
General overview of the Swiss financial market and its significance for FinTech organizations

Acquiring a permit for a remuneration mechanism in Switzerland, renowned for its steadfast economy, dependable law enforcement structure, and lofty criteria in the fiscal domain, presents several perks inherent to this realm.

  • Stable economy

The Swiss economy is famous for its stability and resilience. The country is known for its neutrality in global conflicts and political disputes, which helps create a favorable environment for business. The jurisdiction's economy is focused on innovation, research and development, which makes it especially attractive for opening FinTech companies in Switzerland.

  • High standards in the financial sector

Switzerland has set high standards in the financial sector, especially in the areas of privacy and data security. These standards attract both large banks and FinTech companies seeking to ensure maximum protection of their clients' data. Swiss financial institutions are also known for their reliability and transparency, which helps attract clients from all over the world.

  • Diversity of financial institutions

The Swiss pecuniary domain encompasses banks, assurance corporations, investment pools, and remuneration mechanisms. This plethora of fiscal establishments engenders myriad prospects for cooperation and novelty in fiscal amenities. Upon enrollment of a FinTech entity in Switzerland, you shall discern associates and patrons across sundry sectors of the fiscal bazaar.

  • Strict regulations and laws

The Swiss pecuniary sphere is regulated by stringent ordinances and statutes, which aid in upholding elevated benchmarks of safety and steadfastness. These benchmarks foster reliance with both patrons and overseers and aid in forestalling monetary deceit and misuse.

Role of the Financial Markets Authority (FINMA) in licensing

The Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) performs an indispensable function in the procedure of licensing pecuniary establishments in Switzerland. FINMA was established to guarantee steadiness, limpidity, and dependability of pecuniary bazaars and pecuniary amenities in the nation.

  • Regulation of financial markets and services

FINMA's main mission is to regulate and supervise financial markets and services in Switzerland. This includes banks, insurance companies, investment funds, payment systems and other financial institutions. FINMA sets and regulates rules and standards aimed at ensuring the safety, transparency and reliability of financial transactions.

  • Issuance of licenses and control of activities

FINMA has the authority to issue various types of licenses for financial institutions in Switzerland, including licenses for payment systems. She is also responsible for monitoring compliance with license conditions and safety standards. Financial institutions wishing to obtain a payment system license must apply and meet the strict requirements of FINMA.

  • Preventive measures

FINMA takes preventive measures to prevent financial crises and problems. It also responds to financial crises by taking the necessary steps to stabilize the situation and protect the interests of clients and the market.

  • Cooperation with international regulators

FINMA actively cooperates with international financial regulators and organizations, which contributes to the harmonization of international standards and the exchange of information on financial transactions. This helps prevent financial crimes and ensure compliance with global financial standards.

The Financial Markets Authority plays a key role in licensing and regulation of financial institutions in Switzerland. Its activities are aimed at ensuring the stability and reliability of financial markets and services, protecting the interests of clients and investors, and promoting the development of innovation in the financial sector. This makes Switzerland one of the most attractive destinations for financial institutions, including FinTech companies.

Basic types of financial licenses in Switzerland

There are several types of financial licenses in Switzerland, each of which is designed to regulate different types of financial activities. It is important to understand the differences between these types of licenses as they impose unique requirements and restrictions on financial institutions.

Asset Management License

Obtaining a license for asset management in Switzerland gives the company the right to participate on Swiss stock exchanges and conduct transactions with financial instruments. It regulates activities related to trading in securities, bonds and other financial instruments on the stock exchange. This license implies compliance with high standards of liquidity and transparency.

Investment license

Opening andinvestment license in Switzerland allows the firm to provide investment services to clients. This may include asset management, investment advice and other financial advice. Entities with an investment license are required to adhere to strict professional standards and provide clients with clear information about risks and opportunities.

Banking license

Registration bAnkovsky license in Switzerland allows the company to carry out banking activities. This includes accepting deposits, issuing loans, managing financial assets and other banking activities. Obtaining a banking license requires compliance with high standards of capitalization, level of security and financial stability.

Crypto License

The crypto license regulates the activities of companies involved in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. It provides the right to conduct transactions with cryptocurrencies and provide cryptocurrency services in Switzerland. Such organizations are required to comply with anti-money laundering measures and comply with cryptocurrency legislation.

Fintech license

Obtaining a fintech license in Switzerland V allows you to provide a variety of financial services using innovative technologies. It may include electronic payments, mobile applications for financial management, online lending and other modern financial products and services.

Each of these licenses has its own unique requirements for capitalization, transparency, security and level of control. The choice of the appropriate license depends on the type of activity that the financial institution plans to carry out in Switzerland. Regardless of the license chosen, all financial institutions are subject to strict supervision by FINMA to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and standards.

Requirements for obtaining a license

General conditions and necessity registration in the Swiss commercial register

To obtain a license for a payment system in Switzerland, there are a number of general conditions and requirements that must be met. The main one is registration in the Swiss Commercial Register.

General terms

Company status and registration

The company claiming obtaining a financial license in Switzerland, must be registered in this jurisdiction. This means that the company must have a registered office in Switzerland and must have significant business operations in that jurisdiction.

Good Governance

Companies must demonstrate that they have adequate governance, including effective risk management structures and procedures to combat money laundering and the financing of criminal organizations.

Initial capital requirements and deposit limits

Initial capital and deposit requirements for opening a payment system license in Switzerland include the following:

  • Financial technology enterprises necessitate a minimal endowment of 3% of assets, yet not beneath CHF 300,000.
  • Enterprises are permitted to embrace assets up to CHF 100 megabucks. This sum may be revised by the Federal Council considering competitiveness and innovation potentials.
  • Should the ceiling of 100 megabucks be surpassed, the enterprise is compelled to notify the overseer FINMA within 10 days and petition for a banking charter within 90 days.
  • There are exceptions for companies operating with smaller amounts. For example, if the company's activities cannot be classified as commercial deposit taking and the client balance does not exceed 3,000 Swiss francs, then a payment system license is not required.

These capital requirements and deposit limits reflect strict Swiss regulatory approach to financial services. They are designed to ensure financial stability and protect the interests of depositors, as well as to prevent financial risks and abuse.

Preparation and submission of documents to FINMA

The process of obtaining a license for a financial institution in Switzerland, is detailed and requires the preparation of extensive documentation.

Business Plan

The first and one of the most important steps in the process is developing a detailed business plan. A business plan should include a description of your financial organization, its goals, development strategy and financial forecasts for several years in advance. This document must convincingly demonstrate financial strength and the ability to comply with FINMA requirements.

Financial reports

For opening a license for a financial organization in Switzerland VYou must provide complete and accurate financial statements about your organization's financial position. This includes the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and other financial data. FINMA requires that your financial institution has sufficient capital to ensure the soundness and sustainability of its activities.

Description of operations

You must provide a detailed description of the transactions your financial institution intends to perform. This includes a description of the services provided, the target customer audience, cooperation with other financial institutions and even detailed processes for preventing money laundering and combating financial fraud.

Supporting documents and contact with the regulator

Also for registration of a payment system in Switzerland you may need to provide dAdditional documents such as corporate bylaws, company ownership and management documents, contracts with auditors and other documents that may also be required to apply for a license.

Submitting documents to FINMA involves a rigorous process that requires careful adherence to deadlines and requirements. The regulator may request additional documents or information for a more in-depth analysis of your company.

Acquisition of a preconstituted enterprise with a remittance license in Switzerland

Stages of acquiring a company with an open payment license

Acquisition of a company with an existing payment license in Switzerland may be an attractive option for entrepreneurs who want to quickly enter the market and start providing financial services.

  • Stage-1. Finding a suitable company

The first step is to find a company that has a valid payment license and aligns with your business goals and strategy. This may include searching the market, working with brokers or agents to deal with companies.

  • Stage-2. Conducting detailed analysis

Once a suitable company has been found, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of its financial condition, operations, corporate structure and risks. This will help you understand how the company fits your business plans and estimate its value.

  • Stage-3. Signing the purchase agreement

If the results of the analysis are satisfactory, you can proceed to the stage of signing an agreement on purchasing a company in Switzerland. This is a legally binding document that defines the terms of the transaction, including the purchase price, terms, payment terms and other important aspects.

  • Stage-4. Organization of financing

To acquire a company, financing will likely be required. You can use your own funds, turn to investors, or use loans to finance the transaction.

  • Stage-5. Obtaining regulatory approval

Acquisition of a company with a payment license in Switzerland may require approval from a regulator such as FINMA. You must provide the necessary documentation and information about the transaction to the regulator and wait for its approval.

  • Stage-6. Completing the deal

Once all necessary approvals have been received and the financing of the transaction has been completed, you can complete the acquisition of the company. This includes the transfer of ownership, resources and control.

Advantages and disadvantages of buying a shelf company

Purchase of a ready-made company with a payment license in Switzerland has its pros and cons that should be taken into account when making a decision:


  • Reduced Time and Resources: Purchasing a shelf company can significantly reduce the time and costs required to obtain a payment license and set up a company from scratch.
  • Availability of a client base: a ready-made company can have an already formed client base, which allows you to quickly begin providing services and generating income.
  • Experience: When purchasing an existing company, you can gain existing experience in the financial services industry.
  • License and reputation: A shelf company already has a payment license and an established reputation in the market, which can increase the confidence of clients and investors.


  • High cost: Ready-made companies with a license may have a higher cost than starting a new company, and this may require significant financial resources.
  • Hereditary problems: acquisition of a company in Switzerland may also mean inheriting her problems and obligations, such as debts or legal disputes.
  • Limited flexibility: A shelf company may have established operational processes and structures that may limit management flexibility.
  • Undesirable History: A company may have a negative history or reputation that could affect its future success.

Purchase of a ready-made company with a payment license in Switzerland is a complex decision that depends on your financial capabilities, business strategy and the risks you are willing to accept. Regardless of your choice, it is important to conduct careful analysis and consult with professionals to make an informed decision.


Obtaining a license for a payment system in Switzerland is a complex but important process that opens the door to participation in the attractive and stable financial market of this country. Switzerland is known for its reliability, stability and high standards in the financial sector, making it an attractive destination for FinTech organizations and payment institutions.

The Financial Markets Authority plays a key role in licensing and regulation of financial institutions in Switzerland, ensuring high standards of security and transparency.

There are several types of financial licenses in Switzerland, including EMI and light banking licenses, each of which provides unique opportunities and requirements. Selecting the appropriate license depends on the organization's strategy and business model.

Experts from our organization are ready to provide all the necessary information and full support during opening a payment system license in Switzerland. You can choose a convenient communication method in the “Contacts” section.