Obtaining a license for a crypto exchange in Germany

January 1, 2020: Germany amalgamates with the burgeoning multitude of nations possessing exceptional governance of cryptocurrencies. The nation is additionally one of the principal locales in Europe where fintech enterprises are flourishing. These establishments are occupied with the fabrication of avant-garde monetary technologies, which are subsequently vended in the cryptocurrency bazaar.

The German fiscal oversight authority (BaFin) ameliorated sovereign stipulations for governing cryptocurrency endeavors in conformity with the European mandates of the AMLD5 Directive. These modifications influenced the extant licensing prerequisites delineated in German Banking Legislation (KWG) by characterizing an innovative classification of fiscal instruments, and furthermore instituted a novel licensing stipulation for custodial services. This discourse will elucidate further on how circumstances have metamorphosed regarding the oversight of the cryptocurrency marketplace in Germany.

Crypto license in Germany: business climate in the country

In consonance with the 5AMLD instituted edict of the cryptocurrency domain in Germany. In this context, “crypto asset service purveyor” encompasses the ensuing enumeration of undertakings:

  • Transmute virtual denominations for fiat/orthodox currencies (euro, US dollar, pound sterling, etc.) and conversely.
  • Custodianship of cryptocurrencies on behalf of tertiaries.
  • Interchanges in virtual currency amidst clients' electronic repositories.
  • Operations on cryptocurrency bourses.
  • Rendering pecuniary services.
  • Disbursement of virtual currency.
  • ICO (initial coin offering).
  • Payment initiation service (PIS).
  • Account information service (AIS).

The Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive stipulates that cryptocurrency service purveyors must function in alignment with anti-money laundering statutes, which necessitates compulsory enrollment with sanctioned anti-money laundering entities and executing meticulous customer due diligence (ascertaining users, monitoring transactions, and notifying dubious conduct to the authorities). Regulators cultivate their supervisory methodologies in accordance with indigenous legal customs and the economic fabric of the polity. Germany enforces stringent regulation of the cryptocurrency marketplace. Virtual asset service purveyors are beholden to the Banking (Securities Trading) Act or the Payment Services Supervision Acts, culminating in heightened regulatory obligations.

Cryptoassets as a new category of financial instruments

Having reached a resolution to procure a permit for cryptocurrency interchange in Germany. Please be apprised that the novel licensing stipulations are designed to encompass all ethereal assets pertinent to fiscal markets. For this endeavor, a fresh classification of “cryptoassets” was incorporated into the delineation of financial implements in accordance with the KWG.

Cryptoassets are characterized as digital embodiment of worth, not assured by the Central Bank or the sovereign. Jurisdiction that lacks juridical standing as currency, yet is acknowledged as a mechanism of barter/remuneration, or fulfills speculative objectives. They may be conveyed, conserved, marketed via electronic correspondence. Apparatus. Digital currency pursuant to Payment Services Oversight Statute (SAW) are explicitly omitted from the ambit. The novel delineation encompasses a vast array of remuneration tokens and speculative tokens.

Obtaining a license for a crypto exchange in Germany: procedure and requirements

Enregistration of a German crypto establishment transpires in conformity with the stipulations of the Corporations Statute. Such commercial configurations typically assume the morphology of privately held limited liability enterprises (GmBH). Phases of enregistration of a crypto establishment in Germany:

  1. Preparation (congregation of all corporation denizens, concoction of legal manuscripts).
  2. Pre-registration (attestation of a compendium of documents by a scrivener, inaugurating an account for a cryptocurrency enterprise, lodging a petition for enrollment).
  3. Direct registration.

To solicit the acquisition of a cryptocurrency license in Germany, the petitioner must formulate a compendium of documents, comprising:

  • Enterprise scheme.
  • Assessment of sovereign commission regarding the corporation's undertakings.
  • Monetary prognostications.
  • Collaboration protocol.
  • Explication of the corporation configuration.
  • Prudence statute.
  • Appraisal of operational perils.
  • Exposition of safeguarding stratagems and informational technology resolutions.

It is additionally significant to observe the principal facets that ought to be considered when procuring a German cryptocurrency concession:

  • the enterprise must execute a peril-oriented methodology (POM) doctrine;
  • establishments are mandated to finalize amplified scrutiny (AS) on their clientele;
  • as in other nations, a Cognizance Your Client (CYC) methodology must be adhered to when soliciting for a charter.

Germany is a participant in an intergovernmental consortium devoted to formulating fiscal stratagems to counteract monetary obfuscation (FATF), which furnishes augmented translucency and safety for cryptocurrency commercial patrons.

Cryptocurrency storage as a new financial service

Exogenous capitalists ought to contemplate that as an element of the overhaul, an unprecedented regulated fiscal utility “crypto safekeeping enterprise” was instituted, necessitating purveyors of such utilities to procure a charter for a crypto exchange in Germany in accordance with KWG. The crypto safekeeping enterprise is delineated as: the retention, governance, and safeguarding of private crypto keys employed to conserve or convey crypto assets as a utility to other individuals. Furnishing any of the trifecta of retention, governance, and securitization endeavors necessitates purveyors of such utilities to be certified for Crypto Safekeeping Enterprise.

Considering that cryptoassets might likewise be categorized as alternative varieties of fiscal implements, custodial amenities for particular tokens might additionally encompass other regulated undertakings. Alternative licensing stipulations assume priority over the overarching licensing stipulations for Crypto Custody Endeavors. Specifically, to the degree that a security token is classified as a security in the civil purview, it will necessitate a banking charter in Germany for custodial enterprises instead of fiscal services charters for crypto custodial endeavors.

Custodian wallet providers (CWPs) that partake exclusively in the guardianship of digital currency are immune from specific stipulations delineated in the KWG (for instance, particular declaration obligations, recompense stipulations, or proprietary assets and solvency stipulations).

Expansion of licensing requirements by the proposed EU MiCA regulation

September 24, 2020 The European Commission has disseminated its proposition for governance of crypto-asset marketplaces (MiCA Regulations) as a component of the actualization of initiatives to digitalize the pecuniary sector. This constitutes a compendium of initiatives to further cultivate and endorse the avant-garde and competitive capacity of digital finance, as well as to mitigate conceivable perils associated with digital finance. The regulation is anticipated to commence in the third trimester of 2022.

Amidst various matters, the MiCA Regulation aspires to establish juridical certainty for crypto-assets unaddressed by prevailing EU fiscal services legislation. Prospective harmonized statutes for crypto asset originators and crypto service purveyors are purposed to engender a unified, “sturdy” regulatory scaffolding and singular marketplace.

The MiCA Regulation proposition elucidates that there is presently a greater impetus towards the governance of cryptocurrencies and crypto service purveyors. This is further augmented by the swift evolution of domestic legislation in recent years, alongside the concomitant interpretative adjudications of BaFin. Consequently, issuers and service purveyors, as well as users and financiers in crypto assets, must surveil volatile alterations in the regulatory milieu at national and EU tiers.

Taxation of cryptocurrencies in Germany

The fiscal schema for juridical entities and personas rendering cryptographic services possesses several discrepancies. Among sundry factors, enterprises are absolved from remitting levies on cryptocurrency solely if it is retained for no longer than a annum. The customary corporate excise in this nation is disbursed at a ratio of 15% and above ( contingent upon the municipality of inscription).


With the enactment of AMLD5, the German Financial Supervisory Authority has incorporated cryptocurrency guardianship as an unprecedented genre of fiscal provision in the Banking Statute. In addition to executing European edicts of cryptocurrency exchanges, BaFin has unveiled an unparalleled “crypto guardianship enterprise endorsement.” A sanction, akin to a charter, confers the prerogative to proffer a specific genre of fiscal provisions.

Should you be intrigued by the prospect of inaugurating a cryptocurrency enterprise in this nation, reach out to one of our specialists. We shall furnish comprehensive counsel on the stipulations that ought to be fulfilled when initiating a crypto enterprise and shall additionally extend aid in procuring a license for crypto exchange in Germany.