty standard but also entices foreign capital, facilitating the expansion of the gaming industry and economic solidity of the nation. The tableau furnishes a synopsis of the stipulations regulatory provisions for online casinos in the Philippines.




All enterprises conducting virtual casinos are mandated to obtain a gaming permit in the Philippines within CORR.

Age threshold

Participants must be no less than 21 cycles of existence to engage in wagering.

Ostracism of indigenous denizens from the tally of utilizers

Access to online casinos for local citizens is permitted only when they are outside the Republic.

Data protection

Upon enrollment of a Philippine cybernetic wagering enterprise, proprietors are compelled to scrutinize the safeguarding and secrecy of intelligence concerning their patrons. They must enact sophisticated ciphering methods and employ robust entry regulation frameworks.

Antispam and antiphishing

Proprietors with sanction for digital gambling dens in the Philippines are compelled to forestall unsolicited electronic messages and phishing stratagems. As part of their requisites, establishments must institute exhaustive safeguarding protocols to avert junk mail and deceitful endeavors to acquire delicate patron particulars. This encompasses employing avant-garde unsolicited email filtration apparatuses, scrutinizing dubious conduct, and apprising clientele of conceivable hazards and methods to eschew them. Moreover, proprietors are mandated to expeditiously address any discerned menaces and guarantee the inviolability of their clientele's intimate and pecuniary details.

Financial requirements

Operators possessing a Philippine digital wagering sanction are obligated to uphold the fiscal robustness of their establishments, an essential stipulation for preserving accreditation and patron confidence. These enterprises are mandated to rigorously comply with predetermined baseline capital thresholds necessary to affirm their liquidity and capacity to fulfill pecuniary commitments to participants and overseers. Overseers impose stringent reportage and auditing stipulations to guarantee lucidity and dependability of undertakings.

Fair games

Executors shall ascertain they furnish equitable and impartial wagering to their patrons. This is accomplished through the utilization of accredited stochastic numeral fabricators (RNG), which affirm the aleatory essence of play outcomes. Endorsement of these apparatuses is performed by autonomous entities that authenticate their adherence to stringent benchmarks.

Advertising restrictions

Establishing a virtual wagering enterprise in the Philippines constrains the promotional endeavors of such an establishment within territorial confines. This signifies that proprietors are unable to channel gaming solicitations toward indigenous inhabitants of the Philippines.

Access to support services

Proprietors shall furnish ingress to succor amenities for participants. For the ease of patrons, these amenities ought to be attainable via sundry channels of correspondence, such as instantaneous colloquy, electronic mail, and telephonic discourse. A pivotal facet of this procedure is guaranteeing prompt and efficacious rejoinders to clientele solicitations, which aids in averting conceivable altercations and fortifies patron confidence in the proprietor.

Moreover, functionaries are mandated to adhere to anti-money laundering and anti-financing statutes. In accordance with these requisites, possessors of wagering charters in the Philippines must enact and uphold stringent patron authentication protocols, referred to as Know Your Customer (KYC), which encompasses meticulously corroborating the identity and pecuniary dealings of each patron. Functionaries are compelled to disclose dubious exchanges to the pertinent overseers and routinely revise their internal doctrines to conform with prevailing amendments in enactments and global benchmarks.

The CEZA's virtual betting orchestration procedure diverges from the principal realm, as overseas establishments must collaborate with a digital-gaming mediation bureau (IGSSP) for enhanced service provision and patron data safeguarding.

Local businesses in the Philippines must register as CEZA establishments and attain accreditation as Interactive Gaming Support Service Purveyors to partner with IGSSP, offering technical aid, promotion, monetary transaction facilitation, and hazard supervision.

Enlistment of a virtual wagering enterprise in the archipelagic nation of the Philippines

To commence virtual wagering in the Philippines, one must establish a juridical person as a corporation:

  • Advantages - A corporation is deemed a juridical person distinct from its proprietors. This signifies that proprietors possess restricted accountability for the entity's obligations. Corporations can allure capital from overseas financiers.
  • Disadvantages - Establishing and managing a corporation necessitates additional documentation and may demand greater temporal and material resources.

Two authentic signatories are necessitated for a coalition, with one of those signatories having to be a Filipino citizen, and four personages are necessitated for the roles of director, corporate scribe, financial steward, and anti-money laundering compliance arbiter.

PAGCOR is accountable for conferring two varieties of licenses: domestic, which are efficacious within the Philippines and encompass both virtual and terrestrial endeavors, and extraterritorial, which regulate undertakings solely in alien markets. POGO facilitators involved in extraterritorial gaming are obligated to enroll and procure a license for an online wagering enterprise from PAGCOR. Enthusiasts in the Philippines lack access to these amenities, and portals in the nation are obstructed.

The procedures for enrolment and authorization are delineated consecutively beneath:

  1. Choosing the category of digital gaming (typically predicated on an evaluation of rivalry and necessity).
  2. Corporate enlisting in the Philippines.
  3. Completing the petition and assembling the paperwork requisite for accreditation.
  4. Transmittal of all dossiers/intelligence to the authoritative body, remittance of charges.

Upon the reception of your submission by PAGCOR, they shall scrutinize the documentation furnished, inspect your enterprise to ascertain its conformity with every stipulation (this entails verifying the wagering apparatus and security mechanisms), and thereafter bestow upon you a permit to dispense gaming provisions.

The principal stages involve initiating a corporate ledger at a Philippine financial institution to facilitate fiscal operations of the enterprise. These phases offer a synopsis of the procedure for establishing a virtual wagering establishment in the Philippines. Each juncture necessitates meticulous strategizing and adherence to juridical stipulations to inaugurate and administer the venture.

Engage with gambling consultants or authorities for exhaustive data and aid with the procedure. Profile experts can assist in all juridical facets and formalities of the procedure, offer extensive support in acquiring a gaming license in the Philippines.

For virtual wagering in the Philippines, there exist two licensure classifications: e-Gaming and staking, which diverge both in the petition process and in the quantum of licensure dues.

Philippine e-Gaming License

Philippine Betting License

Permitted services

Digital wagering, encompassing fruit machines, card games, virtual poker, and so forth.

Gambling on athletics, electronic games, and other varieties of competitive contests.

Application Fees

50 thousand US dollars

40 thousand US dollars

License fees

200 thousand US dollars

150 thousand US dollars


$300 thousand

License renewal cost

50 thousand US dollars

40 thousand US dollars

Note. Remuneration of the assurance emolument is executed solely in specie.

Other application fees:

  • Regional envoy validation - $20 thousand.
  • Client Assistance Facilitator – $50K.
  • Information Technology aid purveyor - $20K.
  • Tactical Assistance Service Facilitator - $20K.
  • Interactive entertainment software/system vendor - $40 thousand.

Catalog of manuscripts for the enrollment of a virtual gaming enterprise in the Philippines

To enlist an electronic wagering enterprise in the Philippines, you shall be required to furnish an array of paperwork, encompassing:

  • Petition for acquiring a gaming subfranchise in the Philippines, which must be presented to PAGCOR/CEZA to commence the licensing procedure.
  • A comprehensive business schema that elucidates the business premise, ephemeral and protracted objectives, wares or amenities that you will proffer, promotional stratagem, and other salient facets.
  • Papers on the juridical architecture (Charter, other foundational manuscripts).
  • Fiscal annals (disquisitions evincing the pecuniary vigor of your establishment, attesting to the existence of ample resources to inaugurate and manage the enterprise).
  • Management treatises (reveal details about the firm's principal authorities and staff, encompassing their degree of proficiency and experiential know-how).
  • Technical directives (should you possess a proprietary gaming platform cultivation).
  • In-house regulations governed by PAGCOR/CEZA stipulations, including safeguarding protocols, anti-aging strategies, and measures to counteract financial laundering.

If requisite, overseers may solicit supplementary records to appraise the petition in greater profundity.

How to acquire a cyberspace wagering permit in the Philippines — stipulations for postulants

Acquiring a PAGCOR Gaming Permit encompasses specific stipulations for contenders. Initially, contenders must possess a juridical framework that satisfies PAGCOR criteria. Though in the majority of realms where the wagering sector thrives, this implies that the firm must be established on domestic soil, in the Republic of the Philippines secure a gaming permit Both juridical persons established on domestic soil and extrinsic juridical persons may accomplish this.

Persons pursuing a gaming sub-licence in the Philippines must possess ample pecuniary means and an unblemished account, while overseers must be devoid of gaming-related transgressions.

Aspirants in the Philippines must furnish a comprehensive blueprint elucidating gaming endeavors, fiscal prognostications, and safeguarding protocols, encompassing all facets of the gaming sector, including amusement categories, clientele demographic, income and outlay, and patronage acquisition stratagem.

Financial forecasts must exhibit the protracted sustainability and viability of the enterprise, encompassing anticipated gains and deficits, capital and investment requisites. Safeguard mechanisms must ascertain the preservation of client data, deception prevention, and adherence to all regulatory norms. Moreover, candidates must conform to PAGCOR technical criteria, including ensuring the dependability and rectitude of gaming apparatuses.

All casino-associated promotional endeavors must receive sanction from PAGCOR before execution. This represents a broad summary of the stipulations for aspirants; particular prerequisites might fluctuate based on the category of Philippine gaming permit and regulatory alterations. Prior to initiating the enrollment procedure, it is prudent to confer with adept legal practitioners to procure up-to-date information or assistance in establishing a firm for gaming pursuits in the Philippines..

You should be cognizant that the overseer stipulates particular stipulations for locale if you wish to inaugurate a virtual wagering enterprise in the Philippines. Encompassing the purveyor's ancillary service domain, the operational expanse shall possess a minimal requisite magnitude of 25,000 sq. m. No indigenous sector or PAGCOR-delineated precinct may encompass the functioning venue.

The ensuing must be tendered to the overseer:

  • document delineating the ambit of the functional premises, such as a tenancy contract or a certificate of proprietorship;
  • an authentic or notarized duplicate of a Non-Resistence Attestation (NRA) issued by the regional regulatory authority in the locale where the licensee's enterprise will be sited must be presented in the absence of a corresponding civic or municipal edict.

Another stipulation is attestation from an autonomous examination bureau corroborating that the licensee's web-based wagering mechanism has been scrupulously scrutinized and determined to adhere to the ensuing criteria:

  1. All information is amassed, chronicled, and conveyed by the apparatus.
  2. The pastime is equitable, secure, and effectuated in congruence with the edicts of prudent play.

Securing a Philippine Gaming License: adherence to the tenets of Prudent wagering

One of the principal facets when establishing an online wagering enterprise in the Philippines - conform to tenets of judicious gaming. Judicious gaming is a pivotal facet of enduring and secure evolution of the sector. Societal focus on issues related to gambling dependency has burgeoned considerably. Adherence to judicious gaming tenets not only aids in safeguarding participants, but also fortifies the prestige of a wagering enterprise.

Responsible Online Gaming Standards are designed to ease dialogues among all parties, encompassing administrators, overseers, and the populace, to advance secure online gaming. These norms furnish precise direction in the domains of doctrine, personnel education, enlightened judgment, participant aid, self-banishment, publicity and endorsement, and game and site attributes.

The primary axiom is to furnish participants with intel regarding the hazards and prospective ramifications of wagering. Participants should be enlightened on how to scrutinize their stakes and discern the indicators of a wagering dilemma. To realize this, casinos and gaming venues might proffer didactic resources, instruction, and evaluations to assist users in comprehending how to maintain dominion.

Overseeing wagers and gaming durations sagaciously is a crucial facet of exhibiting accountability. Gambling establishments and virtual interfaces are obligated to furnish patrons with the capability to establish individual constraints on the quantum they may stake, the span of time allocated to play, and the periodicity of engagement. These stipulations aid players in circumventing undue expenditure and diminishing hazards.

Holders of wagering permits in the Philippines are mandated to provide an array of self-regulation implements, such as self-exclusion alternatives, which enable participants to intermittently or indefinitely obstruct entry to games. Instruments of this nature assist individuals who sense their gaming is beginning to spiral out of control to halt and solicit assistance.

Facilitating entry to expert assistance and provisions for individuals with wagering dilemmas is paramount. Casinos and gaming venues possessing a gambling permit in the Philippines ought to collaborate with institutions that proffer counsel and sustenance so that participants can effortlessly locate the aid they require. Possessing contact particulars and emergency contact data on a gambling establishment's digital platform can wield a pivotal influence in forestalling and addressing issues.

To ascertain the efficacy of prudent gaming tenets, it is imperative to periodically surveil and appraise their implementation. Gaming portals must scrutinize participant conduct, discern possible perils, and amend judicious gaming tactics and protocols. Routine inspection and consumer critiques can facilitate the enhancement of governance and reinforcement mechanisms.

Fiscal system of a virtual wagering enterprise in the Philippines

As of 2023, the fiscal and certification framework for digital gaming venues in the Philippines comprises the ensuing impositions.

  • Franchise impost

The Philippine Gaming Corporation is beholden to a 5% franchise impost on revenue acquired from the endeavors of gambling resorts, gaming societies, and analogous establishments. This impost supersedes all other levies, including income impost and value-enhanced impost (VEI).

  • Emoluments from ancillary services

Proceeds from supplementary undertakings, such as statutory/authorization levies from private gaming establishments and other gaming enterprises, are liable to periodic corporate income duties, VAT, and other relevant fiscal impositions under the Internal Revenue Code.

  • Earnings from the dispensation of services or dealings without documentation

Dealings not documented in the pertinent IPA are liable to duty at conventional rates.

New Internet Game Licensing Rules in the Philippines (2023 updates):

  • Enterprises are mandated to furnish a surety bond, which must range from 100 thousand to 50 million PHP (from 1,780 to 890,340 USD). The quantum of the bond hinges on a plethora of determinants, including the nature of services rendered, the magnitude of the enterprise, and the category of permit. For instance, for virtual casino administrators, collateral stipulations may be markedly elevated due to the potentially more substantial pecuniary peril.
  • Licenses are legitimate for triennium (initial instance) and biennium (subsequent renewals) years.
  • Licensees are empowered to proffer live croupier diversions and stochastic numeral generator (SNG) amusements for virtual athletic wagering.

Normative stipulations and fiscal tariffs may be prone to alteration. For all those engaged in the virtual gaming trade in the Philippines, consulting a tax adviser will aid in a more precise comprehension of the circumstances and will enable you to remain current with the most recent stipulations.

Inaugurating a fiscal repository for wagering entities in the Philippines

Betting firms frequently encounter augmented scrutiny from fiscal establishments, as the domain has an elevated peril of pecuniary deception. Consequently, for prosperous initiation of an account for a betting enterprise, it is crucial to consider the peculiarities of this trade. Phases of initiating an account for a betting enterprise in the Philippines are delineated below.



Selecting a bank and preparing documents

The selection of a financial institution is exceedingly crucial. Not all financial establishments are prepared to collaborate with wagering enterprises due to augmented hazards. Hence, it is vital to opt for a financial entity that possesses proficiency in this category of commerce. Principal banking amenities for gambling venues encompass digital banking with ledger oversight and transaction surveillance capabilities, global remittances for engaging with patrons and associates across the globe, disbursement conduits for handling virtual transactions and amalgamation with betting frameworks.

You will encounter a comprehensive elucidation of the roster of requisite paperwork beneath.

Application and identification

In the course of scrutinizing the petition for inaugurating a commercial banking ledger in the Philippines, corporeal attendance of enterprise proprietors/agents might be necessitated to authenticate their identity and corroborate details.

Risk assessment

The repository undertakes a peril evaluation and might solicit supplementary paperwork or intelligence regarding the essence of the operation.

Opening an account

Subsequent to the ratification of the petition by the financial institution, a commercial account has been inaugurated for a gaming enterprise.

List of solicited documents for initiating a corporate ledger for gaming enterprises in the Philippines hinges on the particular stipulations of the selected establishment, but typically it encompasses:

  • Articles of Incorporation or Charter of the company.
  • Certificate of enrollment.
  • Papers validating the authority of the corporation's administrative body.
  • Passports and identification documents of corporate executives.
  • A business schema that delineates the nature of the endeavor, anticipated transactions, and other facets of the enterprise.

The Bank possesses the prerogative to solicit corroborative paperwork predicated on its intrinsic normative criteria.


Embarking on a betting enterprise in the Philippines presents an opportunity to venture into a lucrative domain lawfully. Betting ventures in the Republic of the Philippines notably fortify the economy by engendering job prospects and contributing levies to the treasury. This domain aids in fostering tourism. The Philippines has positioned itself as a prominent gaming nexus in the region, drawing capital and gaming corporations through a propitious regulatory milieu. Besides conventional casinos, the Philippines also offer prospects for digital wagering.

If you aspire to inaugurate a digital gaming enterprise in the Philippines, it is paramount to meticulously conform to all prescribed regulations and stipulations. Our specialists can offer extensive assistance in initiating a virtual wagering venture in the Philippines. This encompasses advising on pivotal facets of initiating an enterprise, aid in compiling all requisite paperwork, and client advocacy in dealings with governmental bodies.

We proffer exhaustive aid in the course of securing gaming franchises in the Philippines, encompassing every phase from the inception of a venture to its triumphant actualization and functioning in compliance with regional statutes, guidance in formulating a scheme for efficaciously managing a commercial enterprise.

Question/answer block
What kind process of obtaining a gaming license PAGCOR?

Sanctioning of wagering endeavors comprises sundry phases:

  1. Establishing a wagering enterprise in the Philippines.
  2. Tendering a petition and furnishing all necessary documentation for accreditation.
  3. Adherence examination.

To triumphantly procure a permit, the petitioner must exhibit fiscal steadfastness and dedication to judicious wagering tenets. CRUCIAL! Gambling enterprises functioning under a PAGCOR permit are liable to periodic scrutinizations and examinations by supervisory entities.

For what types of operations is a POGO license issued?

POGO Wagering Charter permits you to lawfully undertake:

  • Online gaming.
  • Betting.
Can gambling companies in the Philippines belong to non-residents?
Indeed, in wagering establishments sanctioned by PAGCOR, extraterritorial proprietorship is allowable contingent upon specific stipulations and constraints.