
Importance and necessity of a financial licence to work in the EU territory

A financial licence in the Czech Republic is an attractive choice for companies seeking to conduct financial transactions within the European Union. Such a licence not only legitimises financial transactions, but also confirms the company's compliance with the high European standards of regulation and control.

A fiscal authorization procured in the Czech Republic holds validity across all EU nations, thereby substantially augmenting prospects for international commerce. This is particularly advantageous for enterprises in the fintech, remittance frameworks, and banking industries, as the authorization assimilates them into the unified European fiscal system, streamlining transnational payments and investments.

Possessing a fiscal permit in the Czech Republic furthermore amplifies the reliance of patrons and collaborators, affirming the dependability and lucidity of the enterprise's operations. In an increasingly globalized and internationally oriented milieu, securing such a permit constitutes a tactically crucial stride to aid in broadening the enterprise and fortifying its stance in the global marketplace.

General overview of financial regulation in the Czech Republic

Acquiring a fiscal permit in the Czech Republic grants entry into a framework overseen by both domestic statutes and European Union edicts. The Czech National Bank (CNB) assumes a pivotal role in overseeing the fiscal marketplace, operating in accordance with Act No. 6/1993 Coll. concerning the Czech National Bank. This entity monitors the banking domain, the capital marketplace, the insurance sector, pension funds, cooperative savings and loan associations, and surveils the functioning of stock exchanges and other fiscal establishments.

In 2023, the Czech Ministry of Finance introduced a legislative proposal aimed at enhancing the nation's fiscal marketplace. This encompasses the rollout of long-term investment commodities and amendments to the third pension pillar, enabling funds to engage in more dynamic investments and stimulating participants to boost contributions. Furthermore, proposals have been put forth for amendments to the Act on Market Activity and the Insurance Act, incorporating novel definitions for investment implements and granting the Czech National Bank the authority to regulate thresholds for the operation of marketplace infrastructure in an experimental setting utilizing distributed ledger technology.

Thus, obtaining a financial licence in the Czech Republic requires companies to comply with a wide range of regulatory requirements, including both general economic guidelines and specific rules related to particular types of financial activities. It is important to note that legislation in this area is constantly evolving, making it necessary for businesses to regularly update their knowledge and approaches to compliance.

Requirements for obtaining a licence

Key conditions of the Czech National Bank for obtaining a financial licence

To secure a fiscal permit in the Czech Republic, enterprises must fulfil specific standards delineated by the Czech National Bank (CNB). These standards are aimed at ensuring fiscal steadiness, lucidity, and trustworthiness of fiscal institutions.

Initially, enterprises aspiring to a fiscal permit in the Czech Republic must finalize the registration procedure and substantiate adherence to all established statutes and ordinances. This encompasses presenting proof of adequate share capital to curtail the hazards linked with fiscal activities. The magnitude of sanctioned capital hinges on the kind of fiscal amenities the enterprise intends to furnish.

Additionally, enterprises desiring to acquire a fiscal permit are mandated to furnish an exhaustive business scheme to the Czech National Bank. It must encompass particulars regarding the operations to be undertaken, hazard management frameworks, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures, as well as the organisational configuration. A lucid and transparent internal command and management structure is obligatory.

The Czech National Bank also takes into account the vocational background and credentials of the enterprise's leadership to guarantee their capacity to proficiently administer the fiscal institution.

In addition, companies must comply with all relevant EU laws and national regulations in the area of financial regulation, including consumer protection and financial stability.

Compliance with these conditions is critical to the approval of an application for a financial licence. Failure to comply with any of these requirements may result in the denial of a licence, so preparation for obtaining a financial licence in the Czech Republic requires detailed planning and a thorough understanding of the legal environment.

Documentation requirements for the applicant

To procure a fiscal authorization in the Czech Republic, you must furnish an array of records that must satisfy specific criteria.

  • Permit petition: an official request submitted to the Czech National Bank for a fiscal permit.
  • Commercial blueprint: an elaborate manuscript encompassing a portrayal of the commercial framework, fiscal projections, hazard management stratagems, and enterprise expansion blueprints.
  • Corporate enrollment records: comprise all indispensable papers to validate the enrollment and formation of the enterprise.
  • Verification of fiscal foundation: documentary substantiation of the sum and conformity of the endorsed capital with the stipulations of the Czech National Bank.
  • Fiscal accounts: furnish the enterprise's fiscal accounts for anterior epochs, if applicable.
  • Information on key persons: biographical data, professional experience, education and possibly criminal records for key managers and owners of the company.
  • Management structure and organisational chart: a description of the company's organisational structure and the composition of its management.
  • Consumer protection documents: possibly including customer service policies, measures to ensure transparency of operations and provide full information to consumers.

Translation and notarisation of documents

To secure a remittance permit in the Czech Republic, petitioners must fulfill specific statutory requisites, encompassing translation and notarization of records. The Czech statutory framework mandates that all official records presented to public bodies for examination be submitted in the Czech tongue. Consequently, if the initial records were composed in a foreign tongue, they must be translated by an authorized translator.

Moreover, the procedure of initiating a remittance permit in the Czech Republic mandates meticulous observance of all regulatory statutes and methodologies laid out by the Czech National Bank. This encompasses not solely furnishing the appropriate documents, but also showcasing that the enterprise fulfills all hazard administration, cyber defense, patron data safeguarding, and anti-money laundering prerequisites.

Henceforth, it is imperative that enterprises aspiring to petition for a remittance permit in the Czech Republic focus not solely on the substance of the documents tendered, but also on their meticulous legal authentication, comprising proficient translation and notarization.

Authorised capital

To effectively petition for a fiscal authorization in the Czech Republic, enterprises must meticulously adhere to the statutory capital prerequisites. This constitutes a pivotal facet for upholding fiscal steadfastness and fostering trust in the petitioner. The magnitude of minimum equity capital necessary for assorted kinds of fiscal entities is dictated by the Czech National Bank (CNB) and may fluctuate contingent upon the particulars of the envisaged fiscal operations.

Several fiscal considerations are considered in the procedure of ascertaining the inaugural sanctioned capital of banks in the Czech Republic. The primary constituents comprised in this computation are:

  • Core capital: the bank's original capital minus the value of treasury shares and derivative financial instruments such as forwards and options.
  • Reserve funds: considered an important element for additional financial security.
  • Retained earnings: accounted for by deducting mandatory reserves and recognised risks.
  • Other funds and retained earnings from past periods: includes retained earnings after tax and deduction of past losses.

Regarding the novel remittance frameworks initiated in the contemporary reporting phase, their capital prerequisites amount to 10 percent of anticipated operational expenditures, contingent upon modification in alignment with CNB policy. It is noteworthy to underscore that the Czech National Bank employs particular approaches to ascertain the obligatory magnitude of equity capital, and there exists no overarching fixed sum for all.

Preliminarily, the minimal equity capital for securing a remittance permit in the Czech Republic is around EUR 20 million, yet this amount might fluctuate contingent upon the nature of fiscal activity and the particular requisites of the CNB. Hence, enterprises endeavoring to secure a fiscal permit should meticulously scrutinize the regulatory prerequisites and confirm that their equity capital aligns with the stipulated criteria. This will not solely guarantee conformity with statutory regulations, but also foster trust among patrons and associates, and fortify the fiscal reliability and steadfastness of the applicant over the prolonged period.

Risk management and strategic planning

Obtaining a banking licence in the Czech Republic is closely linked to the development and implementation of effective risk management and strategic planning systems. These systems are key to managing the potential financial, operational and market risks that may arise in the course of a bank's activities. In the process of opening a banking licence in the Czech Republic, applicants must demonstrate to the Czech National Bank that they have sound risk management approaches in place, including the identification, assessment, monitoring and mitigation of potential risks. In addition, strategic planning plays an important role as it helps define the bank's long-term goals and directions, ensuring its resilience and adaptation to changing market conditions. Effective strategic planning and risk management are integral components of successfully obtaining a banking licence in the Czech Republic.

Popular types of legal entities for obtaining a licence

Available types of legal forms of companies in the Czech Republic

Opening a finance company in the Czech Republic involves choosing the appropriate legal form of company, each of which has its own particularities and requirements.

legal form


Limited Liability Company (s.r.o.)

From 1 to 50 participants

No necessity for a directorate

Every participant possesses the entitlement to make determinations autonomously

Joint Stock Company (a.s.)

Contributors bear responsibility commensurate with their inputs.

Administrative Board and Oversight Board mandatory.

Company with unlimited liability (v.o.s.)

All associates have boundless responsibility with their holdings.

The administration must be constituted by a minimum of two individuals.

Branch (pobočka)

Juridically subordinate branch bureau of an overseas enterprise

Possesses autonomous administration and its individual ledgers

The denomination of the branch ought to match the title of the overseas enterprise with the annexation of "Organizational Division"

Selecting the appropriate organizational structure to inaugurate a financial enterprise in the Czech Republic hinges on myriad factors, encompassing the magnitude of the enterprise, the preferred managerial framework, the degree of accountability of the initiators, and capital prerequisites. Each organizational structure possesses distinct attributes and requisites that should be considered when deliberating whether to commence a financial enterprise in the Czech Republic.

How to choose the right form of legal entity for financial activities

Launching a fintech business in the Czech Republic requires careful selection of the form of legal entity, which must fulfil both commercial objectives and regulatory requirements. Choosing the right form of legal entity for financial activities starts with understanding the characteristics and requirements of the different types of legal structures available in the Czech Republic.

To initiate a fintech enterprise in the Czech Republic, it's crucial to deliberate upon elements such as the sought-after level of legal accountability, the necessity to allure investment, tax considerations, and the adaptability of the management framework. Limited liability corporations might be the favored option for diminutive and medium-scale fintech startups owing to their comparatively straightforward establishment and management, as well as the restricted liability of the stakeholders.

Conversely, a collective stock corporation might be more suitable for fintech enterprises intending to entice substantial external investment or are contemplating a public offering. This type of corporation furnishes increased versatility in capital management and might ease the procurement of capital through the dissemination of shares.

Initiating a fintech enterprise in the Czech Republic might also involve contemplating configurations such as a satellite of an overseas enterprise, notably if the fintech enterprise already maintains a sturdy foothold beyond the Czech Republic. Satellites of foreign enterprises possess a certain level of self-governance, yet remain legally reliant on their overseas parent entity.

Based on the particulars of the enterprise and its enduring strategy, the selection of the legal entity configuration for a fintech enterprise in the Czech Republic ought to encompass an exhaustive evaluation of the fiscal, juridical, and operational facets of each category of legal entity. Hence, the resolution to elect the configuration of legal entity for a fintech enterprise in the Czech Republic should be well-informed and meticulously deliberated, considering both present and forthcoming business aims and strategies.

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Types of financial licences and areas of application

Different categories of financial licences in the Czech Republic

Commencing a FinTech corporation in the Czech Republic commences with choosing and securing the pertinent fiscal authorization, contingent upon the nature of the proposed business undertaking. There are numerous principal groupings of fiscal authorizations in the Czech Republic, each of which centers on a distinct array of amenities:

  • Payment Entity Authorization: This authorization grants permission for the delivery of a plethora of remittance amenities, encompassing monetary transfers, remittance handling, and other associated amenities. It encompasses a broad spectrum of remittance transactions and is indispensable for enterprises aspiring to partake in proficient remittance activities.
  • Digital Currency Establishment (DCE Permit): This permit is tailored for establishments intending to partake in the issuance and supervision of digital currency. It incorporates the capability to sustain digital currency accounts and offer diverse amenities associated with digital currency.
  • Modest Remittance Amenities Supplier permit: This is a simplified iteration of the remittance amenities supplier permit devised for enterprises delivering remittance amenities on a smaller scale. This permit is appropriate for fledgling entities or small-scale enterprises that are constrained in their assets or the magnitude of transactions.
  • Modest Digital Currency Establishments (MDCE) permit: Analogous to the modest remittance institution permit, the MDCE is a simplified variation of the conventional DCE permit. It is tailored for digital currency enterprises, albeit on a smaller scale.

One of the key differences between standard and small licences is the initial capital requirement and the scale of operations. For example, a standard EMI licence requires an initial capital of 350,000 euros and allows operations not only in the Czech Republic but also throughout the European Union. While the small SEMI licence exempts from the need for significant capital investment, but limits the company's activities to the Czech Republic and sets a limit on the average monthly turnover of 3 million euros.

The timeframe for obtaining licences also varies: for a small SEMI licence it can take between 1 and 3 months, while a full EMI licence can take between 5 and 9 months. Small licences are a more affordable option for smaller companies or start-ups starting out and not planning to operate internationally. Standard licences, on the other hand, are ideal for larger organisations with a wider geographical focus and significant financial resources.

An essential aspect of the process to obtain either of these licenses is to entreat the Czech National Bank, the official regulatory body that bestows licenses for all monetary endeavors in the Czech Republic. Attaining these licenses clears the path for enterprises to operate throughout the European Union and allure patrons from around the world, considerably widening the business's potential.

Ultimately, the process of establishing a FinTech enterprise in the Czech Republic necessitates thorough scrutiny and selection of the most fitting monetary license to meet the specific requirements of your organization.

Domains necessitating a fiscal authorization​​

Embarking on a FinTech venture in the Czech Republic entails adherence to various regulatory prerequisites, encompassing the necessity to acquire a fiscal authorization for particular undertakings. Fiscal authorizations in the Czech Republic are mandatory for a broad spectrum of fiscal amenities, which comprise, yet are not restricted to, the ensuing domains:

  • Payment services: encompasses the facilitation of fund transfers, payment frameworks, and electronic payment resolutions. Firms rendering such amenities are mandated to possess an apt remittance establishment or diminutive remittance establishment permit.
  • Issuance and management of electronic money: requires an electronic money licence or small institution licence for electronic money by companies that engage in these activities.
  • Brokerage and securities trading: requires a licence for securities trading activities and brokerage services.
  • Investment management: investment management requires an investment licence, which includes asset management and investment fund management.

Opening a FinTech business in the Czech Republic therefore requires careful research and understanding of the regulatory requirements and the need to obtain the appropriate licence. These requirements ensure that high standards of safety, soundness and transparency are maintained, which is important both to protect consumers and to maintain the integrity of the country's financial system.

Post-registration responsibilities and supervision

Post-licence management: internal control and audit

Establishing a remittance enterprise in the Czech Republic entails not solely the procedure of acquiring the pertinent permit, but also the subsequent management of the enterprise, which encompasses internal commands and audits. These facets are pivotal to guarantee that the enterprise adheres to regulatory prerequisites and upholds patron confidence.

Internal commands encompass an array of measures aimed at mitigating risk, ensuring efficacious governance, and adherence to legal and regulatory requisites. For a remittance amenities enterprise, this entails implementing systems to ensure the security of transactions, the secrecy of patron data, and the openness of fiscal transactions. Internal commands also incorporate procedures for surveillance and appraisal of the effectiveness of commercial processes, as well as pinpointing and handling potential hazards.

Audit is another key component of governance once a payment licence has been granted. It involves the regular review of financial records, procedures and management systems to ensure that they comply with established standards and regulations. Importantly, the audit should be carried out by independent auditors to ensure the objectivity and reliability of the audit findings.

Establishing a payment enterprise in the Czech Republic necessitates not solely abiding by all statutory prerequisites during the permit acquisition, but also ongoing supervision and command of the enterprise's operations to uphold its steadfastness, dependability, and the confidence of its patrons and associates. This involves executing potent internal command mechanisms and routine inspections to ascertain that the enterprise's operations align with all indispensable standards and requisites.

Interaction with the regulator and reporting

Operating a fintech venture in the Czech Republic demands active collaboration with the regulatory agencies, a pivotal facet for prosperous endeavors in this realm. This collaboration encompasses routine reporting and adherence to established requisites and benchmarks.

Of utmost significance is ongoing correspondence with the Czech National Bank (CNB), the primary regulatory entity for fiscal services. Firms engaged in fintech activities in the Czech Republic must regularly furnish the CNB with accounts of their operations, fiscal well-being, and conformity data. This encompasses details regarding fiscal transactions, hazard handling, anti-money laundering, and counter-terrorism financing measures.

Moreover, conducting a fintech enterprise in the Czech Republic necessitates that firms ensure lucidity in their undertakings. This involves furnishing comprehensive and precise data regarding their activities, commercial framework, and any alterations in the managerial cadre or core commercial procedures. The objective of such reporting and engagement with the regulator is not solely statutory compliance, but also upholding a lofty level of confidence and credibility in the perception of patrons and collaborators.

In addition to regular reporting, fintech companies in the Czech Republic are also required to notify the CNB of any significant incidents or changes that may affect their operations or financial position. This includes, for example, significant changes in the corporate structure, major transactions or events affecting the risk profile of the company.Consequently, overseeing a fintech enterprise in the Czech Republic demands not solely adherence to regulatory prerequisites, but also lively and transparent interaction with regulators. This guarantees the preservation of operational benchmarks and aids in the establishment of a steady and dependable milieu for the fintech sector in the nation.

Potential risks and how to minimise them

Risks associated with obtaining and holding a financial licence

In the endeavor of initiating and administering a fintech enterprise in the Czech Republic, it is imperative to contemplate diverse perils, particularly concerning the acquisition of a fiscal permit. The primary hazards entail the intricacies and expenditures linked with the licensing procedure, along with potential setbacks that might impede the envisaged schedule for commercial advancement.

Moreover, fintech enterprises must adhere to stringent regulatory stipulations, encompassing risk handling, patron datum safeguarding, and anti-money laundering directives. Noncompliance with these prerequisites can result in severe repercussions such as penalties, permit revocation, and reputational impairment.

Furthermore, fintech enterprises confront the hazard associated with shifts in the legal and regulatory framework. This necessitates enterprises to be adaptable and capable of aligning their undertakings with novel regulatory requisites.

Another important aspect is competitiveness in the dynamic fintech services market. New companies need to adapt quickly to changing market conditions in order to remain competitive.

In conclusion, to successfully run a fintech business in the Czech Republic, companies must skilfully manage the risks associated with obtaining and holding a financial licence, taking into account both regulatory requirements and market competition. This requires continuous monitoring, adaptation and a professional management approach.

Precautions and risk management

When seeking a fiscal permit in the Czech Republic, it's vital to consider not just the steps for acquisition, but also the subsequent measures and risk handling for sustained stability and security of the venture.

The crux of risk handling lies in forging an adept system capable of pinpointing, evaluating, and mitigating potential hazards. This entails recognizing risks, devising stratagems to alleviate or eradicate them, and establishing a surveillance and command structure. Such an approach facilitates swift adaptation to market dynamics, curbing potential losses.

Adhering to statutes and ordinances is equally pivotal. Fiscal entities must adhere to stringent regulations encompassing anti-money laundering, patron datum safeguarding, and capital conformity. Noncompliance can lead to severe legal ramifications, including penalties and permit forfeiture.

Furthermore, it's imperative to vigilantly track alterations in the regulatory and market milieu to promptly adjust to fresh requisites and risks. Regular revision of internal protocols and procedures is an integral facet of the risk handling procedure.

In summation, efficacious risk handling and preemptive actions are paramount for the prosperous functioning of a fiscal enterprise holding a permit in the Czech Republic. These entail risk handling tactics, statutory adherence, and ongoing surveillance of legislative and market alterations.


The process of acquiring an authorization necessitates diligent exertions and allocations. Enterprises must satisfy the lofty benchmarks and requisites of the Czech National Bank, encompassing not merely pecuniary facets, but also hazard administration, adherence, and datum safeguarding.

Moreover, fintech enterprises must ready themselves for vigorous hazard administration subsequent to obtaining an authorization. This comprises instituting a hazard surveillance and command framework, adhering to statutory prerequisites, and acclimating to the mutable regulatory milieu.

All of these safeguards and hazard administration methodologies aid in ensuring the steadfastness and dependability of a pecuniary enterprise, which constitutes a pivotal determinant in its prosperity. Acquiring a pecuniary authorization in the Czech Republic merely marks the inaugural phase in the progression of a fintech enterprise, and sustained adherence to regulations and benchmarks is a pivotal component on the path to success.

Consequently, a pecuniary authorization in the Czech Republic unveils the gateway to the universal pecuniary markets, but for enterprises to efficaciously secure and administer it, they must be primed to toil assiduously and rigorously conform to regulations and requisites. This embodies the pathway to unwavering and enduring prosperity in the fintech domain.