Financial license in Panama is a pivotal facet of the pecuniary condition of this nation, which, owing to its singular geographical situation, has entrenched itself as one of the foremost financial hubs globally. This standing is not solely attributable to Panama's strategic placement, but also to its cultivated banking arrangement, which beckons investors and entrepreneurs from diverse nations.

In this treatise we offer an exhaustive survey of the process acquiring a banking franchise in Panama, commencing from the antiquarian backdrop and statutory framework, culminating with a meticulous deliberation of the sundry classifications of licenses and the stipulations for their issuance.

Licensing of banking activities

Sanctioning in the banking sphere is a pivotal procedure that delineates the principles and stipulations for the operation of banking entities. Essentially, it is an authoritative warrant issued by the competent regulatory authority that authorizes the organization to effectuate activities in the banking sphere. This dossier not only establishes the juridical groundwork for the operation of the bank, but also ensures the confidence of clients and associates, validating the dependability and clarity of the financial institution.

In Panama, which boasts a cultivated banking system and an enticing investment milieu, procuring a banking charter is a momentous stride in entering the international financial marketplace. The charter affords the entitlement to execute an array of banking transactions, encompassing disbursing loans, overseeing asset administration, managing client accounts, and other financial amenities. Consequently, it evolves into a pivotal instrument for broadening enterprise and enticing overseas investments.Financial authorization in Panama is of prodigious significance and its momentousness cannot be underestimated. It not only unfurls the door to intercommunication with the global banking fellowship, but also markedly fortifies the stance of a pecuniary institution in the marketplace, augmenting its prestige and reliance among clientele and associates. Furthermore, the authorization guarantees conformity with lofty commercial norms and safeguards the safeguarding of the concerns of all stakeholders in fiscal dealings.

Banking regulation in Panama

The principal fragment of legislation supervising banking in Panama is Decree Law No. 9 of 1998, which erected the groundwork for the nation's contemporary banking system. This manuscript establishes regulations and methodologies for banking undertakings, encompassing stipulations for capital levels, hazard governance systems, and actions to forestall money washing.

The primary corpus accountable for regulating banking pursuits in Panama is Panama Bank Authority (Superintendency of Banks of Panama), which is accountable for overseeing and commanding the pursuits of banking establishments. This corpus ensures that banks comply with entrenched norms and standards and also performs periodic audits to sustain the vigor of the country's financial system.A crucial facet of regulation is the perspicuity of banking operations and adherence to international statutes and acts. Panama actively collaborates with international organizations such as FATF (Financial Action Group on Money Laundering), to guarantee that its banking system conforms to global benchmarks in the realm of financial security.

Advantages of obtaining a banking license in Panama

Acquiring a banking charter in Panama confers a multitude of consequential benefits, rendering this jurisdiction appealing to global financial institutions.

Tax benefits

One of the principal benefits is Panama's fiscal policy. The nation employs a territorial taxation scheme, whereby income garnered beyond its borders remains untaxed in Panama, yet could be subject to the jurisdiction where the earnings originated. This establishes advantageous circumstances for banks endeavoring to streamline their fiscal responsibilities. Such a system proves particularly advantageous for global banks whose primary operations occur outside Panama, affording them substantial alleviation of their tax liabilities.


Panama is further recognized for its exalted degree of secrecy in the banking sector. The nation's statutes rigorously safeguard patrons' private particulars and intelligence concerning financial dealings. This affords an extra stratum of safeguard for patrons and augments reliance in fiscal institutions functioning in Panama. This discretion guideline renders Panama alluring to those pursuing a protected and assured milieu for their fiscal transactions.

Flexibility of corporate governance

Panama proffers flexibility in corporate stewardship, permitting banks to accommodate changing global requisites and market exigencies. Panama's corporate stewardship framework is contrived to ensure efficacious hazard administration while permitting adequate latitude for ingenuity and tactical scheming. This encompasses the capability to establish international councils of directors, pliancy in structuring corporate maneuvers, and the capability to deploy cutting-edge technology to govern banking procedures.

Types of Banking Licenses in PanamaThere are numerous varieties of banking charters in Panama, each of which is concentrated on specific domains of banking undertaking and possesses its own distinct characteristics. Let's examine the three principal sorts of charters:

  1. General
  2. International
  3. Representative

General license in Panama

General permit in Panama ‒ the most exhaustive kind of permit in the banking sector, affording banking establishment the entitlement to furnish a plethora of pecuniary services both within Panama and abroad.

This sort of license is perfect for sizable monetary organizations seeking utmost operational adaptability and broadening their impact globally.

Principal attributes and competencies of the General License:

  • Extensive array of operations. Banks with a comprehensive charter can provide a complete spectrum of banking amenities, encompassing, yet not confined to, lending, managing deposits and current accounts, capital banking, wealth administration, and corporate clientele services.
  • Global and provincial exertions. General privilege in Panama permits the bank to function both within Panama and in the intercontinental market, affording the opportunity to assist a broad spectrum of patrons from diverse jurisdictions.
  • Statutory obligations. To procure and sustain a usual license, a bank must adhere to stringent statutory benchmarks established by Panamanian financial regulators. This encompasses prerequisites for capital adequacy, hazard oversight, clarity of corporate configuration, and adherence to global anti-money laundering statutes.
  • Advantages for customers. Typically authorized banks can provide their clientele a broader array of amenities and an elevated degree of safeguarding owing to Panama's stringent regulatory criteria.

Universal authorization in Panama is a token of excellence and dependability for banks, showcasing their capacity to adhere to lofty global benchmarks. This renders them appealing to both domestic and overseas patrons pursuing steadiness, safeguarding, and diversity in fiscal provisions.

International license in Panama

International license in Panama ‒ this is a distinctive sort of banking permit intended for financial entities who plan to conduct their operations exclusively beyond the nation. This kind of permit is appealing to globally oriented banks seeking opportunities to broaden internationally.

Characteristics and functionalities:

  • Constrained territorial engagement. Banks with a worldwide permit cannot furnish banking amenities within Panama. Their undertakings are confined to global operations, permitting them to concentrate on cosmopolitan clients and worldwide fiscal amenities.
  • Global banking transactions. Monetary establishments have the prospect to offer a heterogeneous assortment of amenities, comprising global borrowing, wealth oversight, investment banking, and other dealings associated with worldwide fiscal markets.
  • Regulative necessities. To acquire an intercontinental permit banks require to conform particular regulative principles established by the Panamanian authorities. These encompass prerequisites for lucidity of dealings, conformity with intercontinental decrees in the anti-money laundering sector and targeted at forestalling the financing of terrorist enterprises.
  • Advantages for the intercontinental marketplace. An intercontinental permit enables banks to efficaciously amalgamate into the planetary fiscal structure, proffering amenities to patrons worldwide and partaking in intercontinental fiscal enterprises.

International license in Panama is the optimal resolution for banks that seek to broaden their presence internationally by providing specialized and high-caliber financial amenities beyond Panama. This category of permit highlights the bank's worldwide orientation and dedication to international advancement and collaboration.

Representative license in Panama

Representative license in Panama crafted particularly for extraterritorial financial institutions aiming to establish their existence in this nation without partaking in dynamic banking endeavors. This category of authorization enables the inauguration of delegate bureaus on Panamanian terrain, thereby easing the foundation and expansion of commercial liaisons with both indigenous and worldwide financial institutions.

Primary attributes:

  • Restricted assortment of undertakings. Financial institution branches endowed with this authorization cannot execute conventional financial undertakings, such as receiving deposits, dispensing advances, or investment banking. Their chief responsibility is advertising, market inquiry, initiating business connections, and advocating the concerns of the progenitor bank.
  • Function in business tactics. Delegate authorization in Panama is frequently employed by international banks as an element of their worldwide extension tactic. It authorizes banks to investigate the Panamanian marketplace, formulate associations with indigenous financial organizations and corporations, and advertise their offerings.
  • Statutory responsibilities. Despite delegate bureaus do not perform vigorous banking operations, they are still subject to specific statutory prerequisites, encompassing adherence to indigenous statutes and ordinances.

Representative authorization in Panama is a pivotal implement for overseas banks seeking to broaden their sway and fortify business connections in the area. It permits banks to efficiently investigate the indigenous market, forge alliances, and advertise their offerings without engaging in direct rivalry with local banking establishments.

Criteria/Type of license

General license

International license

Representative license

Main function

Full range of banking operations both inside and outside Panama

Conducting banking transactions exclusively outside of Panama

Representing the interests of a foreign bank in Panama without the right to conduct banking activities

Client base

Local and international clients

International clients only

No direct clients, work with partners and market agents

Capitalization requirements

US$10 million

US$3 million

Not listed, but usually lower because there is no active banking activity

Regulatory Requirements

Rigorous, including risk management and transaction transparency

Compliance with international standards and norms

Main focus on corporate compliance

Operational flexibility

High, with the ability to conduct a variety of operations

Specialized in international operations

Limited to representation and marketing functions

Geographical coverage


Purely international

Limited to Panama for representative purposes

The target audience

Banks looking to expand globally

Banks with a focus on international markets

Foreign banks needing representation in Panama

This tabularizes furnishes an exhaustive collation of the principal varieties of banking licenses in Panama, considering their operative traits, pecuniary requisites, and intended clientele.

Requirements for banks to obtain a license in Panama

For acquiring a banking permit in Panama there are stringent prerequisites for the financial solidity and corporate configuration of the bank. These criteria play a pivotal role in guaranteeing the steadfastness and dependability of the nation's banking framework.

In the context of pecuniary sufficiency, affirmation is paramount availability of a satisfactory degree of sanctioned capital. For banks desiring to acquire a universal license, it is requisite to furnish attestation of capital in the amount of 10,000,000 USD. For an intercontinental license, a capital of 3,000,000 is obligatory USD. These sums delineate the fiscal steadfastness of the bank and its capacity to manage economic vicissitudes.

In terms of governance configuration and executive qualifications, lofty requisites are likewise imposed. Banks must furnish comprehensive particulars about their proprietors and administrators, affirming their pecuniary sufficiency. This encompasses information about the fiscal conglomerate to which the bank pertains, as well as particulars about the bank's involvement in other juridical entities. These measures are aimed at forestalling fiscal misconduct and ensuring an elevated criterion of proficiency in the oversight of banking pursuits.

It should be underscored that alien banks seeking acquire a permit in Panama, you are obliged to furnish constituent manuscripts and particulars about your pecuniary stance progenitive enterprise if there is one. This additionally underscores Panama's pledge to fashioning a translucent and dutiful banking milieu.

In essence, the prerequisites for banks to acquire a permit in Panama exemplify the nation's dedication to upholding a steadfast and dependable financial system that conforms to global norms. This fosters a conducive milieu for both domestic and overseas financial entities aspiring to function in the area with elevated credibility and proficiency.

The procedure for obtaining a banking license in Panama

Method for acquiring a banking permit in Panama can be dissected into several sequential steps. Every phase plays a crucial role in the efficacious fulfillment of the procedure.

Stage 1: Preparatory

  • Compilation of data and records. At this phase, the enterprise compiles all requisite records, comprising fiscal statements, audit analyses, capital particulars, governance configuration, and commercial scheme.
  • Verification of conformity with norms. An evaluation of the compiled records is conducted to ascertain their alignment with the mandates of the regulatory bodies of Panama.

Step 2: Submitting an application

  • Compilation and dispatch of a petition. The finished paperwork is assembled into a petition, which is then dispatched to the Panama Bank Authority.
  • Settlement of obligations. Payment of necessary governmental and registration charges linked with the licensing procedure.

Stage 3: Additional requirements and clarifications

  • Supplying supplementary details. If needed, the corporation furnishes extra details or elucidatory manuscripts upon the demand of regulators.
  • Rectification of observations. Adjustment of documentation considering the directives and requisites of the banking division.

Stage 4: Issuance of permit

  • Ultimate endorsement and issuance of permit. After effectively finishing all former phases and complete conformity with the prerequisites, the enterprise obtains banking permit in Panama.
  • Commencement of operation. From the instant of obtaining a permit, the bank has the prerogative to commence its operations in conformity with the terms and constraints established in the permit.

Every one of these phases necessitates a meticulous approach and expert coaching, as prosperous acquisition of a banking authorization in Panama hinges on rigorous adherence to established norms and requisites.

Applying for a banking license in Panama online

Acquiring a banking permit in Panama is presently accessible via the internet, streamlining the procedure for foreign investors and financial entities. The procedure entails assembling of papers, digital submission of an appeal on official website of the Panama Bank Authority, corresponding with overseers, gaining preliminary consent, disbursing charges, and securing a permit. This approach conserves time and assets, is within reach of global candidates, and ensures openness and effectiveness in monitoring the condition of an appeal.Seeking a banking charter in Panama via the internet is a contemporary and expedient approach to conducting banking affairs, which can markedly streamline and accelerate the process for granting a charter. This approach is particularly pertinent for overseas investors and financial establishments aiming to enhance their footprint in the global sphere.

Required documents to obtain a banking license in Panama

Acquiring a banking privilege in Panama necessitates the submission of sundry manuscripts, each of which holds paramount significance in the process for scrutiny and endorsement of the petition.

Collection of papers for a banking license in Panama:

  • Petition for a permit. This is the primary manuscript that furnishes fundamental details about the bank, comprising its denomination, lawful habitation, and sort of license solicited. The petition must be perspicuously articulated and encompass all the indispensable particulars for review of the petition.
  • Bank's constitutional manuscripts. These manuscripts encompass the bank's articles and other foundational manuscripts verifying its legitimate standing. They must encompass comprehensive details about the bank’s governance configuration, its aims and intents.
  • Pecuniary chronicling. It is indispensable to present pecuniary annals for the preceding biennium, encompassing a ledger and revenue chronicle. These manuscripts, composed in concordance with global bookkeeping canons, must conspicuously delineate the pecuniary tableau of the depository.
  • Scrutineers' discourses. These are autonomous audit discourses that substantiate the veracity of the depository's pecuniary annals. Such manuscripts are pivotal to appraising the pecuniary fortitude and transparency of a fiscal establishment.
  • Intelligence about capital. Manuscripts corroborating the magnitude and provenance of the depository's sanctioned capital. These may be depository annals, deposit accords, and other pertinent certificates and scrolls.
  • Enterprise augmentation schema. This manuscript encompasses a thorough delineation of the financial institution's tactical orientations and growth outlooks, encompassing prognostications of fiscal outcomes, methodologies for market stance, and hazard governance stratagems.
  • Data regarding administration and equity holders. Furnishing vitae and vocational synopses of pivotal constituents of the executive cadre and equity holders is indispensable for evaluating their credentials and acumen. This data enables overseers to gauge the adeptness and expertise of those who will oversee banking endeavors, which is a pivotal parameter for sanctioning a financial charter in Panama.

These manuscripts constitute the foundation for evaluating the petition for securing a banking charter in Panama and must be meticulously composed and submitted in compliance with statutory stipulations. Superior craftsmanship and thoroughness of the materials tendered markedly augment the likelihood of triumphantly acquiring a charter.

Terms and cost of a banking permit in Panama

Acquiring a banking license in Panama is an endeavor that necessitates meticulous strategizing both temporally and monetarily. For aspiring banks and fiscal entities intrigued by engaging in commerce within this territory, it is crucial to comprehend the anticipated duration and expense of the comprehensive procedure.

Time estimate for obtaining a license

The protocol for acquiring a banking charter in Panama typically necessitates a span of numerous moons to half a year. The length of this course hinges on a plethora of determinants:

  • Exactitude and thoroughness of formulated records. Composing and amassing all requisite records comprehensively and devoid of mistakes necessitates meticulous labor and can consume substantial duration.
  • Engagement with regulatory entities. The procedure of deliberating and endorsing the petition with the Panama Banking Authority might necessitate supplementary endeavors to elucidate the furnished data and implement requisite amendments.
  • Phases of initial and ultimate sanctioning. Subsequent to tendering your license petition, there ensues a phase of acquiring preliminary sanction. Thereafter, one must await the conclusive verdict on conferring a license in Panama.

Financial costs for obtaining a license

The expense of procuring a banking permit in Panama hinges on a multitude of variables, encompassing the category of permit and the distinctive conditions of each specific instance. Principal expenditures typically comprise:

  • Commonwealth and enlistment tariffs and exactions. These tariffs are adjudicated by the Panamanian supervisory officials and may oscillate contingent on the classification of permit solicited.
  • Remuneration for services of jurisprudential and advisory establishments. Engaging experts to draft and tender paperwork, along with furnishing counsel on statutory adherence, constitutes a pivotal facet that can markedly amplify the aggregate expenses of the accreditation procedure.
  • Ancillary outlays. Such outlays encompass remuneration for transliteration of paperwork, attestatory services, and other affiliated expenditures indispensable for the efficacious culmination of the protocol to procure a permit in Panama.

Operational requirements and regulation

Regulative stipulations for the operational endeavors of banks in Panama comprise a constellation of protocols whose objective is to preserve endurance, translucency, and credence in fiscal establishments. This constellation encompasses stringent documentation and scrutiny ordinances, along with efficacious hazard administration and intrinsic oversight.

Reporting and audit

Fiscal entities functioning in Panama are accountable for perpetually presenting annals illustrating their pecuniary standing and operative pursuits. These annals must be composed in consonance with global bookkeeping edicts and embody exhaustive monetary particulars, encompassing specifics on revenue and expenditures, financial statement, and liquidity movements.

Scrutiny is likewise an essential facet of the fiduciary endeavors of depositories, furnishing an extra echelon of lucidity and dependability in their undertakings. Autonomous examinations are executed to validate the veracity of the fiscal particulars supplied. An examination aids in discerning any incongruities or prospective hazards, which bolsters assurance in the depository among patrons and overseers.

Internal control and risk management

Efficient peril administration is at the heart of banking operations. Banking institutions are obligated to establish and execute comprehensive frameworks to administer various sorts of hazards, encompassing credit, market, and operational hazards. This procedure involves identifying potential hazards, formulating strategies to alleviate them, and executing appropriate protocols and policies.

Internal oversight also plays a pivotal role in sustaining the stability and dependability of banking activities. It encompasses surveillance and evaluating the efficacy of operational processes, hazard administration frameworks, and regulatory adherence. Internal oversight aids in averting fiscal irregularities and ensuring that the bank's activities conform to established norms and legal decrees.

Enacting bank accreditation procedures in Panama is a task that demands exhaustive comprehension of local decrees, fiscal benchmarks, and regulatory stipulations. Given the multifaceted and intricate essence of this procedure, a fundamental facet of triumph is collaborating with a seasoned and trustworthy ally who can furnish proficient assistance and counsel.

TK DEAL is a firm specialized in rendering sage advisory services in the realm of banking ordinance and sanctioning procedures in Panama. Our crew comprises adepts with profound erudition and pragmatic know-how in the realm, enabling us to furnish efficacious succor at each stage of the sanctioning progression. We proffer an amalgamated methodology, encompassing scrutiny of all requisite stipulations, formulation of pertinent manuscripts, succor in parleys with regulatory entities, and bolster in addressing burgeoning quandaries.